I Don’t Want to be a Villainess

Chapter 53

Why is that?

Why do I feel so groggy even though I just woke up?

Ah, well, Ye Sara’s body tends to be particularly weak in the morning. I wasn’t the type to wake up feeling refreshed in my previous life either, but it seems like Ye Sara’s poor health only makes it worse.

Even after getting up, I couldn’t shake off the sleepiness for a while, and I stayed in a daze until Yang Hye-in dried my hair after my shower.

However, by the time I had breakfast, I was somewhat alert, and by the time we arrived at school, I was able to function without any major issues.

But today feels like I woke up from some kind of sleep paralysis.

To start with, my arms were soaking wet. It seemed I had sweated a lot while sleeping, making my pajamas damp.

The other parts were the same. My stomach and chest were damp, and the clothes clung to my skin uncomfortably. Two buttons that should have been fastened at my neck were undone. Did I loosen them in my sleep because I was too hot?

The hair that Lee Soo-ah had carelessly touched yesterday was flared out in all directions.

…Was it that hot last night? Or could I have caught a chill? I can’t remember much from the night.

As I groaned and sat up, the three girls sleeping in the same bed were already dressed.

In contrast to my state, which felt like sleep paralysis, they all had sparkling faces.

Well, they always looked shiny, but seeing such vitality in the morning suggests they must all be really diligent types.

“Hey, you’re up?”

Shin So-hee greeted me as I sat up in bed. She had just fastened the last button of her shirt and looked like she might have just finished washing up. Her hair looked roughly dried, but the ends still appeared a bit damp.


I tried to respond, but the dry morning air had left my mouth parched.

“Are you okay? Is your condition that bad?”

Yoo Ha-neul asked, leaning in to check my face. Her hand rested on my forehead without hesitation. It was warm.

“Hmm~ You don’t seem to have a fever.”

Yoo Ha-neul said, withdrawing her hand. My forehead was soaked, so it must have been quite sticky.

“We still have time. Since we woke up a bit early, you can lie down for a little longer—”

As Lee Soo-ah said this while tying up her hair, a beep-beep-beep sound came from the door, followed by a ding as the door swung open.

“Miss, it’s about time to wake up—”

Just then, Yang Hye-in, dressed neatly in her maid outfit, entered and abruptly stopped in her tracks at the sight.

It seemed that she was at a loss for words as she looked at my hair that was messier than usual and my pajamas drenched in sweat.

She turned her head slowly toward the other three girls, who seemed a bit uncomfortable under her gaze, as if they were trying to avert their eyes.


The sound that escaped my mouth in answering Yang Hye-in was yet again, that type of sound.


In the end, deciding that I couldn’t wash myself in my current state, I barely managed to convince Yang Hye-in to take me to the bathroom. Until now, I had been in a haze, but the thought of possibly having to bathe with Yang Hye-in snapped me back to reality.

Even so, I wasn’t quite prepared to shower with another woman yet. Especially not in the morning? It would be a miracle if I didn’t get strangely excited.

Of course, I wouldn’t necessarily do anything to Yang Hye-in by force—but still, my conscience deep down screamed that I shouldn’t benefit from a situation like this.

…Although, I hadn’t heard anything out of the ordinary the night before.

Anyway, it was embarrassing. Although changing clothes wouldn’t matter if I didn’t see, washing my body meant that the other person would have to touch it.

Receiving Yang Hye-in’s concerned gaze, I stumbled into the shower room and turned on the shower. Even so, I was almost completely back to my senses by the time I was done showering.

Coming out after a hasty wash, Yang Hye-in stood there waiting with a hairdryer and comb in hand. Perhaps it was because they wanted to try what Lee Soo-ah did to my hair yesterday, the other girls looked a bit disappointed as they watched Yang Hye-in.

In fact, Yang Hye-in brushing my hair was part of my normal routine, but yesterday, she must have refrained out of consideration for my friends.

Perhaps she thought it would be better for a professional to handle my morning prep.

As I lazily opened my eyes while Yang Hye-in brushed my hair, the other three girls stared intensely at me.

…It felt a bit awkward.


Naturally, the four of us had breakfast together.

There wasn’t much conversation. While breakfast here was tasty, it wasn’t quite the lavish meal you’d get at dinner.

Besides, with the servants standing next to us, it was hard to relax and talk. In a situation like this, not being conscious of the servants would require someone who was used to living in such an environment all their life.

…For instance, someone like Ye Sara.

However, no one kept their mouth shut entirely either.


Yang Hye-in ventured to speak around the time we were nearly finished eating.


I replied quietly, placing my utensils down. My plate was nearly empty, so I figured I could finish my meal.

“…Last night, I received a call from the Chairwoman.”

Upon hearing what followed, I froze.

The sound of forks and knives that had been heard intermittently until then also came to a sudden halt.

I stiffly turned my head to look up at Yang Hye-in, who had moved beside me. She had her eyes closed and was slightly bowing. It was a posture that looked like something out of a comic book, where a maid conveys a message to her master.

“What did she say?”

I had never met the Chairwoman in person. I had only talked to her briefly over the phone. Since then, she hadn’t contacted me separately.

…Could it be that there was an article about what happened, or something I did at school was reported…is that why?

“She wanted to move the appointment that was originally set for April 1st to this Saturday. She said she would come in the morning.”


I opened my mouth wide.

“This Saturday?”

“Yes, that’s right. And—”

Yang Hye-in straightened her back. She opened her eyes and looked around at the other three friends at the table before continuing.

“She also said it would be good if your friends could join you.”


For a moment, the cafeteria fell silent.


“Well, it’s not like I can’t go.”

Shin So-hee said as we stood by the mansion’s main gate. She was dressed in the same outfit she wore when we arrived at the mansion yesterday. Her uniform shirt was opened three buttons, she wore a cardigan, and a short uniform skirt. However, since she wore the same clothes as yesterday, it looked a bit more wrinkled today.

“They’re just asking us to stop by and have a quick chat.”

Right, the only one among us who went to a different school was Shin So-hee. Since her school was in the opposite direction of ours, it would be awkward to drive her there. Although Shin So-hee said it wouldn’t take long to walk from here.

“Yeah… it’s probably not that big of a deal.”

Ha Neul said quietly, as if to reassure me.


Lee Soo-ah was lost in thought and didn’t say anything.

I… yeah, honestly, I was sure anything that happens will definitely blow up.

Whether it’s threatening, persuading… It’s something that can be done without sitting right there. To do that in front of me, or rather, in front of ‘Ye Sara’, would mean they aim to absolutely crush Ye Sara’s spirit.

“Well, then.”

Shin So-hee shrugged her shoulders and said,

“Yesterday and today were fun. Next time, let’s prepare a bit better. Maybe we can grill some meat together.”

“Oh, right! The yard is spacious!”

And the servants would be horrified.

“That would be fun…”

Lee Soo-ah was already sparkling with excitement.

…If this continues, I might end up with a playground out of this mansion.

Well, it doesn’t really matter to me.

“Yeah. Next time, let’s have a proper plan. And bring proper clothes, if possible.”


“Excuse me?”

Why was there no response to that last comment?

Did they not hear me?


In the end, the four of us all got into the car. No matter how you looked at it, it was impossible for the two guests to sit in the front, so Yang Hye-in took the passenger seat.

Since the driver and Yang Hye-in were in the front, we didn’t have much conversation in the car. I stared blankly out the window while Ha Neul and Lee Soo-ah quietly lost themselves in thought.

“…Take care.”

“Yeah, I will.”

After receiving Yang Hye-in’s farewell, we entered the school gate.

As we walked side by side, people glanced at us. Perhaps another article had come out? Maybe the news of what we did yesterday had already spread?

After all, during class, the actions that would make my face flush just by thinking about… I threw water over the teacher’s head. It would be more abnormal to ignore me.

And, well, I was somewhat aiming for that too.

One or two people’s attention can be deflected. With money, power, or persuasion.

However, blocking the attention of a crowd is impossible. Even managing to block off the entire school might be feasible, but as rumors spread from students unable to contain themselves outside school, the difficulty of stopping those stories only escalates.

Even if the article is taken down, the photos that went up with it would likely have been captured by someone else. Unless one can manage the entire internet, rumors are unpreventable.

In fact, the reason students inside the school were quiet wasn’t just because I silenced them one by one with money, but simply because I created a definitive case for ‘if you act this way, it will lead to this result.’ Like the child who used to be close to Ye Sara in her childhood but just vanished.

The more one has to lose, the less likely they are to embrace experiencing such a thing.

As I walked, aware of the gazes from students, I felt a hand touch my left arm.

Ha Neul and Lee Soo-ah had linked arms with mine. They seemed quite proud, as if to show off to those watching us. …Though Lee Soo-ah did have a bit of a sheepish expression, it looked like she had no intention of letting go.

Yeah, this is how it should be.

Though there were only a few days left until this weekend, it was now—

“Wait a sec!”

—only a matter of time before the whole school wouldn’t be able to ignore me.


Wait, did someone just call out to me?

Here, in this school?

I stopped walking and turned my head toward where the voice had come from.

In the distance, a girl with slightly bluish long hair marched confidently toward me.

Being a Hwayoung High School student, her uniform was the same as ours, but on her left arm, a stylish armband boldly displaying the word ‘Student Council’ was noticeable.

…From the Student Council?

Interested in me?

Something tells me that the events of yesterday have really made a huge impact.

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