I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 21: Empress Dowager

The maggots squirmed against each other, soaked in hot water inside the bowl that Samaya was fairly sure was supposed to contain some sort of noodles. There were several gasps around her. She heard a gagging noise. Samaya roved her eyes over the maids, who had varying degrees of surprise and horror on their faces. Most of them even looked genuine.

“Mama, look!” Manu’s voice drew her attention to him. She turned around to find Manu holding up one of the maggots between his index finger and forefinger.

“By the gods, Manu!” Samaya sighed, exasperated. “How many times have I told you not to grab just anything you find interesting? Do you know how many diseases it could have?”

“But it’s squirming!” Manu then frowned and gently put the maggot down on his palm. “Do you think it’s in pain?”

“Maybe,” she said as she walked forward. Did maggots feel pain? She seemed to remember TEA’s scientists arguing about it. “It was in hot water for so long after all. Now, put it back and wash your hand again.”


“No buts.” she looked back to one of the maids who helped them wash. “Su, could you help him wash up?”

Manu grumbled but followed the mad nonetheless. Samaya turned around and leaned down slightly. Just as she was wondering what to do, a familiar voice came from behind her.

“Is Virtuous Lady Qing done with her breakfast? His Majesty has sent me to escort her to Empress Dowager.”

She sighed and straightened. “Eunuch Li, perfect timing! Can you take care of this?” She held up the bowl full of maggots.

Eunuch Li stepped back, a look of disgust washing over his face. “What … is this?”

She smiled. “Someone prepared a special breakfast dish for me. Unfortunately, it’s inedible.”

“Who dares to-”

“It does not matter,” Samaya interrupted him before he could work up a rage. “What matters is that we need to get rid of these. Do we want a pest infestation inside the Yongyagong?”

Eunuch Li paused and then sighed before taking the bowl. “I shall take care of this promptly. Please have your breakfast and get ready.”

“Of course,” Samaya glanced at the bowl. “Just dump them in boiling water. That should do the job.” She would usually suggest salt but salt was a valuable resource here.

Eunuch Li nodded and turned back. Once Manu came back, Samaya had to reassure him that yes, the maggots were going to be killed but it was so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone. ‘I swear,’ she shook her head, ‘he has no problem punching a grown man in the balls but he cries over insects.’

It didn’t take long for them to finish eating. And then they were taken to dress up. Or rather, dress up more. Apparently, there was still a few layers needed if she wanted to go out. Which… gods, it was suffocating. She could handle it. Didn’t mean she had to like it.

She looked at herself in the mirror. At least the clothes were beautiful. They were more luxurious than anything Samaya had worn in this world. Her outer robes were white with beautiful shades of teal and pink lacework and embroidery, while jewelry adorned her neck, ears, head, and hands. It was all a bit too much. She took off some of the heavier ones just to get the weight off her, despite the protests of the surrounding maids.

She saw Manu dressed up in robes similar to hers, except his sash was thicker, his front was crossed and he wore trousers, his upper robes coming down to his knees. His hair was up in a top knot.

“Mama, how do I look? How do I look?”

“Very handsome, sweetheart.”

Manu beamed up at her and, for a moment, she felt as if everything would be alright.

“Are Virtuous Lady Qing and the Imperial Prince ready?”

Of course, Eunuch Li’s voice broke the illusion. She sighed. “We’re ready.”

Samaya took Manu’s hand. “Let’s go, my handsome Prince.” Together, they walked out into the courtyard, where Eunuch Li was waiting.

Unlike the servants that had been assigned to this “courtyard” - which really was a decently sized mansion with a garden in front of it - Eunuch Li didn’t bow to her. She didn’t expect him to. He was a lot higher than her in the hierarchy. He only gave a shallow bow toward Manu, who shifted uncomfortably beside her at the attention.

“Follow me,” Eunuch Li said. Without waiting for her to answer, he turned around and walked. Samaya let out an exasperated sigh and walked behind him, the two seniormost maids - Lian and Han - following them. Eunuch Li must have instructed them already. As they walked, Eunuch Li started to give them a crash course on how to behave in front of the Empress Dowager. Samaya listened carefully, if only because the first impression is important for Manu.

“Enter with your head lowered and kowtow immediately.”

“You have to make her tea. Usually, each of you would do this separately but considering your … circumstances, one from both of you will do.”

“Bow your head when you offer tea and say these words…”

He kept babbling and she kept filing away the important information until finally, they reached a gate that opened up to a huge garden. The guards took one look at Eunuch Li and stepped aside. Samaya could feel them giving her the stinkeye. Manu’s hand tightened against hers and she felt her shrinking into her side. He must feel very uncomfortable here. He was rarely this withdrawn these days. She squeezed back and smiled reassuringly at him when he looked up.

“We’re here!” Eunuch Li’s voice made her look up.

Samaya watched as Eunuch Li walked up to one of the maids waiting outside and spoke softly. “Virtuous Lady Qing is here to see the Empress Dowager.” The maid glanced at her. Her brows furrowed a little and then she bowed to Eunuch Li before going inside.

Samaya felt a sense of deja vu, remembering all the times she had to stand outside an office, which usually belonged to one of the Directors or, if she was undercover, to her target. Would she have to wait for a ‘while’? Or would the one behind those double doors be sensible for once?

The doors slid open. The maid came out and nodded. The second option, then.

She nodded back and followed the maid into the building, Eunuch Li close behind her. As soon as they passed through the double doors, they faced a set of curtains. The curtains were moved aside and Samaya faced an elderly woman wearing a light blue robe with golden embellishments. She sat on ... a mattress? That was the only way she could describe it. A double mattress, covered with silk sheets and pillows nestled around her. The closest thing she could think of to this was a futon, but this was clearly for sitting purposes. Eh, she supposed it counted as a low couch... there was a low table in front of her too.

She heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Fuck, her habit of hyper-fixating on details just had to pop up now. Thankfully, it was only for a split second. She stepped forward and seamlessly went down to her knees, put her hands on the floor, and bowed until her forehead was about half an inch away from the back of her hand. A kowtow, she believed it was called. A similar thud beside her let her know that Manu also followed her, albeit less gracefully.

"Qing Samaya greets Imperial Mother."

"Huang Xu greets Imperial Grandmother."

There was a beat of silence.

"Rise," a calm, soft voice reached her ears. It contained a bit of coldness.

Samaya did as told. She kept her head bowed. "May we offer you tea, Imperial Mother?"


Manu and Samaya exchanged a quick glance, She nodded at him before they silently moved to the low table and picked up the teapot and cups. Manu gathered tea leaves in the teapot and Samaya poured the hot water into it. They steeped the tea leaves, keeping their movements slow and deliberate, with Manu following her lead.

Samaya carefully picked up the teacup and offered it to the Empress Dowager with both hands, bowing deeply. "Please accept our humble offering, Imperial Mother."

The Empress Dowager took the cup with a nod of acknowledgment, taking a small sip before setting it back on the low table. "Your tea is well-prepared," she remarked. And Samaya knew they had passed some sort of test.

Samaya bowed her head again, "Thank you for your kind words, Imperial Mother." She then raised her head and finally looked at the woman properly, and noticed the golden eyes. A bit darker than the Emperor’s but no less sharp.

The Empress Dowager glanced at Samaya, her gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than usual. "Samaya, that is an unusual name. What does it mean?"

Samaya straightened up, a small smile appearing on her face. "It means 'time’, Imperial Mother. My mother chose it for me. She used to tell me that she hoped I would make the most of every moment of my life."

“Interesting. Your mother sounds like a lovely and insightful lady.”

Her smile turns wry. “Insightful, yes. Lovely… well, that’s not exactly how I would describe her.”

“I see.” To her credit, the Empress Dowager’s voice did not waver or change one bit. She seemed quite experienced at hiding her true emotions. “Where is she now?”

“She’s gone,” Samaya replied after a moment. It was true, though she let them interpret the words however they wanted to.

“And your father?”

“He’s gone too.” Since before she was born, the fucker. In that regard, her father and the Emperor had something in common. The difference was, her father never came for her. Heck, she didn’t even know who he was.

“How unfortunate,” her eyes then moved over to Manu. “Come here, child.”

Manu glanced at her and she nodded, giving him a small smile. He took a deep breath and shuffled over to the other side of the table before giving a deep bow. All those times dealing with stupid, arrogant nobles were paying off a bit, at least.

The woman reached out and titled his head up by the chin, taking a good, long look at Manu’s face. “Fascinating. You look almost exactly like him. He used to blink those big eyes at me as a child, all innocent. I suppose you’ll be as handsome as the Emperor when you grow up.”

Manu immediately flushed and ducked his head. “Thank you, Imperial Grandmother.”

Samaya managed to catch the slightest crinkling of her eyes before she pulled back and looked at Samaya, the cold indifference visible in her eyes.

“I should thank you, for giving the Emperor a son. No matter the past, the Emperor has accepted you and the Prince. You seem to be learning the Palace etiquettes well. That’s good. Learn properly. Make sure to serve the Emperor well and preserve your dignity as His Majesty’s concubine.”

Resisting the urge to snort, she bowed. “Yes, Imperial Mother.”

The woman waved a hand. A maid came forward with an open box, and Samaya saw two jade bracelets inside. They should be very expensive, though nothing for the Imperial Family.

“Welcome to the Imperial Harem, Virtuous Lady Qing Samaya. Accept this small gift from your Imperial Mother.”

She bowed and took the box. “Thank you, Imperial Mother.”

The Empress Dowager nodded in acknowledgment. “Now it is time for me to read the scriptures.”

Samaya took the dismissal for what it was and bowed once more before standing and stepping backward, Manu following her. One of the maids escorted her outside, where Eunuch Li was.

The journey back was far less tense. Manu had already slumped against her as all tension left his body. He was now once again lounging in her arms as she walked back to her courtyard.

“A junior Eunuch will be assigned to you today,’ Eunuch Li said as they reached Yongyagong. “He will be your shadow and will take care of any need and demand that you may have. He will always be with you and you may delegate any work to him. He should be here anytime now.”

Samaya nodded. “Alright. I’ll be here.” She went inside with Manu and started to change into more comfortable clothes. It wasn’t long before Lian came inside and announced, “The new Eunuch is here, Your Highness. Eunuch Liu, please present yourself.”


Samaya suppressed the fond smile that threatened to curl her lips.

He kept his promise.

He managed to sneak into the Palace.



Author's Note: Thank you for reading! If you see any mistakes or inconsistencies, please do let me know. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Leave your thoughts in a comment! Please follow the story if you liked it. Any follow, favorite, or comment would be highly appreciated. A review and/or a rating would be a massive help!

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