I become light in American comics

Chapter 27 The Confused Riddler

The splitting of the eight-point light wheel and the tracking of telekinesis are considered stunt-level operations even among the new Ultra Warriors who graduated from the Kingdom of Light Academy. There are only a few in the entire class who can perform such gorgeous operations.

Shen You was very happy to find that his sword was still young, and the Ultra cutting skills he had practiced so hard had not been returned to his teacher with the time travel.

It is quite difficult to split the light wheels into five, not to mention having to control them with telekinesis to pursue five targets in different directions at the same time. And if the Ultra Warriors are fighting normally, the targets they lock on are usually huge individual monsters. Like this time, the five demon spirits are all about the size of a human, and the accuracy requirements for tracking and locking are much higher.

Even Shen You couldn't help but give himself a score of 90% from the bottom of his heart.

After killing him with one blow, he glanced casually. After the transformation, Ultra's vision was stronger than that of the human body. With just a casual glance, he quickly locked onto a long-abandoned haunted house in the amusement park, and saw several figures in it through the wall.

That's a few kids.

Locked in a cage deep in the haunted house, the oldest one was only eight or nine years old, and all of them looked pitiful with gray heads and faces, and some of them still had tear stains on their faces.

These demons actually captured the child?

Shen You quickly thought that the bat demon that possessed Maroni last time had a similar record, so this kind of lower-level behavior was not surprising. It can only be said that this group of monsters from the demon world really deserved to die.

With one punch, the power of Ultraman's punch directly penetrated the layers of obstacles and blasted into the place where the children were imprisoned. Several children in the cage raised their heads and looked at the giant outside through the blasted hole. They couldn't help but open their mouths, and their young hearts were deeply shocked.

Outside the playground, in a building not far away.

A strange man in a green suit and a green dome hat sat arrogantly in a chair with his legs crossed and his back to the window. A green eyepatch covered his cheekbones, and he was holding a strange cane with a strange question mark on the tip.

Edward Nygma, codenamed The Riddler. The highly intelligent super criminal who is obsessed with riddles has been competing with the newbie Batman for the past week. He is also the first madman the newbie has encountered.

"Moving forward every moment, caught in the middle again and again. Put me back in my own territory, and I will make it more chaotic." The Riddler smiled and shook his cane, "Who am I?"

"We don't have time to play guessing games with you, Nygma."

The speaker was Sal Maroney, a gangster and one of the actual leaders of the city. He was followed by several younger brothers, scattered around the Riddler.

The Riddler glanced at them and smiled.

"Batman, huh? You want Batman, that's why you're here."

"You're asking questions knowingly." Maroni said coldly, "That madman in bat costume has caused me to suffer huge losses in the past month. He arrested my people, took away my stronghold, and intercepted my goods.

If he thought he could get away with it after doing what he did, then he obviously didn't understand what Gotham was. "

"Yes, yes, that's why we are in the same boat. Because we both hate bats." The Riddler said.

Maroni's face was expressionless: "You said you could take down Batman tonight. But from what I see, you just sit here and tell your boring riddles."

"That's because you are too slow to keep up with the rhythm. I am already taking action. Otherwise, why do you think I asked you to come here to join me?"

The Riddler smiled.

"The riddle just now is the clue."

Maroni frowned, obviously not understanding what that meant. He looked at the younger men beside him. It was obvious that those muscular men were unlikely to guess the answer.

"The answer is electricity, geniuses." The Riddler chuckled, "I locked up all the captured children in the haunted house at the playground, and left clues to the Dark Knight - of course he can definitely decipher the mystery. Come here because he's smart, almost as smart as me.

But I've studied his action patterns. I passed current through all the skylights, vents, and doors where he could enter. It was definitely enough high-voltage electricity for him to consume a pot. "

Maroney pondered for a moment.

"My people say he's very tough," Maroney said. "I'm not sure high-voltage electricity can take him down."

"That's just an appetizer. I've prepared more surprises for him inside. If he wants to save the child, he has to pass through all the death traps I set - and that is definitely not a level that any human being has the chance to pass. Even if The same goes for Batman, he doesn't stand a chance either."

However, the Riddler, who had his back to the window, did not see it. Just as he made his excited statement, an incandescent light flashed outside the window, and the amusement park in the darkness was instantly illuminated. The sacred beam of light shot straight into the night, and the red and silver giant soared into the sky.

Maroni and the other boys were stunned for a moment, with their mouths wide open and their heads filled with question marks.

The Riddler was unaware, still immersed in his brilliant plan: "Today is the day when the Dark Knight falls. But he is barely a match for me, and I will miss him. But this haunted house will This is his burial place."

One boy was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but point to the window: "Isn't that the haunted house you are talking about?"

"Huh? This is not nonsense. How else can it be

WTF! ? "

The Riddler, who turned back following the direction of his finger, instantly jumped up from his chair.

He was stunned to see the red and silver giant punch his fist through the ceiling of the haunted house, completely ignoring all the traps he had carefully set, and snatched out several hostage children as if they were pulling out chickens.

He suspected that the giant might not even feel the presence of the so-called "fatal" high-voltage current.

For the first time in his life, the Riddler was at a loss.

what is this?

Have you been punished by God for your many evil deeds?

Until the giant's whole body was surrounded by white light and his figure turned into a point of light and disappeared, the Riddler was still confused in his deep doubts about life.

who I am? where am I? Who am I going to do?

Is this thing really the opponent I should face?

"This must be a trap, Master."

Alfred's voice came over the Batmobile's communications system.

"A trap isn't a trap when you know it's a trap, it's a head-to-head contest." Batman stepped on the accelerator and said coldly.

"Have you forgotten our previous conversation? You don't have to be alone. You can leave a message for the GCPD, or if you don't trust them, you can at least contact Director Gordon!

The Riddler must have laid a dragnet waiting for you. Going to that amusement park alone is tantamount to death."

"I have arrived."

Batman still ignored it, stopped the car and said to himself. The sliding door of the Batmobile opened and he rolled out.

He walked fearlessly towards the amusement park in the darkness, his dark cloak fluttering in the wind, like a knight who was looking forward to death.

A minute later, Batman stopped in front of the haunted house whose roof had been punched through and half of it collapsed.

He repeatedly confirmed the deciphered clues and was sure that he was looking in the right place.

Then a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Where are people?

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