I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 14: Lurking shadows


I'm a day late because I had to fix some parts of the eighteenth chapter.


Yesterday was just way too crazy. In addition to a lizard's attack, a woman also appeared who introduced herself as my half-sister. Now I had one more person to worry about.

"Morning, Siana."

Nicole tore me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even realized I had reached the school.

"Morning, Nicole."

Together we approached the school building.

"Siana, do you know the schedule?"

I shook my head.

"Here it's for you."

She took out a piece of paper and handed it to me.








1./2. Lessons






3./4. Lessons






5./6. Lessons






7./8. Lessons


Spanish/ French




1To see the language similarity, I put the german version at the end of the chapter.

It was a completed timetable.

"Thank you. History is the first lesson. What is the current topic? "

"Nothing difficult, just the zweiter Prager Fenstersturz2Well, the English-Wikia don't have a page for this event, so I wasn't sure what the English name would be. and the following thirty years-long war as a consequence."

Prague lintel3This would be the translations word for word... expect the second(zweiter)...

That wasn't my favorite theme.

"Come on. The others are waiting in front of the classroom."

When we got to the classroom, the door was already unlocked. It was not yet eight o'clock, so we were not late. We made our way to the table and sat down. Only a small part of the class was there, and the others had to come yet.

Less than five minutes later, the whole class gathered in the room, and the teacher started the lesson.


=== At the same time in a different place. POV third-person ===


"Master, I found her."

Two figures hid in the shadow of a small alley.

"Where is she?"

"She hides. But someone I don't know protects her, maybe individuals from this world."

The evil glowing red-eyes of the master turned to the servant. A flash of red rose from the master's hand and threw the servant to the ground.


The servant screamed, but his master's voice thundered in his ears.

“I don't want to know who is helping her! I want her head! She's the last one in my way. Get out of my sight. You useless piece of scum."

The servant's shadow disappeared without another word.

“Tch! A group of idiots. I should have started with you, Avila!"


=== At school, POV Siana ===


*Ding* *dong* *dang* *ding*

The school bell rang. My final lesson, Spanish, was over, which also meant the end of my school day.

The five of us left school when a happy little wolf jumped into my arms.

*Woof* *Woof*

Fen was happy to see me and rubs his head against me. The leash hung from his neck, but no one held it.

"Siana, you know this dog?"

Tanya's eyes light up as I turned to her.

“Yes, this is my dog, Fen. Fen, say hello."


Fen barked once and raised his right paw.

"My little wolf is pretty intelligent."

I scratched his ears.

But besides Tanya's positive reaction, Yasemin and Michelle didn't seem that enthusiastic. Michelle nervously spoke out what she was thinking.

"Uhm, why is the dog alone here?"

"I have a guess, but I'm sure we'll find out in a moment."

I placed Fen back on to the ground. I could hear heavy footsteps faintly coming closer and closer.

“Fen!? Fen!? Where are you?"

Avila appeared from behind a row of fir trees.

"Oh! Siana! Hey Fen, what was that supposed to mean!?”

Breathing hard, she holds herself up with her hands on her knees. Her head was red, and she looked exhausted.

“Avila!? What are you doing here?"

“Fen wanted to go outside, so I put him on a leash as you explained to me and wanted to go out with him. At first, everything was ok, but suddenly Fen broke loose and ran away... Now I know the reason."

She straightened up, and a tired smile was on her face. I turned to Fen, who was just being tested by Tanya with commands like Paw or play dead. I shook my head.

"Sorry, guys, but I think I'm going back home with my sister and Fen."

I apologized, but the others took it easy. Only Tanya was disappointed that she couldn't continue playing with Fen.

"No problem."

Nicole waved that off and pushed Tanya with her. I waved to them, then turned to Avila and Fen.

"What do we do now?"

“Uhm… I don't know my way around this world. It would be helpful if you could show me and explain some things."

I had nothing in mind anyway, as if nothing stood in the way.


We made our way towards the city center. We followed the bikeway into the city center. When we reached Hiroshima Square, we met a familiar face.

"Hey Sam."

"Oh! Hello Siana... Avila and Fen."

Sam was holding two large bags from a local supermarket.

“Good that I meet you here, Siana! Have you heard from Desmond? He wasn't at school today and didn't answer his phone."

I thought for a moment before answering.

"Then just try it later or tomorrow at school."

He nodded.

"I'm sure nothing happened."

Avila wanted to cheer him up, but Sam only gave a tired smile.

"I get going."

Sam said goodbye and left.

“Good, Avila, this is the town hall, this is where the head of the city of Göttingen sits. The square is named after a town destroyed in the last great war by one of the world's cruelest weapons. The town is called Hiroshima and is on the other half of the world."

"And why is this incident being remembered here in a foreign country?"

I turned to her.

“Because the father4Oppenheimer of this weapon lived in this city a few hundreds of meters away from here. Come, let's go."

I pointed to the other side of the street where the pedestrian area and the actual inner and old town began.








1./2. Stunde






3./4. Stunde






5./6. Stunde






7./8. Stunde


Spanisch o. Französisch




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