I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 117 The punishment in hell is really terrible, fortunately I am a sports student (6k2)

When Lu Wenwu came back to his senses, he found that he had stepped onto the ground and stepped into another space.

When you open your eyes, everything you see is a blur.


Lu Wenwu didn't know how to describe the scene in front of him.

That's kind of like a butcher's shop selling meat?

All the dead souls were seen were like strips of meat waiting to be sold, with their tongues hooked by thick hooks and chains, their limbs tied to a huge metal plate, hanging naked in the air.

This is true for both men and women.

Their tongues are growing longer due to their weight and the weight of the metal plates, and the expressions on their faces are becoming more ferocious and painful.

Lu Wenwu raised his head and looked up. He didn't know where the chain extended from, but it was as far as he could see.

In the sky above, there were blazing flames and biting wind blowing alternately.

Every time they reach the iron plate where the dead souls are bound, the pain will become more and more severe, and they will struggle more and more fiercely.

When the wind blows.

The bodies of countless dead souls hanging in the air swayed in the wind, and a large number of metal plates collided with each other in the cold wind, making a pleasant sound like wind chimes.

Below, the green-faced and fanged Yin soldiers held down the wailing souls, clamped the opponent's tongue with a huge vise, and used all their strength to pull it out.

The tongue was slowly elongated and kept getting thinner, but as if some kind of force had been exerted on it, it would not break in the middle no matter what.

The dead soul whose tongue had been pulled out had his face twisted into a ball, and his whole body was struggling and convulsing violently, trying to escape this terrible punishment.

But the Yin soldiers on the side are like the strongest cage in the world, holding the dead soul tightly, making it unable to survive or die, and can only live and die.

Until the Yin soldier responsible for pulling out the tongue suddenly exerted force, the long red tongue suddenly broke from the root like a broken tendon string, rebounded to the pliers and kept curling.

Then, the broken tongue in the dead soul instantly grew back intact and started a new cycle of reincarnation.

This is the first level of the eighteen levels of hell, the tongue pulling hell.

Anyone who sows dissension, slanders and harms others, is glib and clever, and lies and deceives others while alive will be sent to the tongue-pulling hell after death.

In this level of hell, having your tongue pulled out, being roasted by the high temperature, and being blown by the cold wind are just the most basic punishments.

Tongue pulling is by no means as simple as pulling out the tongue, but a symbol that directly deprives the deceased soul of its ability to communicate with the outside world.

The souls tortured in this layer cannot see or speak. They can only feel the ubiquitous pain in the boundless darkness, the intense loneliness and the fear caused by the lack of time concept.

They couldn't even scream.

Lu Wenwu made some calculations.

Based on the difference between the trial time set by King Yama for himself and his karma and merit, it can be concluded that the trial time for a normal player should be about seven days in the first level of hell.

Is this long?

Definitely not long.

According to legend, the eighteen hells are arranged according to the length of time of suffering and the severity of the crime.

In terms of the speed of time in hell, one day is equal to 3,750 years in the human world.

Under the normal penalty, the sentence is 10,000 years.

In other words, the shortest sentence in the Tongue Pulling Hell is 13.5 billion years in Blue Star time

A little trivia: The guy who was the first to go to tongue-pulling hell hasn’t been released yet.

The second trivia: Currently, there is no record of the first release in any hell in the entire underworld.

What is even more frightening is that the levels of hell are pushed back one after another. Each level of hell is twenty times more painful than the previous one, and the length of the sentence is twice as long as the previous one.

It’s time for the Eighteen Hells.

Lu Wenwu was too lazy to forget it, there were just a lot anyway.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a Yin general who was on duty finally discovered that there was such a big living person standing here, and he was startled.

He walked up with wide eyes and kept circling around Lu Wenwu.

"Brother, don't look at me like that, I'm scared." Lu Wenwu said, "What kind of process are we doing? Lord Yama just introduced me to a prison, I'll come and report."

He was afraid that the villain would suddenly say: "Brother, you smell so good!"

Unexpectedly, when Lu Wenwu asked, the Yin general was suddenly startled.

He howled out loudly, attracting the attention of a large number of Yin soldiers around him, who even stopped to pull out their tongues.

Countless ghosts stared at Lu Wenwu, making him feel a little uncomfortable. He thought to himself what was wrong with this evil soldier, and he was always startled.

"Can you see me? Can you still speak?"

The surprised Yin Jiang calmed down and asked in confusion.

"Yes, is this strange?" Lu Wenwu spread his hands, "Your rules in the underworld restrict the souls of the dead. What does it have to do with me being able to be seen by living people?"

"Is that so? But living people also have souls, so it's impossible for the rules of the underworld not to take effect? ​​It's really strange." General Yin nodded doubtfully, "So this is what you are doing?"

Lu Wenwu patiently repeated it again: "My name is Tyrannosaurus, and I came down from the underworld to experience. King Yama of the Fifth Palace asked me to report to the eighteenth level of hell first, and I will be tortured in the underworld for three days on each level."

"A living person? Experience? Come to the eighteenth level of hell? Appointed by Lord Yama of the Five Palaces? I will give you the title of Emperor Dongyue!"

This underworld general was keenly aware of how terrifying the combination of these keywords was, and successfully made the association.

Immediately, his eyes looked at Lu Wenwu with more visible respect, and even his questioning voice softened a little.

"This little Tyrannosaurus, has Lord Yama told you anything else? Or, has Lord Yama given you an official approval or document?"

"No, he just gave a few verbal instructions and then sent me here."

Lu Wenwu thought for a while, and then started to take things out of his body.

The wings of the sky on the back, the talisman of life and death on the neck, the mobile phone and house keys in the pocket.

"By the way, just before I left, King Yama told me to leave my belongings to Yin Zai for safekeeping and return them to me when everything is over and I leave hell."

Yin Jiang took it without thinking and said smoothly: "Then give it to me first and I will save it for you."

When General Yin took a palm-sized "iron sign", the whole ghost was stunned for a moment, and his words of agreement stopped abruptly.

Immediately, screams that were even more terrifying than before broke out again.

Lu Wenwu, who was covering his ears, now deeply understood what the real ghost scream was.

That high-pitched sound, which is enough to penetrate the eardrums and reach deep into the soul, is really not something that humans can shout out.

General Yin held up the token-like thing and asked tremblingly: "Little friend, no, sir! Lord Tyrannosaurus! Have you shown this thing to a certain King of Hell or a Lord Judge?"

Although he didn't know exactly how Lu Wenwu got this amnesty order from the underworld.

But the aura of King Yama on it cannot be faked!

Such a thing has not been paid out for more than a few dollars since the establishment of the first generation of Hell!

What’s more, it was given by King Yama!

Lu Wenwu took a quick look and saw that it was the Pardon of Hades that he had just taken off his belt.

Wait, a pardon from Hades?

He suddenly remembered that the introduction of this thing seemed to be that it was a gadget made by a certain practitioner of the King of Hell.

It couldn't be such a coincidence that the most famous King of Yama in the Five Halls did it, right?

"I didn't show it to them, and they didn't ask."

Seeing that the ghost would keep staring at him, Lu Wenwu quickly shook his head and explained honestly.

"One stick of incense ago, a group of black and white impermanence brought me to the gate of Fengdu City. A Yin general with better-looking armor than yours took me into the queue and entered the palace of King Qin Guang. King Qin Guang looked at the evil mirror platform. He took me to see other kings of hell.”

"Then, in a large hall where the ten kings of hell were sitting side by side, the king of the gods personally weighed me with a karma scale. Finally, the king of hell determined the time for my trial and sent me here in person. "

The Yin general was stunned on the spot after hearing this.

Black and White Wuchang personally sent it to Fengdu City.

What is the three-year journey of an ordinary dead soul within one stick of incense?

The Tenth Palace Yama and the four judges arrived at the same time?

King Qin Guang personally checked it?

The King of Rooks weighed it in person?

King Yama personally sentenced and sent him to the eighteen levels of hell?

Brother, tell the truth, what is your relationship with that Yin Tianzi from the Fifth Palace?

Are you the biological son of a super god in the fairy world, and you have come to the underworld to travel and relax! ?

It was the monkey who came to the underworld for the second time after causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace. You are the only one with such a big reputation!

elder brother!

Take me with you!

I want to join the club so much!

The ghost general immediately bent down and saluted, presented what Lu Wenwu had just taken out with both hands, and said respectfully: "Master Tyrannosaurus, please keep it, and then follow down the staff passage here to leave the Eighteenth Level of Hell. ”



Where is this going?

"Wait, did you get the wrong brother?"

Lu Wenwu took his things with confusion and followed the ghost general out in a daze.

"I haven't done anything yet, why did you drive me away?"

"No, no, you misunderstood. I'm not driving you away! It's because of your token." The ghost general replied as he led the way, "From the time when King Yama issued this amnesty order for you in the underworld, everything in hell Nothing will apply to you, including the rules for the dead."


"So, this is why you are clearly not a ghost, a Yin soldier, or a Yin god, but you can still ignore the restrictions of hell and can see, speak, and communicate with ghosts in the Tongue Pulling Hell."

"I see, thank you for clearing up the confusion."

"It's a small thing, that's right. It's a bit short here, but you are tall and powerful, so be careful when you touch your head."


Why do you suddenly feel at home?

Walking in the employee passageway made of red hell rocks, Lu Wenwu suddenly felt...

Did you not follow the process again and skip the level in some unique way?

I don’t know what the ghost general was thinking about that (fake) amnesty order from the underworld.

The other party didn't say anything, and Lu Wenwu didn't bother to ask.

Anyway, I didn't say a word of lies, everything was made up by the other party's own mind.

I'm just an honest person who just asks questions when I don't understand and follows the staff through the process honestly.

You can’t slander us!

Fengdu Ghost Town extends in all directions and is the transportation hub of the underworld.

Lu Wenwu followed the Yin General for a while without feeling that he had gone far.

But when he came out of the passage, he found that he had appeared outside Fengdu City, but it was not the city gate he came in from.

Yin Jiang took him forward along Huangquan Road.

Not far away, a majestic mountain with a peak that cannot be seen at a glance stands straight into the gray clouds.

Looking closely, the mountain is actually made up of ghost money, stacks of yellow paper, countless paper ingots and paper tributes.

Next to this mountain, there is a beautifully shaped attic with its door open. Countless ghost messengers in uniform are busy and flowing in it, as if they are carrying something.

Three vigorous and powerful characters are written on the door of the attic - Gongyang Pavilion.

To put it bluntly, this is the post office of the underworld, plus the headquarters of Tiandi Bank.

All the things burned by people in the world will be sent here, waiting for the ghost messengers to collect them, and then go to the ghost world fort to send them to the corresponding ghosts.

"Brother, what is the mountain next to Gongyang Pavilion?" Lu Wenwu asked curiously.

"Ah, are you talking about that? That is the paper money mountain. It is because people in the world did not burn paper according to the regulations. After being sent down, they could not find the paper money and tributes of the recipient ghosts, so they had to pile them up here. Over the years, it has become a mountain."

The ghost general looked at the paper money mountain with great emotion, and there seemed to be a look of regret in his eyes.

"Many people nowadays have forgotten the correct way to burn paper, or even don't take it seriously at all. In addition to burning paper at the corresponding grave, which can be directly transferred to a designated point, the rest of the locations can only be effective if burned at the designated express delivery point in the underworld, but... hey!"

Lu Wenwu thought about it and felt that the so-called designated express delivery point in the underworld should be the side of the intersection.

Generally, when burning paper, an open circle is drawn there, and a few pieces of loose money are distributed to lonely ghosts as bribes, and a few more are distributed to the postman of the underworld as postage.

Those who are more particular can also burn a table with the identity information of the famous recipient ghosts and the address of the grave, which plays a role similar to the express delivery bill.

Lu Wenwu is a living person. He has not even opened an account in the Tiandi Bank, and has never done anything fancy to burn paper for himself in advance. Naturally, he skipped this place and went straight to the ghost world fortress.

"Speaking of which, did I miss two famous attractions in the underworld?" Lu Wenwu muttered softly while walking on the road.

The ghost general took the initiative to say: "If you follow the process you just described, you should not have been to the square outside the Fifth Hall."

"Outside the Fifth Hall is a throne and lotus platform, which is the public Buddhist class of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in hell, in order to erase the karma in some dead souls, so that they can suffer less sins in hell, or even be directly influenced."

"Speaking of this, Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun of the heavenly realm also often travels to Fengdu City. He usually takes his disciples and golden boys and jade girls to run around in various hells, and also preaches to many evil souls."

"If those evil souls can understand the subtleties of what Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun said, they can be liberated and avoid the almost endless and terrifying punishment."

It's just fun to be punished honestly, and it depends on these two to really get out of hell.

Either understand Buddhism or Taoism.

I just don't know if those players who follow the normal process can understand something from the preaching of these two gods.

If it were the protagonists of the upgrade flow, they would definitely be severely suppressed, imprisoned in hell, meet two great gods, get guidance, practice Buddhism and Taoism, and achieve great magic. After coming out, they would just kill people indiscriminately.

In the process of killing or after killing, they would provoke stronger enemies, continue to be severely suppressed, flee for their lives, and get opportunities.

Anyway, just keep repeating the above steps, and occasionally you can take the time to shoot, and your confidante will be happy +1.

Lu Wenwu gave his own opinion in his heart.

The distance from Fengdu City to Guijie Fort is not far, and Lu Wenwu quickly followed the ghost general into the scope of Guijie Fort.

It is called "fort", but in fact it is a very vast area, much larger than Shenzhou.

It's just that the first gathering place of ghosts was a fort, and after several expansions, this name has been used.

Therefore, the ghost fort often mentioned by many ghosts now refers specifically to the ghost fort in a narrow sense, which is currently the capital of the underworld, and is also the original site of the ghost fort.

But in the myths and legends of the Yang world, the living areas of all ghosts are divided into the scope of the ghost world fortress.

Just following the ghost general near here, Lu Wenwu felt a strong yin wind mixed with ghost energy coming.

The biting cold wind blew on his body, blocked by the strong body defense.

This bit of yin energy is nothing to him now.

If it were an ordinary person, without any protection, immersed in the yin energy, it would be exhausted and the yang energy would be damaged.

Until the yang energy and the vitality of the body are exhausted, they will pass away.

It should be said that the ghost general is quite kind-hearted.

Lu Wenwu went to the nearest City God Temple to apply for a foreign population residence card, and changed to the official version of the underworld ID card and a temporary residence certificate for foreign creatures.

Although Lu Wenwu himself was dissatisfied with the underworld classifying him as a foreign creature.

But there was no way.

Except for the ghosts who immigrated from foreign countries, all others were considered foreign creatures.

After leaving the gate of the City God Temple, the ghost general asked, "Do you have a place to stay in the Ghost Realm Castle? Do you need me to introduce you to the more famous hotels in the ten districts?"

When he asked this, Lu Wenwu suddenly remembered the two interesting impermanence.

Why don't we go to their place first?

Anyway, I'm not familiar with the place and have nowhere to go.

Then I'll find a place with a lot of ghost traffic in the Ghost Realm Castle to set up a stall to sell egg-filled pancakes. I guess I can make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Lu Wenwu said, "I have two friends, a pair of Black and White Impermanence, Black Nine Eight Five and White Two One One. We have a good relationship, and I want to go to the Wheel District to find them."

As old ghosts in the underworld, the Black and White Impermanence have long been separated from all things in their lives.

The name is just a code name for them or them, so many Black and White Impermanence simply use the number when they joined the job as a nickname.

This is also true for many ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

"Oh? Are you talking about the two who brought you here?" The ghost general thought for a while and continued, "Calculating the time, they are probably reporting to the Soul-Catching Department at this time, and that place is also in the Wheel District. We are on the way."

"Then please show me the way? I will treat you to spiritual food later." Lu Wenwu smiled.

"Spiritual food!? No, no, no, that's too expensive!"

The ghost general was immediately flattered and took out a tablet with a familiar shape and the word "Dian" logo and swiped on it a few times.

"I called a taxi, it will be here soon."

Call a taxi?

Wow, there are taxis in this place?

About an hour later.

Lu Wenwu got off the Didi of the Underworld pulled by four flaming nightmare hell horses at the entrance of the Soul-Catching Department building with a look of emotion on his face, and waved goodbye to the warm-hearted ghost general.

These four nightmare hell horses are said to be imported from the Western Hell.

Although they are not as powerful as the native ghost war horses in the underworld, they look handsome and cool, and are loved by many young ghosts.

Recalling what he saw and heard along the way, Lu Wenwu felt that this trip to the underworld was not in vain.

He gained a lot of knowledge.

If he hadn't seen all kinds of large tombs and tomb view rooms, tomb view rooms, and mausoleum view rooms in various residential areas on the way here, he might have thought that he hadn't come down to the world of the living.

It's worthy of the modernization of the underworld, and the food is not bad.

Lu Wenwu sighed in his heart and walked towards the office building of the Soul-Catching Department.

From the outside, it looks exactly the same as the Shenzhou government office building on the blue planet.

At the gate, there are majestic bull-headed and horse-faced ghosts holding weapons to stand guard, and there are often ghosts dressed in black and white coming in and out, all in groups of two.

"Stop, this is the important place of the Soul-Catching Department, ghosts can't... Hmm? How come it's a living person?"

Lu Wenwu walked closer but was stopped by a ghost.

He stopped and looked around, and then he found that there was a communication room behind the gate.

An old ghost holding a pipe put down the newspaper in his hand, and a pair of green eyes kept looking at him.

"Go to the underworld in the flesh, boy, what's your background, what are you doing in the Soul-Catching Department?" The old ghost asked.

Lu Wenwu scratched his head: "Uncle, I don't have any background. I just came to this ghost world fortress and want to temporarily seek refuge with two friends."

"Without a background, you can come down in the flesh? Forget it, don't say it, I'm just curious." The old ghost smiled and took a puff of cigarette, "Your two friends are impermanence? What is the number? I will report it for you. But without the approval, I can't let you in."

"Thank you, uncle!" Lu Wenwu clasped his fists, "Their numbers are black 985 and white 211."

"Those two guys? Okay, find a warm place to squat for a while." The old ghost nodded, picked up the landline on the table and started dialing, "By the way, this is a key monitoring area, no photos are allowed!"

"Sure, sure."

Lu Wenwu was embarrassed and quickly agreed.

After such an exchange, why does it feel more like coming to the government agency to find someone.

Shaking his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, Lu Wenwu, who was a little bored, began to appreciate the propaganda column on the courtyard wall that was exactly the same as many agencies.

[Zhongyuan Festival Holiday Announcement]

All departments:

During Zhongyuan Festival, the gates of hell are wide open. You are so busy that you are almost dying. Do you still want to take a vacation?

According to the old rules, we will all go to work together!

As in previous years, please stick to your respective posts with the ghost messengers, ghost soldiers and other colleagues from other departments. The Ten Kings of Hell, Fengdu Emperor, Five Ghost Emperors, Dongyue Emperor, and Hou Tu Niangniang are with you.

The above is for your information.

The Underworld Soul-Catching Department.

Appendix: [Notice of Personnel Changes for the Black and White Impermanence to Support Brother Departments during Zhongyuan Festival]

Lu Wenwu: “.”

Well, the civil servants in the underworld have to work non-stop during the Chinese New Year.


Wait, this is.

Lu Wenwu was suddenly interested in another announcement.

[Registration for the 2024 Examination for the Recruitment of Civil Servants in the Underworld and Its Direct Institutions is about to begin]

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