I have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1533 - Inter-dimension Subsidiary

Chapter 1533: Inter-dimension Subsidiary

Unlike the tradition of Asians, Africans always accepted gift, regardless of its value.

Chief Zaria was overjoyed and accepted the gift from Jiang Chen, and then pushed forward the slave as a return gift to Jiang Chen. She was a popular movie actress as well as a well-known ambassador for a charity before the war and had gained a large following in Africa.

In Zaria’s tribe, the gift of a slave was a gesture of friendship, and the more beautiful the slave, the higher the status before, the more it reflected the master’s value of the guest. However, Jiang Chen did not dare to accept it at all as he quickly declined this “grand gift”.

It was certainly not the right gift.

He had only managed to keep things calm in his harem. If he dared to accept the gift…

As Jiang Chen watched Chief Zaria leave, he exchanged eye contact with Chu Nan, and the smile on their faces was so stiff.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“No, Mr. General.”

“Just say what you want to say.” Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

After Chu Nan dry coughed a few times, he finally stopped himself from bursting into laughter, then said respectfully.

“You’re… a natural-born actor.”

Zaria, along with NAC’s T-3 Power Armor, quickly left the port of Wanghai on his ship. Jiang Chen watched the ship depart and then returned to the mansion to go to Coconut Island in the modern world.

When he returned, the girls had decorated their new home.

After they got used to the sea breeze, no one wanted to return to that devastated world. And since it was possible to travel between the two worlds, there was no need to live there.

After the neutrino tunnel opened, interdimensional travel did not consume a great amount of energy.

Now that they decided to live in this world, the small wooden cabin on Coconut Island was naturally not big enough.

Lilith downloaded the drawings in the database and commanded the engineering robots to start the expansion of the cabin. With just a phone call, all kinds of furniture and building materials were airlifted to the island by helicopters, and some high-tech supplies were brought directly from the apocalypse.

After they worked for an entire day, everyone felt exhausted.

Except for Lin Lin.

Since the morning, she had grabbed onto Ayesha’s hand enthusiastically and begged her to go on the yacht. Because of Lin Lin’s persistent nagging, Ayesha, who was always easily convinced, was helplessly pushed onto the yacht by the energetic Lin Lin.

The two went as far as Penglai. Lin Lin wanted to go take a look at the city, but it was getting late, so she had to come back.

On their way back, they happened to encounter a fishing boat and thus bought a lot of seafood to bring back to Coro Island.

In the evening, a grill was set up by the beach and a barbecue party started.

As Jiang Chen watched the sizzling meat, smelled the tasty aroma, drank the ice-cold beer, as well as enjoyed the company of the girls who chatted and laughed, he suddenly felt extremely satisfied, as if a hole in his heart was filled.

“What are you thinking about?”

Xia Shiyu grabbed a drink and sat down next to Jiang Chen. She wrapped her arms around her knees and gazed into the distant ocean.

“Nothing,” Jiang Chen chuckled as he watched Lin Lin and Yao Yao in swimsuits chase each other on the beach, “I just think that life is pretty good now.”

“I have an idea. Do you want to open a subsidiary in that world?” After she took a sip of the alcohol, her face started to turn red. Then, combined with the light of the flame from the grill, she glowed with a charming brilliance.

“A subsidiary?”

“Well, I went there and took a look. I feel that the potential is very good.” Xia Shiyu gently swayed the glass full of champagne, giggled, then took another small sip. “Well, it’s just my feeling. Maybe it’s because I’ve been a CEO for a long time.”

“You actually think that the potential there is pretty good?” Jiang Chen laughed.

It was a difference in perspective.

From the perspective of this world to look at that world. Apart from the ruins, there were opportunities buried under the ruins. However, from the perspective of that world, apart from the ruins, there was only despair.

Perhaps it was precisely for this reason that in the end PAC, NATO, and CCCP all adopted escapism and launched those six space colonization ships.

Build an inter-dimension enterprise?

Although Xia Shiyu only casually mentioned the idea, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that it seemed quite interesting. There were a lot of multinational companies like Future Group and Celestial Trade, but only he could build an inter-dimensional company.

“Opening a subsidiary in the apocalypse?” As Xiaorou patted down the dust on her skirt, she sat on the right side of Jiang Chen with a smile, “It sounds interesting. Can I just recommend myself to be the manager of that subsidiary?”

After she witnessed the prosperity of this world, she started to agree with the term “apocalypse”.

Moreover, she was almost tired of dealing with tedious and boring government affairs for her sister in the General’s Mansion. After she saw all the different possibilities in this world, she suddenly felt that it seemed like a good choice to become an independent woman like Xia Shiyu.

At least, she wanted to give it a try to see how to run a company.

“You passed the interview.” Xia Shiyu raised her glass slightly and gave Jiang Chen a teasing look. “But I’m not the president, so my opinion does not matter. Xiaorou, I’ll give you a suggestion. Our president is sitting here right now. You’d better bribe him, and I’ll pretend that I didn’t see it.”

“Don’t bribe me. It’s useless to bribe me. I don’t accept bribes these days.” When Jiang Chen noticed Xiaorou’s smiling eyes, he shook his head quickly, took a swig of the beer to moisturize his throat, and then continued after he deliberated for a moment. “But to be honest, if we open a subsidiary, what should we focus on?”

“Many, for example, infrastructure should be the most profitable, right? There is also food, which cannot be produced in the apocalypse, right?” Xia Shiyu hugged her knees, raised her head, and smiled as she watched the dusk fade in the distance, “I just don’t know how much energy it takes to transport goods through the portal.”

“Speaking of food, today I met a chief from Africa…” Jiang Chen told the two girls what had happened this afternoon.

When they heard about the chief that came with the intention of buying slaves but did not end up buying any slaves and was instead tricked into giving away 20 million mus of fertile land, and left with a T-3 Power Armor while feeling grateful, they both started to chuckle.

Xia Shiyu, who was the first to get the story, wiped the corners of her eyes, resisted the urge to laugh, coughed a few times to sound serious, then said, “When it comes to Africa, I suddenly thought of the jokes I had seen on the Internet before. Cotton-producing countries export cotton but import clothes, forest-rich countries export pulp but import paper, agricultural countries have a large area of fertile land but import food, and Nigeria…the country with a coastline of more than 800 kilometers long, imports more than 2,000 tons of salt every year.”

“I suddenly have an idea what our subsidiary can focus on,” Jiang Chen said.

Xiaorou blinked and looked over with eyes full of hope.

“The 20 million mus of land will be our experiment,” Jiang Chen shook the beer can that was almost empty, then gently tapped it against Xia Shiyu’s wine glass, and said, “I am almost tired of the life of transporting food from the modern world to the apocalypse. I will strive to make Africa the granary of NAC as soon as possible.

“Then what will be the name of our subsidiary?” Xia Shiyu smiled with her lips closed.

“Future Development,” Jiang Chen tossed the beer into the garbage can, leaned against the coconut tree behind him, and said, “Should we split the infrastructure projects from Future Heavy industries, and register a company in the modern world? As for the apocalypse… let’s hire employees in the apocalypse .”

Jiang Chen did not decide whether he should open the channel between the two worlds.

Because he didn’t know how this would impact the two worlds. While the modern world was accelerated, at the same time, bad things would also inevitably be brought along with the portal.

Perhaps it was really a good choice to open a subsidiary in the apocalypse.

Maybe, one day in the future, his inter-dimension company would have the opportunity to expand its business to other worlds.

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