I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 121 Three parties compete for the game. Ghosts also want to participate in the player lotter

"piss off!"

Lu Wenwu raised his foot and kicked him two meters away.

Instead of being angry, this guy jumped up and sat on the ground having fun.

While having fun, he shouted exaggeratedly: "It's time to fight ghosts! It's time to fight ghosts! I can't get up without ten egg-filled pancakes!"

Lu Wenwu glared, picked up another egg-filled cake and weighed it in his hand.

"Now, immediately, immediately, get up and get down for me. I can let you eat another one."

"Okay foster father!"

The yellow-haired ghost stood up in a flash and turned into a black wind and came to the door.

After regaining his physical form, he looked at his body in great surprise. He didn't even bother to eat the hot egg-filled pancake he just got. His eyes were filled with strong confusion and disbelief.

"I, I actually mastered the evil wind?"

Dark wind, this is one of the ghost's innate skills.

As long as ghosts stay in the underworld for a long time, they can basically master it.

It's very useful for traveling on weekdays.

But Huang Mao is a new ghost who just came down from above. He died less than half a year ago, and he is still in the stage of learning and training his basic abilities.

If we look at the normal learning progress, it will take at least another half a year of training before he can master it perfectly.

But now, the yellow-haired ghost just ate the egg-filled pancakes made by Zhang Lu Wenwu, and immediately mastered the ability to transform into the evil wind.

And even the yellow-haired ghost himself didn’t notice it

An egg-filled pancake not only accelerated his learning process.

The ghost energy that had just been scattered by Lu Wenwu's finger had recovered a lot, and the entire ghost body even looked more solid than before.

This thing can speed up your cultivation!

How terrifying is this?

In an instant, all the ghosts present realized this and looked at the unsold egg-filled cakes, with a look of madness in their eyes.

Lu Wenwu naturally knew what these ghosts were probably thinking.

As a pie-making stall owner, he has seen this kind of situation many times.

However, the function of Lingshan egg-filled biscuits is actually somewhat different from what these ghosts imagined.

As the food that Lu Wenwu eats most every day, the function of Lingshan egg-filled pancakes has naturally been adjusted by him to the most suitable state for him.

Accelerating skill comprehension and speeding up recovery are actually just by the way.

The real function of Lingshan egg-filled biscuits is to tap the body’s potential.

Because in the process of developing the body's potential, it is necessary to ensure sufficient energy supply to avoid harming the body, so Lingshan egg-filled biscuits have the effect of accelerating recovery and replenishing energy.

And because Yin Feng is the basic ability of ghosts, eating egg-filled cakes helps yellow-haired ghosts discover the potential in their bodies in advance, so this can achieve the effect of accelerating cultivation.

Lu Wenwu had no intention of explaining this matter to the outside world.

After the bull-headed, horse-faced, black and white impermanence, and many dark soldiers and generals suppressed the restless ghost group, he poked his head out of the window.

"Egg-filled cakes, five thousand spirit coins each. Only spirit coins are accepted. One ghost can only buy one piece. If you want to buy, please line up on my right. If you don't want to buy, please leave in an orderly manner from my left. Don't give any trouble. The police are causing trouble, thank you all for your cooperation.”

"One ghost can only buy one. Why?" A ghost dressed in extremely luxurious clothes was immediately dissatisfied. "I have plenty of money, 50,000 spirit coins each. Give me ten first."

"Get the fuck out of here."

In front of the live broadcast of Difu TV Station, Lu Wenwu thought that he was very qualified this time and used honorifics in vulgar sentences.

He waved a strong wind and flew the uncultivated ghost two miles away. Lu Wenwu looked at the surging ghost group again.

"If you want to eat cake, just wait in line, understand?"

"I understand, I understand!"

A group of rich ghosts who wanted to eat egg-filled pancakes instantly lined up in a neat row and moved back spontaneously.

Those ghosts who did not have spirit coins in their hands looked at Lu Wenwu and the large number of ghosts nearby who were maintaining order, and decisively chose to leave the scene in an orderly manner.

Lu Wenwu was very satisfied and continued to make and sell egg-filled pancakes.

At the same time, at the end of Huangquan Road, beside the Wangchuan River.

The river was as scarlet as blood, and the ghosts and ghosts whose souls were filled with resentment were tumbling up and down in the river, drifting with the current, and letting out painful and crazy wails.

These resentful spirits stretched out their hands, trying to drag the ghosts on the bridge down into the river to keep them company, but they always failed.

An ancient courtyard stands beside the road. The main building is not tall, only four stories high.

There are hundreds of gallery rooms surrounding it, all connected together. They are all built with red stone columns, painted pillars and carved beams, with half-rolled bead curtains and jade cases.

There are three big characters written on the main entrance of the compound - Meng Po Village.

Outside Mengpo Village, there are high platforms on both sides of Huangquan Road, with pots and stoves and cooking utensils next to them. Everywhere you look is packed with seats, the sound of ghosts is heard, and a faint fragrance wafts out.

Everything is as described in "Jingjiang Baojuan".

This is the most famous teahouse in the entire underworld, the hotel with the most magnificent scenery in the entire underworld, the office of the Wangchuan Ghost Food Bureau, and the most prestigious place in the entire underworld.

No matter which version of the legend of the underworld, no matter how many times the managers of the underworld have changed, or how many times their positions have changed, Po Meng standing on the Naihe Bridge and giving soup will always be there, quietly comforting everyone who is nostalgic for the past. ghost.

Even though it is difficult for ghosts today to see Po Meng personally going to the bridge to give soup, this is still a traditional scenery in the underworld that seems to never change.

All those who have reincarnated can still enjoy the bowl of indescribable soup.

In the office on the top floor of the main building, a beautiful woman with a gentle temperament held the cup in her bare hands and drank the "clear tea" in the cup.

Looking closely, there was a spoonful of muddy mud at the bottom of the cup.

This is one of the main ingredients of the ancient Mengpo soup - the soul-purifying soil.

To put it bluntly, this is the mud that has accumulated for years under the Wangchuan River.

Add the big dream azalea grown on the opposite bank of the Wangchuan River to the soul-purifying soil, and refine it with other auxiliary materials. This is the original Mengpo soup.

With the progress of the times, there are more and more ghosts in the underworld.

In order to meet the increasing needs, the formula of Mengpo soup has been improved several times, and finally reached the point where it can be mass-produced today.

There is no need for Mengpo to work day and night and cook it herself.

"All-knowing god? Pure body cultivation? This kid is really interesting."

Watching Lu Wenwu making egg-filled pancakes, Meng Po smiled.

"Meng Yong."


An elegant girl appeared in the room, wearing a dark palace dress embroidered with gold patterns. She walked lightly to Meng Po's desk and performed an ancient female etiquette.

"Go to the Central Ghost Power Resources and Underworld Security Department of the Underworld. There is a man called Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War in the Underworld's Yin Messenger Exam this time. Go and transfer his household registration to our Food Bureau."

"Sir, it's the civil servants and files of the Underworld, not the ghost messengers and household registration." Meng Yong bowed again and said seriously, "And this year's Underworld Exam has just ended, and the results have not yet been released. This is against the rules."

"It's almost the same. Get the spirit." Meng Po waved her hand impatiently, "Those guys are not here now. I am the only Yin God left in the Underworld to look after the house. So what if it's against the rules? Go and transfer it, just say I asked for it personally."



"Yes, I'll do it right away."

"That's about right."

Seeing Meng Yong disappear into a breeze, Meng Po smiled with satisfaction and continued to happily watch Lu Wenwu live broadcasting egg-filled pancakes.

Of course, she didn't use the broadcasting equipment of the Underworld.

But her incredibly strong soul power!

As one of the oldest Yin gods in the underworld, although she is not good at fighting, her strength is still terrifying.

Soon, Meng Yong returned with a trace of obvious entanglement on his fair face.

Meng Po glanced at her: "What went wrong?"

"Yes, sir." Meng Yong nodded, "The Minister of Ghost Power Resources explicitly rejected your request to transfer the files, but only concentrated the examiners to give priority to the examination papers of the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War."

"You didn't say it was me who said it?"

Meng Po was stunned, as if she didn't expect the other party to be so disrespectful to her.

Meng Yong said: "I said it, but it was still rejected. The other party's attitude was very tough."

Meng Po sat up straight and frowned slightly: "What's the reason? Who gave the boy the order? He himself is not so bold as to disobey my wishes."

"It was the Wheel King and the King of Hell."

Meng Yong replied calmly.

"After the Invincible Tyrannosaurus War God came down, Lord Qin Guangwang of the First Hall initiated a special procedure, and the Ten Halls of Hell jointly judged him. During the weighing process, he had boundless karma and immeasurable merits, which aroused the interest of Lord Zhuanlun King of the Ten Halls."

"Lord Zhuanlun King believed that the Invincible Tyrannosaurus War God could be forged into a good sword, and wanted to make him join the Ghost Gate Security Bureau for high-intensity training, but he didn't expect that he had a special pardon order from the underworld in his hand, and he completed the trial of hell in advance and took the civil service examination in the underworld."

"But don't worry, sir. In addition to this slave, the Yin general sent by Lord Zhuanlun King just now was also rejected by the Minister of Ghost Power Resources, and he was not able to transfer the other party's file to the Ghost Gate Security Bureau in advance."

"Special pardon order from the underworld?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Meng Po's eyes.

Then, as if she thought of something, her expression quickly returned to calmness.

"I see. You are talking about the gadgets that Lao Hei made, right? That makes sense. It's not surprising that the little guys below are ignorant and made the mistake."

Meng Yong shook his head: "I don't know, and I dare not overstep my bounds."

"You, you are too honest. Your every move is more dogmatic than an old woman like me. Really." Meng Po sighed, "Tell me, what did the black-faced guy say?"

Meng Yong said honestly: "Lord Yama intends to let the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God enter the Demon Subduing Division of Emperor Zhong Kui, but it's just an intention. Lord Yama said that he is a person with very unique ideas. It's not good to force an arrangement. It depends on his own choice."

"That's why Lord Yama asked me and the ghost general to tell you and Lord Zhuanlun respectively not to interfere with the choice of the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War, and let him decide whether to stay or go."

"What if I don't?" Meng Po suddenly said this.

Meng Yong answered again: "Lord Yama said that if you insist on doing so, then he can return in his true form. You are too kind-hearted, and some things are not suitable for you to do, otherwise they would not have unanimously decided to let you stay at home."

What King Yama meant was naturally not the simple matter of transferring files and arranging a ghost messenger.

After hearing this, Meng Po's eyebrows were raised: "Great! Great! The world has changed, and the gods are not the same as before! Now this old black face dares to threaten me?"

"Meng Po, you are too kind. You have worked hard and made indelible contributions to the development of the underworld. How dare I do such a thing?"

The black-faced King Yama suddenly appeared in front of Meng Po with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Meng Po drank another cup of Meng Po soup angrily, leaning back on the wide chair, without any intention of pouring a cup for the other party.

It was Meng Yong who took the teapot and poured a cup of tea for King Yama, led him to sit down, and then he respectfully retreated behind the screen in the room.

King Yama drank a sip of tea and said with a smile: "It is really a crisis, so I have to resort to this desperate measure. I hope Meng Po will forgive me."

"How critical is it?"

Meng Po kept asking, her face was obviously a little unhappy.

"All the last batch you gave birth to died?"

"To be precise, the follow-up can't keep up." King Yama's eyes were indifferent, and his tone was a little cold. "Whether you agree or not, we can no longer be as gentle as before. It's urgent."

"Is it urgent? Then you let these little guys with potential be quickly filled up like ducks, and then let me watch them disappear and die one after another? Fall like meteors?"

Meng Po clenched her fists fiercely, and the aura emanating from her body became more and more unfathomable.

"It's been decades, isn't it enough! The Taoist tradition and inheritance of Shenzhou almost broke in our hands. Do you know! What do you and those guys in the Heavenly Court want to do!"

King Yama didn't speak.

He drank a sip of tea quietly, his piercing eyes full of evasive meaning, and he didn't dare to look Meng Po in the eye.



The angry Meng Po suddenly slammed the table in front of her, and the hair behind her moved without wind, flying in the air.

She stared at the silent black-faced big man in front of her, furious.

"Yan Luo Wang! I'm asking you a question! Answer me!"

". I know."

Yan Luo Wang sighed deeply.

"But we have no other choice. This is not my idea. It is a joint decision made after the meeting above."

"It's not just about Lu Wenwu. In the future, ghosts who have not been reincarnated in the underworld for more than 50 years will also be forced to participate in the player lottery, and will be selected from the ghosts in the eighteen layers of hell first."

"These ghosts selected from the eighteen layers of hell will serve as the lowest level of consumables."

Meng Po's eyes widened instantly, and she looked at Yan Luo Wang as if she was looking at a madman: "Crazy! You are really crazy! You are going to dig up the roots of Shenzhou! You are drinking poison to quench your thirst! I think you are all crazy!"

"This is a helpless choice under coercion, just like it has always been."

Yan Luo Wang took out a letter from his arms and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

Without any other explanation, he disappeared without a trace.

Meng Po's face was extremely gloomy. She frowned and took the book and opened it to check.

In just a moment, her face changed suddenly.

It was not until the daytime of Linji that Lu Wenwu finally followed Hei Jiu Ba Wu and Bai Er Yi Yi back home happily.

Today's turnover: 570,500.

Not too much, just over 100 pieces were sold.

One is that Lu Wenwu did not intend to waste his time endlessly on selling egg-filled pancakes, and his original purpose was not achieved.

Spirit coins are indeed important to him, but they are not important enough to ignore everything.

Strengthening his own foundation is his main purpose this time.

Another is that Lu Wenwu did not bring enough materials in his personal backpack before going to the underworld. If he sells them openly for a few days, they will all be sold out - after all, he did not plan to sell them out before.

If there is no egg-filled pancake to eat for the rest of the year, it would be better to kill him.

What is the difference between this kind of life and the nineteenth level of hell?

On the way back, Lu Wenwu bought a new underworld mobile phone as his main phone and got a new card.

Because of the live broadcast of the whole underworld and his own exposure of contact information, the mobile phone that Bai Eryiyi bought for him before was overwhelmed by a huge amount of messages and could not be used normally.

It was filled with a large number of friend verification and consultation text messages, as well as direct calls.

Lu Wenwu thought about it and simply pulled out the card and turned off the phone.

Let's talk about it after this matter settles down.

It should be said that the efficiency of the underworld is really ridiculously high.

In just one week, the results of the ghost test came out, which is much faster than the more than one month in the world of the living.

It is worthy of being a ghost servant who works 24 hours a day to serve ghosts, and the efficiency is awesome.

But what made Lu Wenwu, Hei Jiubawu and Bai Eryiyi feel a little strange was that there was no specific score in the column for Lu Wenwu's score query.

There were only two words-passed.

This made the two ghosts and one person a little confused, and they didn't know why.

But no matter what, it's always good to pass.

So, Lu Wenwu personally cooked a big meal to celebrate that day, and waited for the interview.

It's different from the civil service exam in the world.

The ghost messenger in the underworld will decide the corresponding position after the interview.

The intention filled in before is a bit similar to the application for college, but it plays a vague role. The interview will be considered accordingly.

Soon, the time for the interview came.

Lu Wenwu went to the interview location according to the notice, a very normal ancient high-rise building.

He was very happy that he finally didn't have to smash the wall into a grave to take the exam.

While waiting with all the anxious interviewers in the waiting area outside the interview hall, the old man sitting next to Lu Wenwu couldn't help but ask: "Brother, are you wearing this for the interview?"

"Ah? Is there something wrong with me?"

Lu Wenwu looked at his well-tailored black tunic suit with a confused look on his face.

The old ghost pointed at the white ancient costume shroud on his body and said proudly: "Is it new? Look at this one on me. It's a classic old style from the Thirteenth Shroud Shop on East Street in Qinguang District. It weighs fifty-two pounds! Absolutely! Can leave a good impression on the interviewer.”

"Why is this? Please help me explain."

It was still a long time before his interview, so Lu Wenwu asked just because he didn't understand, wanting to hear what this meant.

He really didn't understand much.

At that time, he asked Bai Eryi what to wear to the interview, and the other party's answer was - it doesn't matter, the interviewer doesn't pay much attention to these things, if you want, it's okay to go naked.

When Lu Wenwu asked, the old ghost immediately started chatting: "Brother, let me tell you, even though this hell has been reformed for so many years, in fact it is still the same old thing. You don't understand if you wear these modern things. No? Those gangsters still recognize the original thing. Dressing like this can make them feel more familiar and increase their impression of you."

The originally calm atmosphere in the waiting room was broken by the old ghost's endless talk.

His extremely confident look immediately attracted the attention and eyes of many ghosts.

Many ghosts seemed to have a sudden enlightenment when he told about the interview experience, nodding in response from time to time, as if they were asking for advice humbly.

"It sounds quite reasonable."

Lu Wenwu scratched his head as he listened to the other party's eloquent account of his experience in participating in the Ghost Examination.

"Speaking of which, brother, have you prepared for this big exam? It seems that you are bound to win it in one fell swoop?"

The old ghost suddenly became even more proud: "Brother, I'm not bragging to you. This year, brother, I am taking the 404th Ghost Battle Exam. I have been preparing for this exam for sixty-six years! Everything in it I know everything about it! I will definitely win it this time, let’s see!”

Just as he was talking, it happened to be the old ghost's turn.

Lu Wenwu raised his hand and said, "Then I wish you success."

"I'll lend you some good words, haha!"

In the envious eyes of all the ghosts, the old ghost walked away with his head held high and his head held high.

After the old ghost left, the room became quiet again.

After a while, a call came from the radio.

Lu Wenwu looked at his number, stood up and walked out of the waiting room, but met the old ghost who had been chatting with him in the corridor.

The other party didn't look as high-spirited as before. Instead, he looked downcast, frowning, and completely decadent.

"Brother, why are you acting like this?" Lu Wenwu stepped forward with concern and asked, "Is it possible that the interviewer is making things difficult for you?"

The old ghost glanced at Lu Wenwu, pushed him away, and sighed: "It's useless, it's useless. That interviewer is not a human at all! He is not a human! How ridiculous!"

Looking at the opponent's staggering back, Lu Wenwu was confused.

Is this interviewer so strict?

How did you hit this old ghost like this?

Let me check this out today!

Arriving at the interview hall, Lu Wenwu pushed open the door and entered.

Only a tall mythical beast with a tiger's head, a single horn, dog ears, a dragon's body, a lion's tail, and a unicorn's feet was seen lying on the ground. It looked very similar to a Haechi.

At this moment, the other party's eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything in the world were staring directly at him, as if he wanted to see through him completely.

Lu Wenwu: "."

It turns out that he is not a human being in the literal sense!

Now he finally understood why Bai Eryiyi said that it would be okay even if he ran naked.

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