I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 18: Announcement

Manu had long fallen asleep. He was drooling onto her shoulder. She tried to keep him as steady as she could while following Han Qin up the stairs of the inn she had been brought to. It was one that clearly catered to high-end clients. All she could see were people in extravagant clothing and money flowing like water. She had been to her fair share of high-end establishments in this world but this was quite a few levels higher. The Capital lived up to its name.

Han Qin led them up onto the third floor, to the room at the very end. The room was spacious and luxurious. She was sure each of the furniture and showpieces here cost a fortune. Not that she couldn’t afford some of them. She had earned herself quite some money in the past few years.

“The two of you will be staying here for a few days,” Han Qin turned to them, his expression apologetic. “I understand that it is an inconvenience but you cannot enter the palace for a few days. There are some …. Problems.”

“The delegate, right?” She asked. She had gleaned the gist of what was happening from the servants. That man they had been called to serve was apparently the messenger of the rival kingdom. They have been doing a tug-of-war for years now. Apparently, Rayie had been waiting for an opportunity to attack Xin. So, the arrival of a messenger with what she heard was a peace offering was … surprising. And suspicious.

“I understand,” she continues. “It wouldn’t do to let information about a newfound Prince and potential heir to the throne leak to your enemy kingdom.”

If Han Qin was surprised at how much she knew about the situation, he did not show it. Instead, he nodded at her. “You will need to stay here for a week while we make the necessary preparations to welcome you.”

“You don’t need to make it sound so grand,” she smiled at him. “Just make sure Manu will be protected at all times.”

“Of course,” he nodded. “Two Shadow Guards will always be present around the inn. If you need anything, just call out through the window. They’ll hear and come to you.”

Samaya put Manu down on the bed and tucked him in. “Well, I do need something right now.”

She turned to find him looking at her in askance. “I need you to sound insulate this room.”

This time, he did show surprise. It soon turned into a frown. “For what reason?”

“You can’t possibly think I would be alright with two men listening in on me all the time,” she raised an eyebrow. “Manu has nightmares sometimes. So do I. And …. Well, a woman has some personal things she does that she would rather no one else knew.”

He looked like he wanted to ask something. Samaya didn’t elaborate, just gave him a meaningful look. He flushed and cleared his throat. “Well… alright. But only the room. The Guards will always be keeping an eye on it and will know when you leave.”

She nodded. “I understand.” She had expected as much. “Don’t worry. We are already here. Since His Majesty agreed to my conditions, we won’t be attempting an escape anytime soon.”

In the future, however? Who knew?

“Alright.” Han Qin turned to leave. “Please wait while I make the necessary arrangements.”

The next hour passed in a blur. Han Qin came back with the talismans and put them in the four corners of the room. She tested it by throwing him out and closing all the doors and windows before speaking in nasty innuendos as loudly as she could. When she opened the door again, he was staring at her blankly. So, either he really hadn’t heard or he was a really good actor. Which, she doubted. The Han Qin she knew wouldn’t be able to look her in the eyes after all that she said.

She smiled at him. “It works. Now then, I’m exhausted and desperately need some sleep. I shall see you whenever you decide to grace me with your presence next. Good night!”

She closed the door to his face. And then she sat down beside Manu. She grabbed her satchel and fished out another talisman. She tore it up. A moment later, Ah-Liu was in front of her.

“Are the sound insulating talismans working properly?” She asked first. There was a pause as Ah-Liu concentrated and then he nodded.

“Are you alright?” She asked softly. He nodded an answer, and she allowed herself a soft smile. “I’m troubling you, aren’t I?”

He frantically shook his head and she chuckled. “No need to deny it, brat. Stay here tonight. There are extra blankets in the room. Do not,” she added as Ah-Liu opened his mouth, “argue with me, brat. I have more work for you from tomorrow so you need the rest.”

“Work?” The boy asked, tilting his head.

“Scope out the Capital and the Palace. Learn all the important routes and secret paths. Find out the information network here. See if you can buy out a few informants. Find the Fallen Phoenix branch supervisor and get acquainted. Send a message to Siwang through them. I won’t be taking any missions for a while.”

She frowned, pondering further. “You also need to find out all the information about the major noble families, anyone who is anyone. Pay special attention to those that have concubines in the Imperial Harem and connections in the Imperial Court. I want all the information. And find out the situation inside the Imperial Harem first and foremost. I need to know who might pose a danger to Manu.” She looked up at him. “Can you do it?”

He nodded firmly.

“Good,” she said as she handed him a blanket and a pillow. “Now get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in the morning.”

Without giving him a chance to argue, she settled down, pulled Manu close to her bosom and closed her eyes, hoping to get a good night’s sleep after everything that happened.

The grand hall was filled with the murmur of courtiers, who were waiting for the Emperor to make his entrance. The Court today was quite unusual. The Empress, the Imperial Consort, and the Empress Dowager sat behind the screens set up for them. Everyone wondered what could be so important that the Emperor decided to call the most important women of the Inner Palace into the Outer Court. Huang Yasheng had summoned them for an urgent matter, and no one knew what it was about.

As the doors swung open, the courtiers bowed to show their respect to their ruler. The Emperor strode in, his robes flowing behind him, and his expression grave.

Once he reached his throne and sat down, Huang Yasheng spoke, his voice carrying over the silence that had descended upon the room. "We have summoned you here today to make two important announcements." He paused, gathering his thoughts, and the courtiers waited with bated breath.

“We are sure you have heard of the messenger sent by the kingdom of Rayie.” HE started. “Emperor Kahn has offered to bring Our …. Beloved brother to Us. And alongside, the has offered his sister for the Imperial Harem. After much discussion with the Grand Preceptor and the Prime Minister, we have decided to accept their offer. The delegation will arrive in six months’ time.”

The murmurs among the Courtiers increased. But none of them seemed to want to come forward. At that moment, Empress Dowager spoke up. “Your Majesty, surely that isn’t the only announcement you have for us. Otherwise, we women of the Inner Palace would not be here.”

“Mother is right,” Huang Yasheng said. "As you all know, it is the duty of the Emperor to provide heirs to carry on the legacy of our empire. While We love Our daughters, the Empire needs Imperial Princes in order to maintain stability. And it is with great pride that We announce that the people can breathe in relief. A son has been born to Us. Our first son.”

He paused for a moment to let that sink in. And then he spoke again. “We must inform you. The child is borne of a commoner. A child she conceived due to Our misstep in judgment when We went to travel in disguise for a year after securing Our reign. We have only found his existence now when Our son is already 8 years of age. It is Our wish to bring him and his mother into Our harem and provide them with the protection and care they deserve."

The courtiers exchanged looks, some of them whispering among themselves. There was a sense of unease in the room as they processed the news. Bringing a commoner and her child into the Emperor's harem was not something that sat well with them. Huang Yasheng surveyed them. All of them had varying degrees of surprise on their faces. Even the Grand Preceptor, who usually looked like an unshakeable mountain, looked surprised.

It was then the Minister of Rites stepped forward. “Your Majesty, forgive me for being insolent. But if it has been so long, then how do we know for certain that the child is yours? Merely based on a peasant’s claim?”

“Do We look like a fool to you, my beloved subject?” He asked. The Minister immediately panicked and bowed but Huang Yasheng ignored him. “The woman did not claim anything. Han Qin found the boy and brought him to Us, sure of the fact that the child is Ours. After seeing the child, We agree. He’s Ours. No one will be able to deny that once they see him.”

The Emperor then continued. "We must stress that while this child is Our son, he will not immediately be declared the Crown Prince.” He turned his head towards the screen where the Empress sat. “Our beloved Empress is with child, and We must await the birth of her child before making any such decisions.”

He then turned to the courtiers. “Furthermore, We must emphasize that Our decision to bring them into the harem is based on a sense of responsibility for them. They have been abandoned for eight years. We cannot leave an Imperial Prince outside and We cannot separate a child from his mother. The very Heavens that grant Us Our authority shall forsake us if We do so."

The courtiers looked uncomfortable, unsure of how to react. Some of them saw the wisdom in the Emperor's words, while others could not ignore the traditions of their society.

"Your Majesty," one of the more senior courtiers spoke up, bowing low, "we understand your sense of responsibility towards this child and his mother. But we must also consider the implications of your decision. Bringing a commoner into the harem sets a dangerous precedent, and it is not fitting for the mother of an Imperial Prince to be of such low birth."

The Emperor looked down at the courtier, his brows rising. “Oh? But if We remember correctly, Our Imperial Grandfather the late Emperor had brought a courtesan into the Palace. Hasn’t the precedent already been set?”

The Court went quiet at that. His courtiers had a rather bad habit of nursing selective amnesia. After all, it had barely been a decade since they had been bowing to the son of said courtesan while Huang Yasheng suffered bitterly. As soon as he took back the throne, they changed their faces according to the favorable winds.

“The decision has already been made. How can We possibly be the Father of the nation if We cannot take care of the very child borne to Us?”

The uneasiness prevailed. At that moment, the Empress spoke up from behind the curtains. “The Emperor knows best. Are the courtiers trying to defy the orders of the Son of Heaven?”

Immediately, the courtiers shuffled into panicked bows. “We dare not!”

The Empress, the Head of the Inner Palace and the person who should be the most vexed by this announcement, not only did not protest it but rather stood by the Emperor. They, as courtiers unrelated to the Imperial family, had no excuse. Not when even the Grand Preceptor and the Prime Minister were quiet.

“Then it is decided,” Huang Yasheng said. “We waited until the messenger of the Rayie Kingdom left to make this announcement. However, We shall wait no longer. An Imperial Prince outside the Palace will always be in danger. The Prince and his mother shall be brought into the harem tomorrow. His mother shall have the position of Virtuous Lady upon entering the Palace.”

He paused, seeing if anyone would dare to raise a voice against him. After all, a commoner woman had jumped ranks before even entering the harem. When there was none, he nodded in satisfaction.

“Court dismissed!”



Author's Note: Newsssssss!!!! I will be opening a Patreon soon. Kinda nervous, kinda scared, kinda excited. I won't get my hopes up just yet. But hopefully I can find a few people who like my story enough. (Or I can hold my friends at gunpoint) Ahem, anyways, enjoy!

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