I Have Time On My Side!

36 Yes, I’m a Guest

Emily was heading towards the entrance of Nolan’s house, walking with light steps but filled with uncertainty.

When she arrived at the entrance, she immediately noticed something different: the guards watching over the door were not the same as last time—again.

She paused for a moment, observing the men standing there with serious expressions and rigid postures.

Despite the difference, Emily decided to introduce herself confidently, albeit with some caution.

“Hello,” she greeted with a slight nod and a friendly smile. “I’m Emily Hawthorne.”

The guards exchanged glances, clearly puzzled. However, one of them noticed the dress Emily was wearing. It was the first dress Nolan had bought her, and that seemed to grant her some recognition.

After a few seconds of hesitation, they finally let her through, though with a warning.

“Be careful,” one of the guards said. “There are a lot of nobles here today, and security is tight.”

Emily nodded gratefully, but as she walked along the path leading to the house, she was surprised to see the number of carriages parked nearby.

It was clear that something important was happening. High-ranking nobles were gathered near the entrance, discussing among themselves, while a line of guards meticulously checked each visitor.

The number of people present made her feel small and insignificant.

The guards were arguing with some of the nobles, denying entry to everyone, which started to make Emily nervous.

‘How am I going to get in without causing trouble?’ she thought as she looked around, searching for an alternative.

Emily decided to try using the same route she had taken the previous day, a small side path that led directly to the house. However, just as she advanced along the path, a guard stepped in her way, stopping her immediately.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he reprimanded, frowning. “This path is off-limits.”

Emily, trying to keep her composure, quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry, really. I took this path because Nolan told me to come here after I talked with my grandparents…”

The guard laughed, incredulous.

“Please, is that your excuse? I’ve heard that same story from so many girls like you today. If you don’t want trouble, I suggest you leave right now.”

Emily looked at him, stunned.

“No, it’s the truth! Nolan told me to come here.”

The guard eyed her sternly.

“Since this morning, many young ladies have come with similar stories, and all of them have been turned away. So save your tears, because I’m not letting you in.”

Emily felt a knot in her stomach hearing that.

She couldn’t believe so many other women were trying the same thing. But instead of giving up, she decided to raise her voice in a desperate last attempt.

“Nolan!” she shouted, hoping he could hear her from somewhere.

The guard was startled and quickly tried to silence her.

“Quiet! You’re making a scene, and you’re only going to embarrass yourself.”

Noticing that her shouts were useless, and seeing how some nobles were starting to watch the scene with curiosity and even mockery, Emily felt a deep frustration.

‘How foolish of me,’ she told herself. ‘I should have thought better before doing that, but… I want to learn magic, I want… to improve.’

Determined not to leave, Emily crouched down on the ground, crossing her arms stubbornly.

“I’m not moving,” she declared firmly, though internally she was trembling.

The guard, visibly annoyed and with mocking laughter, called his companions.

“Come help me! This girl’s crazy. She won’t move.”

The other guards quickly arrived and started pulling her by the arm to get her out of the way, their expressions as disdainful as those of the nobles watching from afar.

Some of the noble ladies even laughed among themselves, murmuring about ‘that ridiculous noblewoman’ who didn’t know her place.

Meanwhile, amidst the crowd, a maid rushed toward them.

It was Isolde. Seeing how they were treating Emily, her face twisted in indignation.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with authority.

The guards stopped immediately, surprised by her tone.

“This girl says she knows Master Nolan,” one of them explained defensively.

Isolde crossed her arms, shooting a furious look at the men.

“Idiots! Of course she knows him. Why didn’t you ask before treating a guest like this?”

The lead guard frowned.

“With all due respect, Miss Isolde, many girls have come today with similar stories. We thought she was just another one of them.”

“She’s a very special guest!” Isolde scolded them further, visibly upset. “If you make a mistake like this again, you’ll lose your jobs. Go apologize immediately!”

The guards, somewhat embarrassed, turned to Emily, bowing their heads slightly.

“We’re very sorry, miss,” they said, not daring to look her in the eyes.

Emily, still stunned by the scene, watched as some of the nobles who had been laughing now looked at her incredulously, whispering among themselves about who she could be to have that kind of influence.

Isolde, ignoring the stares, approached Emily and offered her hand to help her up.

“Come on, Emily. Master Nolan is inside, waiting for you. Don’t let these fools ruin your day.”

Emily took her hand, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude as the curious and distrustful gazes of the nobles followed her.

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