I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 52 It Feels Like Going Home!

"In this exam, only the top 500 candidates will advance to the next round."

Xue Zhan's words were like a bomb, detonating the whole place instantly.

"First 500!?"

"Of 3,000 candidates, only 500 can pass? Are you kidding me?" Although many students are mentally prepared for brutal competition, this elimination ratio is still unacceptable.

"Haha, if you can't accept this alone, then I advise you to withdraw from the exam." Xue Zhan exploded his spiritual pressure very forcefully, not caring at all about everyone's doubts.

"Also, you must sign a disclaimer before entering the Monster Forest."

"What? And a disclaimer?"

After hearing this, some candidates began to realize that something was wrong.

"Fighting monsters is no joke. We cannot guarantee your life safety."

"So, this third exam..."

"It will kill people."

As soon as these words came out, it meant that the nature of this exam had changed dramatically, because in everyone's perception, it was just a selection exam. How could it involve life issues?

But Xue Zhan's serious look didn't look like he was joking at all.

"But don't worry too much. With your strength, as long as your legs don't weaken when you see the monster, you can still run." Xue Zhan laughed.

But the candidates didn't laugh because they couldn't.

At their age, how many people have the experience of going out to slay demons? Basically, I immersed myself in practicing reiatsu, and then spent the rest of my time studying cultural classes, and basically never left the safe zone.

And even if they want to go out, their parents will not agree. Their precious children will be studying for the martial arts university in the future. How can they go out to fight monsters?

What should I do if I get injured and delay my studies? Normally, even puppy love is not allowed, let alone disability or death.

"Why, are you scared now? I don't want to use any provocation method, saying that you are afraid of death and give up on this exam."

"Spiritual weapon awakening and cultivation talents are not something you can decide by yourself. If you passed the first two rounds of exams, it proves that you are already excellent students."

"But warriors have to fight, and they have to get injured and bleed. But not everyone has this fighting heart."

“In addition to the combat college, Huaxia Wuhan University also has more than 20 colleges including medical school, law school, diplomacy college, and engineering college.”

"If you choose to withdraw from this round of exams, you will get an extra 20 points for the martial arts college entrance examination in June if you apply for colleges in Huaxia Wuhan University except the Combat Academy."

"As a warrior, you can also shine in other industries. I respect the choice of each of you."

Xue Zhan behaves carelessly and boldly, but his depth of thought and level of speech make people think that this person is not simple.

"As expected of the examiner of Huaxia Wuhan University." Wu Fan thought that Xue Zhan said it well. It would be the most irresponsible thing to force everyone to learn to fight.

At this time, the playground fell into silence just like the last question of the second exam.

Some people have a confident face, while others have a slight hesitation on their faces, but after all, they are all young people, and no one wants to be the first to give up.

Because giving up also requires courage.

"I quit!"

Finally, a girl wearing glasses mustered up the courage and raised her hand.

She is brave.

With the first person, there will soon be the second person.

People who gave up on the exam left the playground one after another, but this time there were not many people who gave up, less than 100.

Students who travel thousands of miles to Beijing to take the exam are among the most elite, best, and most arrogant in their schools.

"We've come this far, how can we give up!?"

"I want to join the demon-slaying team in the future. I'm afraid of monsters? Impossible!"

The candidates who were still in the playground had a determined light in their eyes. Wu Fan was also affected and clenched his fists.

It is true that Wu Fan has encountered young people like Mei Jie and Sun Guohao who are arrogant, bully, and dominate others.

But there are also many young people like him who get rid of the heavy shackles and the cold air and stride forward.

After all, there are more than one billion people in China, so it’s no surprise what kind of people you meet.

If you meet someone you can't deal with, hit him. If you meet someone you enjoy talking to, make friends. You see, it's just that simple.

"I will announce the detailed rules next."

Xue Zhan jumped from the sky and landed on the ground without making a big hole in the ground.

I don't know if it's because of his exquisite control of spiritual pressure, or because he was fined, well, it's probably the former.

"We will divide every 100 students into a group based on their ranking in the last cultural test."

"Those ranked in the top 100 will be the first batch to enter the Monster Forest. Those ranked 101 to 200 can only enter one hour after the first batch enters, and so on."

"Ah? This..." After hearing this rule, the candidates who were ranked first in cultural scores were fine, but the candidates who were ranked in the back suddenly felt cold.

"Damn it, I passed the exam with 2485 people. Isn't it possible that there is a gap of 1 day between me and the first batch of candidates!?"

"I'll go, I'm 1271, 12 hours!"

"Those who enter first will not only have a time advantage, but they will also have the power to choose weak monsters. How can I take the test?"

Xue Zhan laughed again after hearing what some candidates said.

"This is the time to prove your strength. I know what some of you think. You think warriors should focus on strength, and those cultural classes are just supplementary. Well, this exam is an opportunity to prove you."

"If you are really better at martial arts training than those students who have high scores in cultural classes, then you will definitely be able to close the gap caused by time."


Speaking of this, Xue Zhan showed excitement on his face.

"In this exam, you are allowed to steal other people's spiritual cores!"

Xue Zhanyu would not stop until he was shocked.

Previously there was a death rate, but now there is a battle between warriors.


I originally thought that the remaining candidates would be scared and surprised when they heard that they were going to compete.

But unexpectedly, their faces showed excitement and fighting spirit!

Then they looked at the candidates around them one by one and showed aggressive smiles.

The staff issued a disclaimer to the candidates, and after everyone signed their names, Xue Zhan waved forward.

"Now! The exam begins!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The candidates who ranked among the top 100 in the cultural class shot out from the starting line on the playground like sharp arrows, like a hundred teams fighting for a crossing, and a strong wind passed by and stirred up a piece of grass!

"Brothers, let's go first!"

A young man with short hair shouted to other candidates on the playground who were still counting down the seconds and waiting to start.

"Fuck! I remember you, I'll fuck you first when I get in!" Someone with a bad temper said harshly.

"Hahaha! There's no way, I'm just so awesome!"

This short-haired young man showed no restraint at all, stimulating everyone crazily. I don’t know if his martial arts skills were mocking, but the effect was very good.

Wu Fan, as the 38th placer in the cultural examination, was also the first batch of candidates to set off.

"Wu Fan, right? Just wait for me!"

Sun Guohao saw Wu Fan among the 100 people at a glance. His score this time was 927th.

In fact, it is not difficult to admit that family warriors must use elite education in the process of cultivating their core offspring. When there is no shortage of spiritual stones, elixirs, and spiritual food, they are also very strict in cultivating knowledge.

But there is a saying that examinations can only filter out scumbags, but not scumbags. There is no relationship between the level of grades and the quality of character.


In front of the wire fence of Monster Forest.

The others rushed into the monster forest at the lead, not daring to waste a single moment.

Wu Fan, on the other hand, stood alone at the door, taking a deep breath calmly and then exhaling slowly.

The surrounding trees are tens of meters high, blocking out the sky and the sun, and you can even hear the chirping of insects and birds.


"This feeling..."

“It’s like coming home!”

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