I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 4: The money problem.

=== POV an unknown male student


Our teacher was already ten minutes late for art classes, and my classmates were doing some nonsense. The female classmates, on the other hand, complained about how childish the boys were.


The door was suddenly opened, and our teacher was standing in the doorway.

“What’s going on here?”

He glared at the others and directed them back to their chairs.

“You can come in!”

The teacher turned to the open door and talked to someone I couldn’t see. There were soft footsteps and a moment later a delicate figure came into the room. She went to our teacher and stopped next to him. A hood covered her face, and I couldn’t see anything.

“Please take off your hood and introduce yourself.”


She reached for the hood and brushed it back.


Fiery red hair popped out from under the hood. The hair color on its own looked unnatural, but on closer inspection, the hair color looked natural on her. Her eyes were golden, and her face was mesmerizing that I was lost for words.

“Hey, I’m not sure what to say... hm... well... I’m Siana von Tyrn, and I’m joining your class from today on.”


=== (A few days earlier. POV - Siana von Tyrn)


I put aside the form to change schools.

Crap! Damn it, how am I supposed to go to school with these horns!?


…WAIT A MOMENT! Why do I have to go to school at all!

I shook my head and was annoyed.

What should I do now?


Fen came running into my bedroom and jumped on the bed next to me.

“And? Did you eat up?”



I scratched his neck, and he enjoyed it. He lay down on his back and panted slightly.

“Do you want me to curl your stomach? Do you want it?”

I started to rub his belly lightly, and it looked like he was enjoying it. I continued a few more minutes until I was tired and stopped.

“So, Fen! I want to sleep now.”

I stopped scratching him and started taking off my clothes.

Uh!? Uh!? How do I do it now!?

I tried not to think about it and stripped down to my underwear and slipped under the covers. I covered my body under the covers, only my wings were spread out over the entire bed, and some parts were not under the blanked. Fen crouched down on the blanket and leaned against me.

I closed my eyes, and only now I realized how tired I was, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


The morning came faster than I thought, and I couldn’t continue to sleep, so I struggled to get up. I got up carefully so that I won’t awake Fen and went into the kitchen area. I searched for something to eat, but there was nothing in the house.

I have to go shopping... Maybe there is some money in the bank account!

Going back to the bedroom to get dressed would probably wake Fen up, so I decided to take out the clothes from my bag that I had received in the game before I arrived here.

Since I didn’t have a kite tail, it was easy for me to put on my pantyhose, shorts, and sneakers, but with the t-shirt and hoodie started the trouble. My wings were obviously in the way, and so I wasn’t sure how to do it.

The clothes had the ability to “adjustment,” maybe that will help me!

I thought about how it could help me.

It would be great if my wings were without substance.

My body got out of balance, and when I could catch myself again, I found that the weight of my wings had disappeared. I turned my head to look at them, and they looked different, they looked transparent.

I decided to go to the bathroom and looked in the mirror for my wings, but they were no longer there.

They disappeared!?

I turned my head again, and I could see a part of my wings in the corner of my eye.

They are invisible!?

I ran into the living room and tried to put on my t-shirt and... it worked! The hoodie followed, and I was ready to leave the house.

Ah! Wait! My horns!? My horns should also be without substance!

Before I knew it, my horns were gone.


I was just about to leave the house when something touched my calf. Startled, I turned my gaze behind me and looked down. Fen stood behind me with a wagging tail.

“Fen, do you want to join me?”


The tail began to wag even more violently, and I couldn’t say no to these big round eyes.

“But before we go, I need a leash for you.”

Before I could finish the sentence, he turned and ran away. A moment later, Fen appeared with something in his mouth and put it down in front of me.

“You are prepared for everything! It seems to me.”

Fen brought an approximately 2m long leather leash. I lifted it and attached it to his necklace.

My first trip with Fen started.




Fen was very active, and in less than ten minutes, we reached the Gänseliesel, most of the shops wouldn’t open in the next one hour or two hours, but the bank branch was already open around 9:00 a.m.

I was just about to go to the branch when I noticed the sign with the “Dogs prohibited” sticker.

“Oh! Fen, you can’t come in here, can you wait a moment for me?”

“Wo... o... of!”

He looked a little disappointed, but it seemed like he understood.

“Great! Thank you!”

I got the line on a pole and went into the building. With a last look, I looked back and said something to him.

“Be nice!”

The bank branch was an old building with high ceilings and large windows. I passed the ATM and approached the counters, luckily it was early, and the department was empty except for two other customers.

“Welcome to the Sparbank Göttingen, how can I help you, Miss?”

My head faltered when the bank clerk called me “Miss.”

“Everything OK?”

She asked about me again because I didn’t answer her.

“Ah! Yes, everything is fine.”

“How can I help you?”

With a friendly but also tired smile, she asked me again. I pulled out the bank card and answered her question at the same time.

“I would like to withdraw money from my account, but since my mother created a pin-free account for me, I can’t see my balance through a machine. Can you show me my account balance?”


The woman took the card out of my hand and pushed it through the card reader. A small display on my side lit up, asking me to sign. I signed the way I thought it was right, and a moment later, my account balance was shown in the same place.


I had expected that there would be a few hundred euros in the account, but I never expected that in the account...

€ 50,000!!! What the fuck!?

I tried not to show any emotions on my face and sorted out my thought for a moment. I entered my desired collection amount on the screen and confirmed it again with a signature. Instead of receiving the money directly at the counter, the woman handed me a second card together with my card.

“Thanks for your visit!”


I said goodbye and went to an empty ATM. I pushed the newly received card into the machine and waited for the process. A moment later, the machine kept the card and sent the money out to me. I started counting the money.

€ 3,000, everything is there!? Now I can buy my equipment!

I left the Sparbank branch, and a kindergarten group stood right next to the entrance and squeaked a little.

“How sweet!”

“I want to stroke it!”

“Me too!”

The two nannies all had their hands to keep the children under control.

What’s going on here?

The kindergarten children stood around the stake where Fen was attached.


I called his name, and as I thought he came out between the children and had the other end of the leash in his mouth.

“I knew it! You got rid of yourself!?”

I snatched the leash and lifted Fen into my arms.

“Look, children, the doggie has an owner. Now let’s go. Otherwise, we will be late for the theater performance!”

Because the kindergarten group moved south, I went north with Fen in my arms. A few meters further, I put him back on the ground.

“Let’s buy something to eat!”


I sat on the terrace of a breakfast bar. It took a few minutes for a waitress to come to me.

“Good morning, what should it be?”

“I would like to have menu 2 with orange juice instead of coffee.”

“Menu two with orange juice, is there anything else?”

She repeated my order and wrote it down at the same moment.

“Some extra bacon and a bowl of water would be great.”

For the latter, I pointed at Fen, who laid under my chair.

“All right, no problem.”

She wrote something else down and headed for the kitchen.

It was a mild spring morning, and many people had jackets on, but I didn’t feel the cold, and even in the hoodie, I felt warm rather than cold.

The waitress came back with a glass of orange juice on a tray in her right hand and a bowl of water for Fen in her left hand. She put the plate on the table and put the bowl in front of Fen, then put the orange juice on the table and took the tray back with her.

It took about 5 minutes for the waitress to unload a plate in front of me. It was loaded with eggs and bacon, and a simple potato salad.

I cut two pieces of the bacon into small pieces and placed them on the ground next to the water bowl.

Fen started enjoying his food, and I did the same. It took 15 minutes, and both Fen and I were done. I paid for the food and went out with Fen.

“So, Fen! Jupiter1In Germany exists an electronic market called Saturn. :D should be open now, I still need a new smartphone, and I have to buy a computer!”


Here is a picture of a possible design of Siana of Tyrn. It's not perfect but close. :D

Origin: My Character in GW2

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