I formed the El Cat Investigation Team in Pirates.

Chapter 13 Useless people need more cats

Like the original Sanji, Sanji's spirit is still very strong. After being lost for a while, he quickly recovered and then happily approached the corpses of the two wild boar kings and evaluated the new acquisition. of ingredients.

"Same as yesterday, you caused too much damage to the ingredients, meow." After looking around, Sanji meow shook his little head regretfully, "The little one was well preserved, but it bled too much. , it has been stored for a long time, and the cooked food will be a little bit stale."

"So..." The little yellow cat waved to Xie Wen, "Hurry up and use your magic knife to dig it up, meow!"

Even if Sanji Miao didn't say anything, Xie Wen planned to do this.

He took out his hunting knife, first came to the large wild boar king that was relatively close to him, and stabbed it casually...

Boar Tuskx1

Uh...not so lucky...

If there is a blacksmith, the wild boar teeth may be used as materials, but the current situation is that even if other humans are found in the future, it is likely that they will not be able to create genuine hunter equipment.

Xie Wen smacked his lips and stabbed him with the knife again.



The sound of the blade entering the flesh could be heard clearly. Xie Wen looked closely and saw that the hunting knife in his hand had actually penetrated into the body of the Wild Boar King...

So, in this unknown world, even the BOSS can only extract materials once?

Xie Wen immediately understood the situation in front of him and didn't feel much regret.

Anyway, the hunter and blacksmith doesn't know if there is any more, so it doesn't seem to be that important whether he can peel the materials. What's more, the extra peeling he took this time would have been in vain, and the monster's own materials will not disappear.

Taking out the hunting knife and making a beautiful trick in his hand, Xie Wen came to the smaller wild boar king again and skinned it...

Boar skin x1

Xie Wen: "..."

Sanji Meow: "..."

It seems that today's luck is indeed not very good.

Xie Wen silently put away the hunting knife and put the wild boar skin into his bag...

Neither he nor Sanji Nya knew how to handle leather. In the past, animal leather was either boiled and eaten together, or simply thrown away. Now, finally, we have a piece of leather that is complete and processed, and can be used as a mattress when we take it back.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that there are no other intelligent creatures on this island, so if you want to leave in the future, this skin can also be used to make sails.

In fact, a long time ago, when he realized that this place might be an isolated island, Xie Wen began to consider leaving the island. After confirming that this was not the world of Monster Hunter, leaving the island became even more important.

To be honest, if possible, Xie Wen actually doesn’t want to go to sea. The sea is much more dangerous than this island with rich products. But if Xie Wen is to stay on this island for a lifetime, let alone Sanji, who is looking for a little female cat. Agree, Xie Wen himself can’t stand it.

However, there is no rush for this matter at the moment. Xie Wen feels that at least he has to wait until he is two or three years older and his strength has further improved. It would be best if he can summon one or two more cats, so that he can have more opportunities to go to sea. Lots of helpers.

During this period, Xie Wen can take his time to prepare.

Moreover, after carefully analyzing his own advantages, Xie Wen felt that even if they went to sea now, it would not be a big problem.

Because the dynamic map in the hunter's manual can ensure that they will not get lost to the greatest extent, and the existence of the different-dimensional pocket allows them to not worry too much about material issues, and even Sanji Miao knows a little bit of navigation knowledge. I don’t know if it’s a restoration of the character or if El Cat is just so versatile...

After all, whether it was the early cat hot air balloons, or the later follower secret teams, or trading ships, the Elu cats have shown extremely professional abilities when it comes to traveling far away, so Sanji knows some navigation knowledge. That's quite normal... isn't it?

Of course, it would be better if I could summon a Nami cat or Jack Sparrow cat in the future.

While Xie Wen was having a sweet dream, he and Sanji Miao packed up the two trophies. After that, they did not rush back, but walked around again, pushing the exploration progress of the map, until the sky gradually darkened. An, then returned to their temporary camp with a large amount of food obtained today and some materials that may be useful.

"Sanji, can you make a tent?"

While Sanji Miao was preparing dinner, Xie Wen asked while taking stock of the various ingredients in his hands.

"I know the general method of making it, but I have never made it myself...what's wrong, meow?"

Hearing Sanji Miao's gentle answer, Xie Wen's cheeks twitched slightly...

He finally saw that these Ellu cats all have special skills. A chef cat can even do handicrafts!

However, for Xie Wen at the moment, the more the better, so he did not hesitate and explained: "Of course it is to advance the progress of the map..."

Their current stronghold is not far from the beach where they first woke up. It belongs to the edge of the island. If they want to continue to explore the central area of ​​the island in the future, whether it is to temporarily station during the exploration, or to directly move to a different stronghold, a A tent that can be easily carried is a must.

I didn't think about this before because before yesterday, Xie Wen was still planning to become a Shilipo Sword God, and he would consider opening a map after reaching the level. In addition, before he discovered the special ability of the hunting knife, They also had no suitable animal skins to make tents from.

"What you said makes sense, nya..." Sanji nya also became extremely serious when it came to the matter of Sister El Cat, "Although we don't need to move so soon, it wouldn't be a bad thing to spend some time practicing how to make a tent. Meow."

So after finishing dinner, Sanji Miao told Xie Wen in detail the tent-making methods he knew.

According to what he said, Xie Wen sorted out all the required materials...

"Well, we have to cut some more flexible branches to make the frame... Unfortunately, there is no bamboo on this island... and the animal skins may not be enough."

On the premise that neither one person nor a cat has the tailoring skills, the problem of animal skin loss must be taken into consideration, and the wild boar skin originally planned to be used as a mattress and sail must be invested in the production of tents first. bingo.

In the following days, in addition to hunting and training, Xie Wen also added a job of practicing tent making.

The frame part of the tent is not difficult. Just find the right wood and then bake it over a fire to shape it. With Sanji, a chef cat who is very good at controlling the temperature of the fire, they only failed once when setting the first wooden strip. , and then it was a one-time success.

Then use vines to tie and fix the wooden strips one by one, and the entire frame is completed.

The real trouble is the sewing of animal skins. Just as Xie Wen was worried about at first, he only vaguely remembered some simple sewing methods that he learned in elementary school handicraft class, so he was sewing animal skins in the early stage. At that time, the wear and tear of the hide was a bit serious.

After a long period of practice, the animal skins sewn by Xie Wen were barely visible, but there was still no guarantee in terms of firmness and sealing, so he could only take some small pieces of animal skins for now. Leather trainer.

During this period, Sanji Miao also tried to help, but it turned out that his tailoring talent was worse than Xie Wen's, and when sewing animal skins, his cat claws often accidentally poked out several holes in the animal skins in his hands. .

Although there was finally something that allowed Xie Wen to laugh at Sanji's clumsiness, Xie Wen still hoped that there would be a Magi, Tomoyo, or Ishida Uryuu's cat to free him.

And in addition to the tailor cat, Xie Wen also wants to summon a craftsman cat with shipbuilding skills...

Thinking about it this way, there are currently only one-third of the follower cat summoning coupons, which are simply not enough!

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