I become light in American comics

Chapter 11 Chef Shazam

All the demon spirits were wiped out, and the huge temple suddenly became quiet again.

The old wizard sat back on his throne, closed his eyes and thought for a while, his old complexion quickly became rosy, and he regained some vitality.

At this time, Shen You also returned to human form and came to the old wizard's side.

"Thank you for your help, foreigner." The wizard Shazam opened his eyes and solemnly said to Shen You, "Although it is a bit hard to say, this time I have to admit that without your help, the consequences may be unimaginable."

"You don't seem surprised by me." Shen You said.

The wizard smiled.

"I have lived for nine thousand years. In these nine thousand years, I have seen the fall of old gods, the rise of new gods, the end of a world, and the spirit of God's vengeance angrily wielding the blade of punishment.

Believe me, if you live a long time, no matter how strange things happen, they won’t be strange. You are indeed an existence that I have never seen before, but it will not surprise a wise wizard too much. "

Shen You thought about it, it was the same. The wizard Shazam has not only lived a long time, but at his level, he must have dealt with multi-level bosses. Although he is no longer at his peak now, he is not always startled every time he sees a new alien race.

The wizard sighed: "But I am still getting old, and I am becoming more and more incompetent. Sure enough, I have to choose a new successor as soon as possible, otherwise the temple will soon be unguarded."

After a pause, he glanced at Shen You and sighed.

"Actually, I think you are a good choice. Your willpower still needs to be tempered, but you have a good heart and a pure heart. It's a pity."

He shook his head and didn't continue. But Shen You somewhat understood the meaning of the wizard's words.

After all, the wizard himself is still a human being, and the scope of choosing his successor is naturally within the human race. Strictly speaking, Shen You has been transformed into an Ultraman since his first rebirth. He is no longer a human being and is therefore not a candidate for a wizard.

In fact, to say so, it also depends on fate. There may not be anyone else in the Justice League who can meet the standard of pure heart and strong willpower, but in thousands of parallel worlds, the wizard will always choose Billy Batson in the end.

There is still some guidance from fate.

"I can't give you the power of the Six Gods, but the wizard certainly can't make people work in vain. Hmm." The old wizard pondered for a moment and asked, "Although I have never seen an existence like you, from my perspective, Are you supposed to be a being of some kind of light magic?"

Shen You was a little surprised. The so-called "light magic" should be an expression of the old wizard's magical perspective. Although the old wizard no longer has magical powers, he still has a sharp eye. With just one glance, he can see the essence of the light of his Ultra family.

"Then this will surely help you."

The wizard Shazam stretched out his hand and pinched it with two fingers. A burst of sunlight suddenly appeared on his fingertips, and the energy transformed into a ruby.

Shen You wanted to say that he knew nothing about magic, but after taking the gem and glancing at it, he was immediately surprised to sense some kind of hot and powerful energy churning in it. With just a thought in his mind, the energy poured into his body, making him feel full of energy and refreshed in a moment.

The feeling given to him was similar to what he would feel when receiving star energy through light.

The essence of Ultraman is light, and it is not just ideal light, but also includes light in the physical sense. In the long series of works, there are many scenes where Ultraman flies to a position close to a star and quickly recharges his energy through light, which is the most effective method of charging.

And this small ruby ​​gave him a feeling like sunlight.

"This is a gift from the sun god Apollo after an ancient war." The wizard Shazam stroked his beard and said with a smile, "It has been just a collection for me for so many years, but it may be of benefit to you. "

Shen You suddenly understood. Apollo is the sun god in the DC setting, and his power is out-and-out solar radiation - Dachao has personally certified it.

In the comics, Wonder Woman brought Superman to the territory of the Greek gods. Apollo saw that Superman was unhappy and gave him a shot. Superman's body energy instantly reached 400%. He said to Apollo in surprise, "You actually used it?" Hit me with solar radiation?", and then punched the Sun God hundreds of miles away.

This small ruby ​​seems to be a similar magic prop. It can absorb and store a considerable amount of solar radiation. Although Shen You doesn't know what its original purpose is, in his hands it is a plug-and-play power bank.

Ultraman is similar to Superman in that he can be strengthened by cheating with solar radiation. Like in the ending of Max, after being fed by solar energy, he directly shines his sword through the atmosphere. He is so handsome that he has no friends. Shen You estimated that this power bank might not be as effective as Lao Maikai, but it should be able to play a similar role. Normally fully charged, it can be used as an auxiliary explosive trump card if necessary.

This also reminded Shen You again that a wizard at Shazam's level is like the Sorcerer Supreme from Marvel next door. There is a room full of artifacts in the Mage Supreme's sanctuary, and Mage Shazam must have a lot of good things like this in his hands.

Shen You accepted the ruby, thanked the wizard, thought about it, and asked.

"So, you want to stay here and guard this hall, and then continue to look for a successor?"

The old wizard shook his head.

"We are looking for a successor," he said, "but maybe not here. I have been out of touch with reality for too long, and I don't understand the world today. If I can't go deep into it and understand the people today, it may be difficult to find the successor." The one-in-a-million heir."

When he said this, he smiled lightly.

"Nine thousand years have passed. For such a long time, I have been protecting the world at the hands of the devil again and again. It's time for me to retire.

I don't have much time left, so I just want to choose someone worthy of my trust to take over this responsibility, so that I can rest in peace.

The era of chaos will come again, but the world will have its new guardian. Who knows? Maybe they will do better than us at the beginning, maybe they can not only protect, but also guide the human race to where the light lies. "

The old man said, patting Shen You on the shoulder seemingly meaningfully.

He stood up after him, left the stone throne, and walked calmly towards the door of the hall.

Shen You silently looked at the old man's vicissitudes of life, and felt emotional for a moment.

The wizard Shazam may not have been the protagonist of the story, and in the story he only existed as a grandpa-style background panel in the origin of the hero. But there is no doubt that he was also a great guardian, guarding the lights of thousands of families in the darkness for thousands of years, and even his achievements and names were never known.

Even now, in his dying years, what he wants on his deathbed is to pass on the torch and continue to protect the safety of the human race.

Well, wait a minute.

Shen You suddenly thought of a bright idea.

"Senior Wizard?" He followed the wizard towards the exit of the hall and asked at the same time, "You said I'm afraid we don't have much time left?"

"Yes." The old wizard accepted it calmly, as if he was a master of the world.

"Can I ask how long it will take?"

"Who knows? No one can say for sure about the life span, which can be as short as twenty or thirty years, or as long as forty or fifty years." The old wizard said.

Shen You: "."

Sure enough, he knew.

When a 9,000-year-old guy says he's about to die, his standards are definitely different from those of normal humans.

"Well, if you have a few more decades to go, do you have any plans?"

"So I said it all. I need to understand the world today and choose my successor from it."

"No, I mean to be more specific." Shen You interrupted, "Because this selection process may take ten years? Twenty years? So where do you plan to live during this period? What will you eat?"

Judging from the actual combat situation just now, the wizard's old arms and legs are still healthy, but the magic seems to be a little difficult to use. Before choosing a successor, one of the first issues to face when returning to reality is food, clothing, housing and transportation.

At this time, they had just passed through the magic door and returned to the alleyway before entering. The old wizard was stunned when he heard this, obviously he had not seriously considered this issue.

So Shen You took advantage of the situation and said: "To be honest, I have opened a cafe in a nearby neighborhood, and the business is pretty good. Recently, I was thinking about providing guests with some baking or simple meals in addition to coffee, and it happened to Still missing a cook”

The old wizard's eyes were wide open and he was so angry that he blew his beard.

"You want me, the guardian of the Rock of Eternity, the founder of the Eternal Parliament, the greatest 'that wizard', to be your cook!?"

Shen You said nothing and only winked, meaning something close to "think about it."

"No, no, never, impossible, no room for it!"

The old wizard crossed his arms and raised his head proudly, determined.

However, his aging body, which was gradually losing his divine power, refused to show his dignity, and his stomach made a series of "gurgling" sounds.

Old wizard: "."

So one day later.

In the HISHE Cafe on the corner, there is an old chef who wears a scarf and a chef's hat and blows his beard all day long to look displeased with everyone.

"Let me tell you, Gotham is a place full of outstanding people. You will definitely see and experience more in one day in our store than you would in a month elsewhere. You are right to want to blend in with the times here. .”

Shen You said with a smile to the new employees he hired with zero salary including food and accommodation.

"By the way, you may not have seen the kitchen equipment before, but they are all very useful. Come and let me teach you."

"No need."

The old man raised his head proudly.

"They are just mortal creations. It is easy for a wise wizard to master them. I can make them all obey my orders before dark!"

"Uh, okay, then come on."

However, just two minutes after Shen You exited the kitchen, he heard a "bang" explosion behind him.

And a smell of burnt smoke.

Shen You: "."

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