I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 168: Starlight Music

That evening, at Qixing Entertainment.

As one of the most renowned entertainment companies in Qizhou, Qixing’s size rivaled that of Leiting. In an exclusive lounge on the twelfth floor, Shui Yun and her team gathered.

“Yun Jie,” her agent smiled as the team’s representative, “After the company issued the 3 million competition order, the response from the companies was quite efficient. Most of the custom tracks have been completed.”

“What about Red Moon and Lone Wolf?” Shui Yun asked, clearly focused on these two companies.

Her agent responded, “Lone Wolf completed their track last week, and while Red Moon took a bit longer, they also submitted their finished song yesterday. For companies of their caliber, two months to finish an order is doable if they focus on it. It’s clear they took this project seriously. Which one would you like to listen to first?”

“Let’s go with Lone Wolf,” Shui Yun decided.

The agent nodded and played Lone Wolf’s submission. It was a polished song, with both lyrics and arrangement complete. Lone Wolf had even gone the extra mile by having a demo recorded with a singer whose voice resembled Shui Yun’s, giving her a good sense of how the song would sound.

It’s worth noting here that top-tier companies typically handle both composition and arrangement, with lyrics as an added service. The distinction between composing and arranging varies internationally. On Earth, in China and abroad, a "composer" refers to someone who handles both composition and arrangement, similar to Lin Yuan’s style. However, traditionally, composing is likened to "creating a person," while arranging is like "dressing them up." In Blue Star, most composers are willing to contribute to arranging and sometimes even lyric writing. However, if the client is unsatisfied, they may request re-arrangements or lyrics, retaining only the melody.

Lone Wolf, a highly ranked company, had delivered a strong product. Both the composition and arrangement were well-executed, and even the lyrics were solid. After listening, many in Shui Yun’s team looked satisfied.

Without commenting, Shui Yun then asked her agent to play Red Moon’s submission.

This time, her team was conflicted. Red Moon’s song was also good, though less polished. They hadn’t gone as far with the arrangement or lyrics, but the vocal melody was commendable.

“Let’s get to the point,” Shui Yun spoke up. “Lone Wolf’s song is very similar to my previous work. It feels tailored for me, but the problem is that I’m looking for a breakthrough. There’s no real innovation here compared to my earlier songs.”

The team nodded.

“And as for Red Moon’s song, it’s the opposite. They’ve taken a big risk by adding a rap section. I’m not against rap, but I prefer melodic rap…”

“So which one should we go with?” her agent asked cautiously.

After a moment of thought, Shui Yun replied, “There are still three more submissions, right? Have they come in?”

The agent hesitated before saying, “Yes, they’ve arrived, but those three companies are mostly just for show. You know why.”

“Still, I want to hear them,” Shui Yun said, waving her hand dismissively. “Give me the headphones. You all can keep discussing whether we should go with Lone Wolf or Red Moon.”

The agent nodded. Shui Yun took a seat in the corner, turned up the volume on her headphones, and began listening, while the rest of her team continued their discussion.

“We should choose Lone Wolf,” someone suggested. “It’s the safest option. We can ask them to tweak it a little.”

“Lone Wolf is too conservative,” another person objected. “And if we’re going to ask for changes, why not go with Red Moon? Their song shows real progress. Sure, the rap section is bold, but we can just change it to melodic rap.”

“You’re oversimplifying it,” someone knowledgeable in the group said, shaking their head. “That rap section is crucial to the song’s impact. Changing it to melodic rap would ruin the essence of the track.”

“Well, I still prefer Red Moon.”

“Lone Wolf’s track is foolproof.”

“There’s no such thing as a foolproof song…”

The team was clearly divided into two camps, each firmly rooted in their stance. After a while, someone finally sighed and turned to the agent.

“Can’t we just pick both?”

The agent sighed, rubbing his temples. “Are you out of your mind? This is a 3 million yuan order per song. If we take both, the company would be paying 6 million! Do you think the manager will approve that?”

The team groaned but quickly resumed their debate. As the minutes passed, their discussion started turning into an outright argument. The agent’s head was beginning to spin.

“Enough! You’re not getting anywhere with this,” he interrupted. “Stop arguing. Let Yun Jie make the final decision herself.”

“Red Moon.”

“Lone Wolf.”

The team members threw in a few more comments before finally going quiet when they noticed the agent’s darkening expression.

“Yun Jie?” the agent called, turning toward Shui Yun.

However, Shui Yun didn’t respond, her attention seemingly still on the music. Her legs were even tapping in rhythm, leading the team to suspect she was tuning them out intentionally.

“Yun Jie?” the agent called louder.

Still no response.

Everyone exchanged glances, wondering if she was upset by their earlier argument.

“Yun Jie!” The agent moved closer.

Startled, Shui Yun finally snapped out of her trance, and to everyone’s surprise, stood up abruptly, causing the entire team to jump.

“I’ve made my decision!” she declared with unexpected excitement.

Everyone stared at her, waiting with bated breath. Would she choose Red Moon or Lone Wolf?

It was neither.

Shui Yun took off one earbud and, without hesitation, confidently stated four words:

“Starlight Music!”

For a moment, the room fell into stunned silence. Several people even wondered if they had misheard her. The agent, momentarily dazed, found himself questioning: Starlight Music? Which company is that again?

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