I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 58

~ Chapter 58: The Dementors Are In Action, Tang Yuqi’S Shock

In the dense forest where you can’t see your fingers, there are hundreds of monsters looming.

These monsters are shaped like apes, with heads like giant pythons, hairless all over, and have gray-brown fine scales.

They have four limbs, walk on two feet, and occasionally crawl on four limbs like apes, with slender arms and sharp claws, like extremely sharp daggers.

It is the most common dementor in the wild.

The dementors moved extremely quickly, and the dense jungle and dark environment did not hinder them, but instead allowed their petite stature to be hidden.

The violent storm swept across the sky and the earth, like a raging cloud and a huge wave, bending the thick branches of the dense forest, as if to overthrow this terrifying wilderness.

The frenzied movement covered the sound of the dementors’ actions, making their actions more secretive and untraceable.

But Qingluan saw all their actions.

Qingluan soared in the violent storm, and the raindrops as big as beans fell from the sky. Under the blessing of the storm, they roared, like pebbles as big as pebbles, which hurt people quite painfully, but these raindrops whizzing down did not It fell on Qingluan.

An inch away from her body was blocked by an invisible barrier.

That is the power of the wind.

The wind is invisible.

Invisible to the naked eye.

It was only under the violent storm that the extraordinary power was revealed.

Qingluan glides in the air, a pair of eyes piercing the darkness, seeing the dementors running in the dense forest, thoughtful.

It wasn’t the first time she’d seen Dementors in action nearby.

As early as a few days ago, when the victims first came to the beach, there were already dementors operating nearby.

However, dementors are cautious by nature, and will run away at the slightest sign of trouble.

At the beginning, there were only three or four dementors watching around, observing the situation of the victims.

After confirming that the victims of the Seidel cruise ship were not irresistible creatures, the activities of the dementors became more nearby, and even the dementors took on the unforgettable form of the victims, trying to lure the victims fooled.

But there has been no large-scale action.

Today is the first time!

Because the dementors felt the uneasiness and tension of the victims.

Their favorite prey is fearful, which greatly enhances their hunting success.

When they first came to this beach, although the victims were uneasy, at least they still had hope, waiting for the rescue of the motherland. But as time passed, everyone’s food and drinking water became less and less, but even the rescue team could not be seen, and even the satellite phone could not find the signal.

Hope is like a candle in a storm, becoming more and more elusive.

Destruction of hope brings all kinds of negative emotions.





These are the emotions that dementors like.

They sensed the emotional changes of the victims and knew that a sumptuous meal was about to be enjoyed by them, so they naturally came out in full force.

Qingluan held her head high and let out the sound of cranes cracking gold and cracking stones.

The sound was sharp, tearing through the violent wind and rain, and passed into the dark and deep jungle.

The dementor heard Qingluan’s chirping, and immediately stopped in place.

They didn’t move at all, only a pair of strange blood-colored eyes looked around the surrounding environment, looking for possible dangers.

Qingluan didn’t make a move, just turned around and left after a groan.

Although her strength is strong, she can be ranked among the top ten in Xu country, but she is not sure to deal with hundreds of dementors alone.

Of course, with her racial advantage, she is not afraid of the siege of hundreds of dementors.

Camp of the victims.

After a few days, the camp became more and more stylish, with simple tents and houses lined up all over the beach.

Under the ravages of the storm, these simple tents and houses could not complete their mission, and it began to rain lightly inside the house.

Such a harsh environment, almost no one can really sleep.

Tang Yuqi and Tang Yuanqing are just one of the insomniacs.

Although their caves can shelter from wind and rain, they don’t have to suffer from storms.

Thinking of Afra and Yuan Xingguo who have not heard from them so far, and the rescue team who have not heard anything, the grandfather and grandson are extremely depressed, how can they be able to sleep.

Inside the cave, there is a faint light.

It’s a bonfire that’s slowly burning.

The flames are not big.

But it dispelled the damp and cold in the cave.

As he got older, Tang Yuanqing could no longer bear the cold and humid environment.

With the storm coming tonight, Tang Yuanqing didn’t dare to let the bonfire go out. Otherwise, not to mention taking a rest, whether I can stand up again tomorrow is a huge problem.

The grandpa and grandson gathered around the bonfire, covered with blankets, leaning on a wooden stake, and chatting.

“Grandpa, can we go back?”

Tang Yuqi looked at the burning bonfire with dazed eyes, her beautiful face was quite haggard, and she no longer had the charm of the past.

Her voice was deep, lonely and sad in the storm.

Tang Yuanqing said firmly and decisively without any hesitation.


“We must be able to go back.”

In fact, he was not sure whether he could go back, and even agreed with Tang Yuqi’s words.

But as an elder, as a grandfather, he must give Tang Yuqi a belief, a hope of living.

Lose hope and it’s all over.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for people who have lost hope to persevere and cannot survive.

Tang Yuanqing saw everything that happened in the temporary camp these days and was silently worried.





The moral bottom line of mankind is collapsing.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Worst of all, food and water in the camps are dwindling. In the face of hunger and death, most people are selfish, and scrambling is an inevitable process.

Tang Yuqi’s beautiful eyes regained a touch of spirit.

She looked sideways at the storm outside the door, her slender eyebrows were frowned, and she asked worriedly, “Afra and the others might have delayed their trip because of the storm?”

“The storm will stop tomorrow, will they come back?”

This time, Tang Yuanqing’s tone was not so firm.

“hope so.”

“Aphra is a smart and brave child. Even if she encounters danger, she will find a way to solve it.”

“We have to trust Aphra.”

Tang Yuqi sighed bitterly.

Trust Aphra.

Of course she was willing to believe in Afra.

But the reality made her unable to do it.

Really can’t do it.

Tang Yuqi saw all the dangers of this island. Don’t talk about unarmed ordinary people, even if they are fully armed elite soldiers, Tang Yuqi doubts whether the opponent can survive.



poisonous insect.

poisonous snake.

Even in the seemingly calm sea, there are countless unimaginable beasts.

Aphra is smart and brave, but just an ordinary girl.

The grandfather and grandson stared at the flames, and the atmosphere fell into a dull and depressing atmosphere.

Suddenly, a kind voice came from outside the door.

“Old Tang~~~”

“Xiao Yuqi~~~”

The voice seemed vague and intangible in the violent wind and rain.

But it clearly entered the cave.

It reached Tang Yuqi’s ears.

She stood up immediately, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com looked at the simple gate in surprise.

that voice!

grandmother? ?

She wasn’t sure, because her grandma had passed away a few years ago, so she couldn’t be here.

But apart from grandma, almost no one would call her Xiao Yuqi.

That voice, that title, that voice, she still hears it in her dreams, and she will never remember it wrong.

“Grandpa, did you hear~~~”

Tang Yuqi’s expression changed, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn’t help swallowing them.

In her memory, grandpa and grandma had a very good relationship. When grandma passed away, grandpa lost his soul for two or three years before recovering.

At this time, when she mentioned grandma’s matter, she couldn’t imagine what kind of blow it would be to grandpa.

It’s just that Tang Yuqi didn’t notice that Tang Yuanqing’s old face staring at Lie Yan was unpredictable.

Sometimes nostalgia.

Sometimes painful.

Be wary from time to time.

Sometimes angry.

Because he also heard the shouts outside, and it wasn’t the first time!

Not long after arriving here, Tang Yuanqing met his deceased wife.

Since then, every night in the middle of the night, he can hear affectionate shouts from outside the door. But he didn’t dare to open the door, let alone go out to meet each other, because he knew that it was definitely not his wife, but some kind of unexplainable, incomprehensible, and indescribable monster!

For the sake of his granddaughter, he must bear this suffering and pressure!

Only this time, things are different.

An old Caucasian woman with a kind face appeared outside the simple door, lying on the fence and staring at Tang Yuanqing and Tang Yuqi affectionately!

Tang Yuqi’s expression changed drastically, and she exclaimed in disbelief.


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