I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 82

From then on, the defensive preparation went smoothly...

...No, allow me to correct myself.

The preparation for the defense met a significant hurdle.


The issue arose the very next day.

Initially, I had just brought Godhand to introduce him to Lilly, but Lilly got a fright.

"Your, Your Highness. Your Highness. Come over here for a moment."

Pulling me aside into a corner of the workshop, Lilly whispered with her hand covering her mouth.

"That new member of the sub-party, an Elf... correct?"

"Yeah. How’d you know right away? Yeah, it’s an Elf."

"Hee, Heeeeee!"

Lilly’s face turned pale, and she started to tremble. What’s the matter?

"Hoo... Your Highness."

After a deep sigh, Lilly started speaking with her hand covering her face.

"You know, right? How I got the [Flame Skin] characteristic."

The characteristic that lets one deflect all physical attacks at the cost of expending Magic Power: [Flame Skin].

Thanks to this characteristic, I was able to clear Stage 0. Of course, I remembered. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"It was because of the goblins that invaded the village, right?"

In order to avoid getting hurt from the blades swung by a swarm of goblins, Lilly had awakened the [Flame Skin] characteristic.

That’s what I knew, but...

"Yes, that’s right. But who do you think let that swarm of goblins into the village by opening the village gates?"


"The Elf family who were our house slaves."

I swallowed my dry spit.

Lilly kept shaking her head in disbelief.

"My parents took pity on that Elf family who were being chased by slave hunters, and took them in. They were provided a separate house within our premises. They were employed as house slaves for a year, and were provided with everything they needed. But then..."

A look of agony appeared on Lilly’s face, a look I hadn’t even seen when she fought against the black spider legion.

"...But then one day, after a year had passed, they suddenly declared that they could not forgive humans. They opened the gates of the village and called in a swarm of goblins."


"The village was set on fire, my parents were butchered, and I was left alone."

I remained silent.

After glancing quickly at Godhand, Lilly said to me hurriedly.

"Your Highness. No matter how much goodwill we show, they still hate humans. They will surely betray you one day."


"This is for your sake. No matter the circumstances under which you recruited them, do not trust them. Just like how they opened the gates of my village, they could also lead to the destruction of our frontlines here."

After silently listening to everything she had to say, I carefully asked.

"Lilly, do you hate the Elves?"

Without any hesitation, Lilly nodded her head.

"As much as I fear the goblins’ blades, I hate them."

"Even though they weren’t the ones who wronged you?"

"Would you, Your Highness, let a monster that hasn’t killed anyone yet into our ranks?"


"You can’t possibly mean that."

Lilly was adamant.

"I feel the same. And probably, they feel the same too."

This was reality.

"We just can’t help but despise those who aren’t of our race."

It was a long, deep-seated chain of hatred borne from the ancient history of this land I did not know.


It was then.

"Excuse me."


Godhand, who was eavesdropping our hushed conversation from the corner, approached us. What a shock!


Although I was a bit startled, Lilly nearly caused an uproar.

"Gulp, gulp!"

She even started hiccupping. She must really hate elves...

I gently patted Lilly’s shoulder. Calm down, friend.

"I would like to apologize first."

As soon as Lilly was finally calmed and her breathing settled, Godhand started speaking calmly.

"Being a spy by profession, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I apologize for eavesdropping unintentionally."

I broke into a cold sweat.

"Um... Did you hear our entire conversation just now?"

Godhand bowed his head at Lilly and me.

"I’m sorry, but yes."

Upon hearing that our conversation was overheard, Lilly’s complexion turned pale.

Staring straight at Lilly, Godhand flatly stated.

"Lilly, I would like to tell you one thing."

"What, what, what is it...?"

"I do not intend to ask for your forgiveness."

Godhand continued in a respectful but icy tone.

"Even if I apologize, it won’t bring back your lost family, nor will it erase the wounds you’ve endured."


"Nor will the root of your feelings towards our race be healed."

Lilly bit her lips tightly. Godhand resumed his words.

"But Lilly, we are on the brink of a war."


"Even before my country was destroyed, humans and elves fought together against the invasion of monsters. We are facing a common enemy."

Godhand bowed his head slowly.

"Shouldn’t we put our petty feelings aside and fight together, following the Prince’s will?"

A valid point.

Godhand’s words were indeed a valid point.

But Lilly shook her head vehemently.

"How dare you deceive your feelings and say such things."


"Aren’t you the same as me? Tell me the truth, Elf. You hate humans, don’t you?"

Unlike her usual self, Lilly retorted fiercely.

"You hate us for destroying your nation and enslaving your people, don’t you?"


"We waged war for a thousand years and enslaved each other for a hundred years. We can’t help but harbor hatred and suspicion towards each other. Until one side completely disappears, it will continue."

Lilly abruptly turned her head towards me.

"They are seeds of discord, Your Highness."

Lilly, her lips pressed firmly together, sternly addressed me.

"It’s not just me. The other soldiers, too, they’ll feel uneasy simply knowing that elves are on the front lines."


"Employing them is a shortsighted decision. I urge you to reconsider. We can fight just fine on our own, without the elves! We’ve done it before!"

"Lilly. That might mean you have to keep going to the front lines."

"I would rather do that! I would rather be on the front lines every time than fight alongside elves!"

Lilly, who had been desperate to retire, felt strongly enough to say this.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

Lucas also expressed unease at the idea of using the elves.

Perhaps most soldiers’ opinions would align more with Lilly’s.

’What should I do...?’

Just then,

"I’ll be honest with you, Lady Lilly. As you said, we don’t like the human race."

As Godhand admitted this, Lilly gave me a glaring look.

"See, Your Highness! That’s what I’m saying!"

Godhand let out a long sigh.

"But does that matter?"

"Excuse me?"

"My country has been destroyed, and the reality is that our race lives under humans. The life and death of our entire race, including our team, is in the hands of the Empire, and also in Your Highness’s hands."

Godhand pointed to the ’collar’ around his neck.

The red gem, the detonation device of the bomb necklace, gleamed on his neck.

"Our race is nothing but a trifle that could lose its life at any moment without the Empire’s grace. Even if we harbor resentment, our lives are still under Your Highness’s feet."


"I simply wish that my compatriots from my homeland can survive for one more day. And that my team members can be a little more... happy."

Godhand lowered his head as he adjusted his collar.

"That’s all I hope for."


"Lady Lilly. Isn’t it the same for you?"

Lilly’s eyes widened.

Godhand’s gaze brushed past Lilly’s legs, which were confined to a wheelchair.

"Isn’t it for the sake of protecting your loved ones that you serve on this monster front line, despite your physical discomfort?"

"I am..."

"Elves and humans may not get along well. However, we share a common enemy and fight for the same purpose: to protect our loved ones."


"Do we need more reasons to fight together?"

Lilly, with her lips firmly shut, shook her head.

"I can fight alongside the monsters once. But I can’t forgive you. Never."

"That doesn’t matter."

Godhand spat out indifferently.

"It’s something I’m used to."

Lilly, who had been glaring at Godhand for a while, slowly turned to me.

"Just until this defense battle, Your Highness."


"I will fight with you in this battle. But if that party remains here after the defense battle is over, I will leave this front line."


"I’ll go in. I need to rest a little."

Lilly disappeared into the workshop, dragging her wheelchair.

I wiped my aching forehead with my hand.

’Oh, what a headache.’

The Lilly I know is a kind person.

Considerate, capable of caring for others, prioritizing the greater good over personal safety.

For such Lilly to express such outright hatred.

’I can fully understand.’

If she had experienced such things in her childhood, it would make sense to hate the entire Elf race.

Numerous incidents, emotions, and prejudices would have built a huge wall between humans and other races.

’It’s deep.’

Much deeper than I thought.

’So deep it can’t be filled, this chasm of hatred.’

The emotions are as deep as the history of this world.

In the game, there was no need to consider such things.

No matter the race, characters were selected based on performance and crammed into one party.

But this place is reality.

Origin. Race. Power. There are many more dynamics between people than what meets the eye.

I need to look at all these factors comprehensively for the front line to roll smoothly.

’Organizational management is tough...’

I sighed and looked back at Godhand.

"I came to introduce you, but I ended up getting interrogated."

Godhand chuckled bitterly.

"It’s okay. This is really a common occurrence. Compared to others, Lady Lilly is rather gentle."

"Everyone seems to be more sensitive to this issue than I thought. Am I being dense..."

As I awkwardly scratched the back of my head, Godhand carefully spoke.

"Your Highness is intriguing."


"Even the human beings who treat us well, inevitably, their eyes convey prejudice. There’s an undeniable hint of caution."

Godhand subtly lowered his gaze towards me.

"But Your Highness, you don’t show any such signs at all. That’s why it’s interesting, and also... we are grateful."


That’s just because I’m an outsider who has inhabited another world.

Back on Earth, I was an incredibly narrow-minded commoner too.

I awkwardly moistened my lips. I can’t tell him the truth... nor can I pretend to be open-minded.

"So please don’t be too concerned even if others are cautious or look down on us."

Godhand discreetly glanced towards the workshop where Lilly disappeared.

"We will prove ourselves in this defense battle. That we too have our worth."

I wish the main party and the sub-party would get along.

Sparks are flying even before the battle, and to be honest, it worries me.

Well, having to deal with such headaches from personnel issues is probably part of the job of a frontline commander.

--TL Notes--

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