I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 91

Godhand’s injury was more severe than I had initially thought.

"The entire lower arm is crushed. It’s completely disfigured."


As she prepared for surgery, Saintess Margarita spoke quickly.

"It’s way beyond the point where healing magic could be of use."

"You mean...?"

"We have to amputate his arm."

The words seemed to hang heavily in the air.

Godhand, covered in blood, had collapsed on the bed and passed out.

The thin young elf had already lost consciousness. Whether it was from the pain or the effects of anesthetic.

"We’ll amputate the lower arm. The patient has already given his consent."


"Whether he agreed or not, we’d have to amputate. The necrosis has already spread to the upper arm. If we leave it as it is, we’d have to amputate everything below the shoulder."

Marguerita took out a surgical saw from a tray. She then glanced at me.

"If you’re not going to help, would you mind leaving, my lord? This isn’t a pleasant sight to behold."


I had a reply at the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed it down and quietly left the room.


Outside the room, four little members of the Shadow Squad were waiting for their team leader’s surgery.

Their young eyes were full of apprehension as they looked up at me. I was at a loss for words.

"Your Highness, is... is our captain okay?"

As I stood there, lost in thought, Bodybag, the squad’s second-in-command, asked me tentatively.

It was painful, but there was no point in dragging it out. I opened my mouth, heavy with the words.

"Well, the truth is..."

I told them about Godhand’s severe injury and how they needed to amputate below his elbow.

All the members of the Shadow Squad turned pale, but they didn’t appear to be shaken.

I asked them cautiously, "Are you guys okay?"

"Well, Your Highness, um... It’s a bit strange to mention this but..."

Hesitant at first, Bodybag looked towards the operating room and began to speak.

"Godhand... He lost both his hands in an operation two years ago."


"He had replaced both his lost hands with metallic prosthetics. Being a metal magician, he had no problem maneuvering them as if they were real."

I had no idea. He always wore gloves, and there was never any awkwardness in his movements.

"After he replaced his hands with prosthetics, he even changed his codename to Godhand."

Bodybag let out an awkward smile.

"So... he’ll be okay this time too. He can replace the lost arm with a metal one and fight as he used to."


That’s not the point.

People are not machines.

Just because you can replace a broken part and it functions properly, it doesn’t mean you can brush it off like nothing happened.

Grievous injuries leave a mark on the soul.

And those scars never fully heal.


I swallowed my words, kneeling in front of the children, one by one I gently stroked their heads.

"If any of you feel pain, make sure to let me know. I will ensure you get treated."

I found it ridiculous, as a commander who had to push them into every battle, I was saying such things.

I feigned a smile at the children who were looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Well, let’s get going. Tonight, there is a victory banquet. It’s regrettable that Godhand cannot attend, but you need to eat well and rest."

However, in response to my words, the children all shook their heads.

"We are okay, your Highness!"

"We will wait here until the captain’s surgery is over."


For a moment, I was at a loss for words but then nodded my head.

"Okay. Rest here today. I’ll send over some food and drinks. We may not be able to celebrate the victory together but..."

After glancing briefly towards the sickroom, I nodded slowly.

"Your contribution today was immense. Make sure you remember that."

The children laughed heartily. I also returned their smiles.

"I entrust your captain to you."

"Leave it to us!"

"Please send a lot of delicious food!"

"And drinks too!"

"Juice! We love juice!"

As I left the temple, I looked back at the waving Shadow Squad members. I would have to order at least three cartons of juice.


Somehow, my left arm throbbed.

Even though my arm, from which the cast was removed today, had healed, it still ached faintly.

How would it be for Godhand who had lost an arm?

Would he feel pain from a limb that no longer existed?

With such futile worries, I proceeded. My exclusive carriage was waiting in front of the temple.


When I arrived at the plaza, the banquet had already started and it was bustling.

At every bonfire, stew was boiling in pots and meat was roasting on skewers.

Chefs who were hired from the nearby areas were busily preparing food, and barrels of alcohol brought from the warehouse were piled up in various places in the plaza.

The smoke from the barbeque spread out under the evening sky which was gradually clearing. Below it, people were laughing.

It was a good sight.

"Look at you lot, you started even before your lord has given his speech!"

As I entered the plaza with a forced show of indignation, cheers broke out all around me.

"The prince is here!"

"Lord! Lord! Lord!"

"The best commander in the south!"

"The man born to kill monsters!"

The soldiers began to tease me. These jerks...

"Ahh! Enough! Give me a drink!"

Feeling like this would never end if I let it continue, I quickly grabbed a cup of alcohol and climbed onto the stage in the middle of the plaza.

"Let’s get this over with! When I say ’Southern Front’! You say ’Feast to Death!’ Got it?"


"Alright, ’Southern Front!’"

Feast to Death!

With a resounding cheer, everyone brought their drinks to their lips.


I also took a few token sips before setting down my cup. No matter how much I drank, I couldn’t get used to the alcohol in this neighborhood!

As I signaled the start of the official feast, the square became even more boisterous.

Stepping down from the podium, I happened to stop Aider, who was serving food nearby.

"Hey, aide-de-camp. Run a little errand for me."

"Oh, my Lord! Of course! What would you like? Meat? Alcohol? What else can I bring you? If you need music, I can pick out a tune!"

No, that’s not what I need.

"Send some food to the shrine. And beverages."


Aider pursed his lips awkwardly. What was he regretting?

"It’s for the priests who are busy treating the wounded, the soldiers who are under treatment, and the members of the Shadow Squad. Oh, and send three bottles of juice too."

I was about to give him more orders when a voice came from behind me.

"I’ll go."


I turned around to see Lilly.

Seated in her new wheelchair, Lilly had a determined look on her face.


I didn’t dissuade her. I simply nodded.

"Are you sure you can manage?"


"Good, Aider! Gather some people to help carry the load and go to the shrine with Lilly."


Aider and Lilly began to select dishes and drinks to place on the trays.

As I watched them, I moved deeper into the square.

The Margrave said it. The city will come to a halt if we only mourn and grieve. We must also offer equivalent joy.

Taking care of the wounded and commemorating the dead was part of a Lord’s duties, yes.

But so was celebrating, drinking, and making merry with those who survived.

"Hey, you punks! Think you can finish all those barrels of alcohol just by sipping away? Refill your cups!"

"Oh! The 3rd Prince, the Empire’s best drinker!"

"Can we confirm that legend with our own eyes today?"

"I’ll let you confirm it, so come at me! We’re going all the way tonight!"

Clashing their cups loudly, laughing boisterously, I worked to lift the spirits.

The night of victory deepened.


Godhand regained consciousness late that night.


He groaned, trying to raise his body, but soon realized he couldn’t.

Both his arms were gone from the elbows down.

Only then did Godhand recall the moment his arms were crushed.

The voice of the priest asking for consent to amputate too.


Lying in bed, Godhand slowly raised his armless elbows.

It was then.

"Are you awake?"

Suddenly a voice came from beside the bed. Startled, Godhand looked in that direction.

Lilly was sitting in a chair next to the bed, her face round with concern.


"The surgery was successful."

As Lilly said this, she sipped from her cup and read through some documents, then picked up a quill and began to write something on the paper.

"For a while, the fever will be severe, and the pain will be significant. The next healing magic is scheduled for 7 am tomorrow."


"Your arm was amputated below the elbow, but they left the joint. They said you’d move comfortably once you get a prosthesis."

Lilly pointed towards the corner of the room.

"The rest of the squad members ate, chatted, played around and fell asleep awhile ago."

She pointed to the remaining four members of the Shadow Squad sleeping on the floor.

All of them were snoring away, each covered only by a single blanket. They must have been exhausted.


"Aren’t you hungry?"

Lilly fetched the food that was covered with a cloth on the nearby shelf.

"We left some food for you as well. You lost quite a bit of blood, so you should eat well."

"Why... are you taking care of me?"

Lilly’s hand halted at Godhand’s uneasy question.

"Don’t you despise us?"


After a moment of silence, Lilly slowly looked Godhand in the eyes.

"I wanted to ask you something. That’s why I’ve been waiting for you to wake up."


Godhand seemed groggy, his consciousness still murky. Lilly wasted no time and posed her question to him.

"Why did you save me back then?"

When the Gargoyle Chieftain had lunged to attack.

Why did he shield Lilly, taking the attack himself and losing an arm?

That’s what Lilly was asking.

Godhand gave a wry smile.

"Didn’t I tell you at that time? You had the firepower to defeat him, and protecting you was the optimal decision-"

"Stop your nonsense."

Lilly growled fiercely.

"Don’t act so rational."


"From the perspective of the whole frontline, your decision may have been correct. But from your personal standpoint, there was no reason for you to save me at the cost of such severe injury."

Godhand and his squad had just been deployed in Crossroad.

It was too early for them to have any sense of loyalty.

In that situation, protecting Lilly was undoubtedly a rational tactical decision.

But it was unreasonable for someone just thrown into the frontline to risk their limbs, their life, for that tactical objective.

Even if it seemed logical on the surface, the more you thought about it, the stranger it got.

There was something else.

Lilly sensed it and came to probe Godhand.

Even if his injury was the result of protecting her.


Godhand let out a long sigh.

"Isn’t it a bit too cold to question your savior like this...?"

"There’s nothing more burdensome than undesired goodwill."

Not hiding her icy gaze, Lilly probed Godhand.

"Tell me. Don’t hide it. Why did you save me?"

--TL Notes--

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