I become light in American comics

Chapter 1 Silver Giant

The dark night shrouded the canyons and jungles like a black plague that devoured everything. Stars dotted the night sky, and dark shadows from the starry sky squirmed among the woodlands and valleys. A terrifying and huge one-eye shone in the dark night.

A gorgeous arc cut through the sky like a shooting star, and steel birds shuttled between the stars. The supersonic fighter jet broke through the clouds. The pilot locked the huge target in the mountains and forests in the distance, and the missile was ready to go.

The missile burst out with a rushing roar, like a long sword piercing the night.

In the next moment, flames almost occupied the heaven and earth, and the entire mountain began to scream sharply. The hot air pressure violently ravaged the empty valley, as if it was about to level everything.

The heat was enough to melt steel, and even the night seemed to turn into day. The dazzling flames briefly illuminated the giant shadow in the darkness, revealing its huge and weird posture.

Looks like a starfish?

Yes, it does look like a starfish. In a five-pointed star-like posture, the two corners on the lower side of the body support the body like a creature's legs, and the left and right sides replace the hands. On the front of the chest is an extremely huge eye, with intricate filamentous structures wrapped around the eyeball. When you look directly at it, a strange cry echoes in your ears, as if you are looking directly into the abyss.

A starfish dozens of meters tall.

The missile bombardment had no effect, it was just like giving it a hot bath. But it seemed to be angered, standing in the middle of a sea of ​​fire, its huge eyes looking directly at the raptors passing in the sky with anger.

Thousands of miles away, the headquarters of the Advanced Super Human Joint Research Group "A.R.G.U.S."

The short and fat black woman stood in front of the huge splicing screen, frowning slightly as she looked at the giant starfish on the screen that had received the missile bombing as if nothing had happened.

She is the commander of the Sky Eye Society, named Amanda Waller, the world's top agent and counter-reconnaissance master.

"Report sir, it has no effect."

"I understand." Waller said coldly, "Continue as planned, let's see if these five-cornered alien bastards can still be so arrogant in the face of white phosphorus bombs."

The starfish in the picture that is wreaking havoc in the mountainous area is an out-and-out alien. The current tentative codename given to it by Tianyan is "Starro", and its capabilities and strength are not yet known. But for now, it seems difficult for conventional weapons to affect its body.

But what is certain is that it is a huge threat, and it happens to be the type of matter that falls under the jurisdiction of the "Eye in the Sky" agency.

However, before the commander's next order could be conveyed, the communication channel from the frontline camp was occupied by shouts, gunshots and shrill screams.

"What's going on?" Amanda Waller ordered sternly, "Report!"

"The camp is under attack!"

The picture in the central control room immediately switched to the surveillance camera of the frontline camp. And through multiple surveillance angles, everyone in the Sky Eye control room seemed to see hell.

Countless starfish invaded the camp from nowhere and launched a sudden attack. They swooped out from the shadows, one by one precisely into the faces of the camp warriors.

Just like the classic image of the horror movie "facehugger".

All those who were knocked down twitched all over and stopped struggling in just a few seconds. When they stood up again, they had turned into dumb puppets. The starfish hugging their faces had strange eyes open, and they quickly took out their guns and started attacking teammates who had not yet been attacked.

A large number of starfish seemed to suddenly fill the entire camp. In just ten seconds, it almost dominated the entire stronghold. Even through the low-pixel surveillance, you can feel the weird and unspeakable horror.

This situation shocked Waller for a moment. But she was worthy of being a battle-experienced agent leader, and she made a prompt decision: "Put me through the Blackbird directly. I want to talk to the driver."

Waller's eyebrows almost knit together.

Careless. She realized that the current Sky Eyes still lacked experience in dealing with extraterrestrial matters, and they should have considered various situations more comprehensively.

This starfish enemy obviously has the ability to reproduce large numbers of small individuals, and has already secretly sent a large number of such individuals to sneak into the direction of the frontline command camp, using abilities similar to mind control to capture the camp.

It's smarter and scarier than it looks.

"Yes Yes!"

The correspondent, who was almost stunned, hurriedly followed the instructions.

The line was connected, and the frontline fighter pilot's line was connected. Waller coldly ordered: "This is Amanda Waller, the commander-in-chief of Sky Eye. The camp has been breached, and now I am giving you a direct order.

Bomb and destroy the entire camp, leaving no one alive. "

"Sir!" The correspondents were all surprised, "But our people"

"The enemy has mind manipulation methods that we don't know yet, and it is extremely likely that there is a risk of large-scale dissemination." Waller said decisively, "I don't have time to argue with you. This is an order."

Another team member interjected: "Sir!"

Waller frowned: "So what? I said I didn't have time."

"No, there's something new!" the team member shouted loudly, "The radar detected a high-energy reaction, and something just broke through the atmosphere above Starro's location!"


Waller's heartbeat seemed to skip a beat.

A giant alien starfish has already made their heads big enough, but what happens again?

what? Today is interstellar sightseeing day. Tickets for Earth scenic spots are 20% off or something? Are the aliens taking this group sightseeing one by one?

The next moment, target No. 2 appeared in the camera.

In the most shocking and solemn way.

The deep black sky was broken open, and a burning afterimage seemed to ignite the night. The stars were dispersed in terror, as if clearing the way for the coming king.

It was a burning red sphere.

The gleaming fiery red ball of light, dragging its burning tail, broke through the sky, like a meteor that had escaped from its orbit.

Thousands of feet of fire pillars violently bombarded the ground, and the sound was like tons of explosives detonating at once. The exaggerated impact and the devastating heat wave swept across everything, and the rocks and trees were crushed into pieces.

Even the huge starfish couldn't help but take two steps back before the devastating impact, its big eyes looking at the individuals appearing in the rolling waves of dust with uncertainty.

In the dust, a tall and vague silhouette slowly straightened up.

Looks like a giant?

Everyone's eyes in Tianyan's monitoring center were astonished as they watched this unfolding that completely exceeded their expectations.

Yes, indeed a giant.

The towering body, the slender figure, is similar to the human torso and limbs, the huge oval eyes are shining with light golden light, and there is some kind of crystal-like circular structure embedded in the chest, shining as blue as the sea. color.

He stepped slowly and walked out of the huge hole made in the ground. The flexible but metallic body cut through the smoke screen and walked out of the giant pit.

Starfish Starro instinctively shrank back, as if he sensed inexplicable danger from this second extraterrestrial visitor.

And the facts that followed quickly proved that it should indeed be afraid.

The giant stood still and raised his right arm.

There seemed to be a faint blue light flashing in that arm.

Starro had already turned around and started running away.

A large, blood-red character seemed to begin to loom faintly above his head.


The giant's left hand drew a blue arc and was thrown horizontally to the raised right arm.

Shows a cross-shaped gesture.

The dazzling blue brilliance is like a flood that bursts from a dam. It surges incessantly and powerfully, piercing the air and spurting out, like a thunder dragon rushing straight out of the thunder clouds!

The stars dimmed, and the earth instantly lost its color. The unparalleled beam of light was like a brilliant sword, dividing the sky and the earth and piercing the entire world.

Without any chance, Starro was hit.

The huge starfish let out a mournful cry, and its skin and flesh, which had been unscathed by the missile bombardment, melted almost the moment they touched it. That huge eye was filled with horror and shock at the last moment, as if it was impossible to understand how such a terrifying power could come from this backward and primitive little planet.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The starfish was instantly shattered into pieces, and the aftermath of the impact even lasted for a long time, flying all the way through the mountains behind. Like a series of dense mountain explosions, the mountain peaks were blasted through one after another, and all the rocks and trees evaporated and dissipated in the destructive light.

The sharp sword was as powerful as breaking bamboo, melting through everything, rushing into the night with endless momentum, and flew out of the sky.

In just an instant, the starfish beast disappeared.

The giant was left standing there with his arms crossed, facing the huge gap that had been blasted through the mountain peak. Blue arcs of electricity danced in the air for miles along the way, and the high temperature made the space look distorted.

Kill instantly with one hit.

The giant let go of his hands and stood on the earth under the dusty starry sky.

Like a god of salvation and destruction.

The next moment, his feet left the ground.

It left a sonic boom, broke through the sound barrier a moment after taking off, and disappeared into the night.

The monitoring center of Tianyan was silent for a long time.

In fact, Tianyan has not experienced a few real extraterrestrial events since its establishment. Most of the extraterrestrial events they have encountered so far are strange things from the sky or alien specimens that have been hanging up for a long time.

This is the first real contact with aliens.

"Ultra-high energy particle readings"

Someone reported with a dry voice.

"The air was converted into plasma. The giant used some kind of heat beam as a weapon, and its power was immeasurable."

After a while, someone reported again: "The target disappeared from the radar, sir. We...we lost it."

Amanda Waller's expression changed several times.

"All the face-hugging starfish-shaped creatures in the camp have been confirmed to be eliminated." Another person said, "It seems that the one that was just destroyed by the giant is the mother body. If the mother body is eliminated, the rest will die on their own."

"Looks like the crisis is over, sir."

"Lifted?" Amanda Waller said with a cold face, "This has just begun."

Waller lowered his voice.

"We are about to enter interstellar combat readiness."

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