I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 22 Artificial Creation

After changing seats, school was over. Liu Huaxing packed his schoolbag, looked at Qin Yulu and asked, Shall we go together today?

Forget it today. Today, Jiaxin said that she would go to the cake shop after school to buy some cakes to take home and not pass by that station. Qin Yulu smiled, See you tomorrow?

Liu Huaxing nodded, so he and Yang Ying went to the bicycle shed to get the bicycle and prepared to go home.

After returning home, Liu Huaxing naturally told his parents the good news of the exam.

Although the grades in political history were lowered, but because the overall ranking has improved a lot compared to before, and he also got the first grade in mathematics, so his parents only cared about being happy and didn't ask about political history.

Is it okay for me to watch cartoons every day after school? Liu Huaxing laid out the test papers one by one on the table and asked with a proud smile. His father was a little annoyed: Look, look! But I told you in advance, if the grades drop, you have to study honestly for me, did you hear me?

In fact, Liu Huaxing was a little dissatisfied with his father's general statement, but he didn't want to explain too much, so he responded perfunctorily, turned on the TV and watched cartoons, while his mother happily took him first place. She bumped into the math test paper and read it carefully. Even though she couldn't understand the questions above, she still smiled happily.

However, Liu Huaxing still has a lot of things to do. He has to train in the evening to strengthen his physical fitness, and then he has to prepare meals for the next day. He looked at the materials in the refrigerator first, and then told his parents: From now on, I will make bento by myself and for two classmates, so I need to prepare more materials. But don't worry, I will Take money from them.

Okay. Lu Jing was in a very good mood at the moment, and didn't care about these small things, Don't charge people too much.

Receive the capital. Liu Huaxing replied, then took out a piece of pork ribs from the refrigerator, and sighed: This year is so good, a catty of pork ribs is less than ten yuan...

After chopping and marinating the ribs, and then washing and cutting the other ingredients, Liu Huaxing did anaerobic training and stretching, and then took a rest early. Get up on time at six o'clock the next morning, jog first and then come back to shower and make meals.

Today he prepared sweet and sour pork ribs, stir-fried cabbage, tomato scrambled eggs and green pepper fried pork, but the difference from yesterday is that today he has to prepare three servings, and Yang Xiaoxiao likes spicy food, so he prepared for Yang Xiaoxiao alone A spicy sauce to dip into if she doesn't think the dish is spicy enough.

After finishing all this work, it was already half past seven, and Liu Huaxing went downstairs to meet Yang Ying.

Oh, I'm busy every day. Liu Huaxing couldn't help sighing, but to be honest, he felt very fulfilled in his heart, because he felt that life would be meaningful in this way, and every minute was not wasted.

Why are there more lunch boxes? Yang Ying looked curiously at the lunch boxes that Liu Huaxing had put in her backpack.

It's delicious, it's very popular, there is one more person to order. Liu Hua replied with a smile, and then pushed the cart forward, Okay, hurry up and buy breakfast, and make it a little later I'm going to be late.

When they rushed to the school, the two of them almost entered the classroom with pressure. When Liu Huaxing and Yang Ying entered the classroom together, usually the boys in the class would gossip at this moment, but recently this group of brats He was very satisfied with his state of abnormal fear, at least no one came to trouble him, so he could have more time to do other things.

Qin Yulu watched Liu Huaxing sit down in a hurry, and whispered, I'm almost late?

I can't help it, I'm busy. Liu Huaxing wiped off his sweat and said, Qin Yulu glanced at him and handed him a napkin.

Hey, this girl! Liu Huaxing was secretly surprised, but then a sense of accomplishment emerged spontaneously: the favorability has increased!

After wiping off her sweat, Qin Yulu turned her small face expectantly and looked at him flipping through her schoolbag: What's delicious today?

I'll find out at noon. Liu Huaxing poked lightly on her forehead and teased, Qin Yulu gave a dissatisfied tsk and pushed his hand away, Annoying! Don't poke my forehead!

At this time, Yang Xiaoxiao inadvertently turned her head to look at him. Liu Huaxing felt a little uneasiness from her, as if she was not sure if she had her share. Liu Huaxing said angrily: Don't worry, I have yours!

It doesn't matter without me. Yang Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, The big deal is just going out to eat.

For her answer, Liu Huaxing just smiled and said nothing, Yang Xiaoxiao has such a strong character.

Yesterday's test paper was only half explained, and today he will continue to talk about the test paper, so Liu Huaxing continued to boredly draw ghosts on the test paper. In fact, he reproduces the anime characters he has seen based on his impressions, so the paintings are so-so.

However, Liu Huaxing likes the feeling of self-exploration. He can use those meaningless arcs to find small painting skills, how to express human facial features and lines with comics, which allows him to develop his own style of painting.

Life is too ordinary, without any triggering events, it can only rely on time to improve Qin Yulu's favor. After all, more than 20 hours a day, only the eight hours of going to school together, just attending class and listening to lectures, how can you improve your goodwill?

Liu Huaxing was a little unsure: When it came time for the high school entrance examination, could he really let Qin Yulu and him take the same school?

Suddenly, he lost his grip on the eraser, slipped from his hand, and fell to the ground, right between him and Qin Yulu. At that time, he subconsciously wanted to pick it up, but Qin Yulu moved first, so Liu Huaxing stopped quickly to avoid bumping into her. And Qin Yulu lowered her head, picked up the eraser, put it on his desk, and continued to listen.

At this time, Liu Huaxing suddenly had an idea: Isn't this an emergency? He can artificially create it!

Thinking of this, Liu Huaxing closed his eyes and read the file, returning to the moment when the eraser was dropped on the ground, and then bowed his head to pick it up without hesitation. At this time, Qin Yulu also just lowered her head, so with a sound of boom!, the heads of the two bumped into each other, and there was a cry of pain, and the two of them covered their heads and bounced away. The students in the class suddenly burst into laughter.

Ah! Qin Yulu looked at him angrily while covering her forehead, and Liu Huaxing also covered her forehead and rubbed it, then touched her head, and asked with concern, Does it hurt?

You... why are you with me! If you see me bowing your head, let me go! Qin Yulu complained as she punched him.

Isn't that subconscious? Liu Huaxing said innocently, and stretched out his hand, I'll let you hit me again, okay?

Qin Yulu lowered her eyelids slightly and pursed her mouth, knowing that he was not to blame, so she muttered, Forget it, it's not your fault...

After finishing speaking, Qin Yulu continued to listen to the lecture, but there was still a blush on her face, which was cute. And this attempt also made Liu Huaxing discover that it is feasible to create events artificially. After all, life is not a movie, and there are not so many romantic or interesting events. Youth may not be youthful, but he can use his ability to read files to artificially create these events.

Thinking of this, Liu Huaxing became more confident about the future of himself and Qin Yulu.

In love and war, there is no injustice, baby. Liu Huaxing nodded and said to himself.

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