I am Tyson

Chapter 174 - Fight for equality

Tyson’s phone was broken.

Countless people want to contact him.

As a last resort, Tyson unplugged all the telephone lines in his house, and his big brother had no charge after the power was cut off.

Even so, there are still countless people at his doorstep.

Those journalists want to take photos of Tyson and want him to speak.

Countless people chanted Mike Tyson’s name.

There are more than 50 policemen maintaining law and order.

Tyson had to find 20 security guards to stand in front of his house.

The development of the matter has exceeded his plan.

The people’s emotions were ignited by him, and he became the most watched person in the whole country.

Everyone is waiting for his appearance.

Mike Tyson did not let them down.

He never disappointed those who supported him.

Two security guards carried a table.

They connected a microphone.

The people became calm because they knew Mike Tyson was coming out.

Five minutes later, Tyson came out of the room.

He stepped on the stool and stood on the table.

The bustling crowd instantly became extremely quiet.

The reporters pointed their cameras and cameras at Tyson standing on the table.

Tyson nodded.

“I am disappointed.”

“Those who smashed, burned, and robbed made me feel very disgusted.”

“This is not my original intention.”

“I don’t want to split, I want peace and beauty, and fair treatment.”

“And some people are doing illegal things under the name of Mike Tyson.”

“What I’m advocating is that there is no skin color problem in everyone’s eyes, and everyone should get the respect he deserves.”

“But some people with ulterior motives stand in our ranks and do things that corrupt our reputation.”

“Such a thing shouldn’t happen, it makes us a mob…”

At this time, a uniformed policeman walked to the sound and wanted to unplug the microphone.

“Police officer, I am making the world what it should be.”

Everyone set their sights on the police officer.

He felt great pressure and retreated silently.

“What we want to do is not riot, but respect, so that everyone who sees us will say to us: Hello, my friend.”

“You made things worse, those with ulterior motives turned us into rioters, and the racial respect I advocated became a big joke.”

“You make me look up in front of everyone, and they will point to my spine and say: Hey, did you see that? It was a person who started a war!”

“We must control the development of this state of affairs, and we should use our power to change the world, not destroy it. We should expel those thugs and distinguish them from us. All those who destroy public and private property are not ours. Friends, we should be united, let the world hear our voices, make respect a reality, and keep riots away from life.”

“If you respect Mike Tyson and respect the racial equality he advocates, then you should use peaceful means to deal with everything and make Mike Tyson proud of you.”

“The whole world will see us and see our efforts for peace, freedom and equality!”

“Our future generations will live in a beautiful world, and no one will care what kind of clothes they wear, what kind of skin they have.”

“In their education, there will be no more words and deeds, no more carefulness, no more inferiority.”

Tyson raised his fist and shouted in a very explosive voice.

“Mike Tyson, fight for equality!”

Everyone was infected by Mike Tyson, he is an excellent speaker, he can express his inner rich emotions.

Regardless of race, there is a feeling of empathy.

They followed Tyson without hesitation and shouted.

“Fight for equality!”

“Fight for equality!”

The ear-shaking voice went straight to the sky.

Their will seemed to be tied together and twisted into a rope.

Let us fight for equality!

Tyson’s speech.

His figure on the table, and the ferocious words, and finally the hysterical roar was reported by more than half of the television and media.

His passion burned all those who longed for equality.

Those who smashed and burned were dragged out, they were kicked out of the team by a beating, and then the police will take these people away, and then they will face government and private complaints.

The parade ranks become more and more pure, and the number of people is also increasing.

Tyson doesn’t like suits, but he has to wear some formal clothes today.

He received a subpoena from the court, and today he will hear the trivial matter of him and Sean Pan.

His lawyer is the elite of the industry, but now this little thing is used by the elite of the lawyer.

Ryan drove Tyson to the courtroom in a car.

Behind them were seventeen security guards.

In front of the court, it was already full of people.

Those people looked forward to waiting for Mike Tyson to appear.

Thirty policemen were maintaining order at the scene, and ten traffic policemen were guiding traffic.

Over time, the number of people has increased.

These people either hold ‘inability to breathe’ or ‘fight for equality’.

The entire street in front of the court was already full, and the police had to send more police to maintain order at the scene.

Sean Pan and his lawyer quietly got into the court.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

A Rolls-Royce drove slowly.

This is Mike Tyson’s car.

Many people knew his car, and they gave way to let Rolls Royce pass.

When his car drove by, the gap in the road was blocked again, and everyone was watching silently.

Rolls Royce stopped in front of the court.

Mike Tyson came down from the car.

No cheers, no clutter, and even the sound of the reporters pressing the shutter.

They looked at Mike Tyson silently.

The security guard and the police quickly opened a passage.

Tyson came down from the car and looked around. He didn’t speak and walked silently towards the court.

When he walked to the door of the court, he suddenly stopped.

Turned his head and raised his fist.

Everyone knew what he meant.

They also raised their fists.

No one shouted the exit sign.

They are making a silent declaration.

Tyson walked into the court.

The two lawyers had a heated debate.

Sean Pan’s lawyers found the witnesses and exhibits, as well as the injury certificate issued by the hospital.

Tyson’s lawyers were calm, fighting back those ridiculous exhibits.

Sean Pan came to the scene, his face has not been swollen so far, and one of his teeth was pulled out, which exacerbated the swelling of his face.

Siempan’s face is the best evidence.

The judge questioned Mike Tyson in the final stage of the trial.

“Mike Tyson, your behavior is an indisputable fact. We need to understand how you are doing damage to Sean Pan.”

Tyson stood up and looked at the judge’s eyes, saying one by one: “The body has scratches, then it will disappear with the passage of time, and people who are injured in a short time will forget the pain of the wound. “

“Scratch marks appear in the mind, and the scratches will deepen with time. It will breed like a virus, corrode the soul, and the injured person will be painful and tortured.”

“I’d rather Sean Penn would shoot me like a man, rather than hurt my soul like a wizard.”

“If time reverses, I think I will make a different choice. I will use fists instead of slaps!”

“I will let him know that hurting a person’s heart and self-esteem will be more serious than hurting a person’s body!”

The judge and the jury started a quiet discussion.

If Sean Pan had a swollen face, he would laugh.

Mike Tyson’s words sound more like self-defeating.

Mike Tyson, I have given you a chance.

A half-million-dollar knife is very easy for you. You should agree to such a condition, so you don’t have to be punished.

It’s too late to say anything.

My evidence is very sufficient, your conviction is absolutely established!

Although you will not be sentenced again, but you will be criticized for this matter!

Sean Pan’s face was swollen, and it looked a bit daunting.

Tyson sat in his seat, waiting quietly for the judge’s decision.

He didn’t look nervous, he could even say he was relaxed.

After 5 minutes of deliberation, the judge and jury’s verdict has come down.

“After…, Mike Tyson’s legitimate defense was established and acquitted.”

Those who listened were stunned for a few seconds. After a long time, they stood up and applauded the judge’s justice.

The pride on Siampan’s face disappeared, and after a few seconds he reacted, his face flushed and shouted at the judge: “It’s not fair, you are partial to him again, you are partial to a black man.”

His words angered everyone present.

In this way, the judge’s judgment is very fair, and Mike Tyson is justly defending.

He avoided greater harm to his own soul.

An excited listener ran out of the courtroom.

He came to the steps at the door and shouted loudly: “Mike Tyson is a proper defense, he was acquitted.”

Who cheered in an instant.

Mike Tyson is a legitimate defense, which represents an attitude.

Some people have begun to lower their noble heads under massive protests.

It may be that the court is feeling the pressure.

But this is a good signal and a beginning.

The police looked at them nervously~www.mtlnovel.com~ fearing that these people would do something because they were too excited.

It didn’t take long for Mike Tyson in a gray suit to come out.

He waved at those people and then got into the Rolls Royce, surrounded by security guards.

Those people again gave way to Rolls-Royce.

Rolls-Royce passed slowly.

After Mike Tyson left, the crowd began to dissipate, and the entire street soon returned to its previous calm.

The matter of Mike Tyson and Sean Pan is a small thing, but also a big thing.

After Sean Pan lost his case, his career began to decline.

Every one of his TV series and movies has suffered resistance from the audience.

The film’s director and investors began to alienate him.

He fell from a big star.

It is estimated that it won’t take long before he will automatically quit the entertainment circle and seek new development.

‘Tyson’s proper defense’ ignited everyone’s heart.

Because a white man insulted the black man in language, the black man gave him a slap and smashed his teeth, but the black man was sentenced to a proper defense.

This is something that has never been seen before.

This matter has a milestone significance in the struggle for racial equality.

Mike Tyson’s: ‘Can’t breathe. ‘‘Fight for equality. ’

Let everyone examine a problem.

Is equality difficult?

Why do many ethnically mixed countries do not have this problem, but they are extremely severe in the United States?

The superiority of white people is innate? Or is it inherited by thought?

If you want to get rid of this kind of thinking, it can never be done within a year or two. This requires the efforts of countless people, and unity and persistence.

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