I Have Time On My Side!

38 Where are we headed?

The carriage carrying Nolan and Emily departed from the mansion with elegance, accompanied by a small squad of knights on sturdy horses, escorting the vehicle with impeccable precision. 

Emily sat quietly, watching how the guards moved with discipline around them, forming a human shield that prevented anyone from getting close. 

As they left the affluent district of Upper Vindenhall, Emily noticed several curious onlookers peeking from their doors and windows, watching the spectacle of nobles and important figures being turned away at the mansion’s gates. 

“I’ve never seen so many nobles in one place…” Emily thought, feeling a bit small in comparison to the commotion now surrounding Nolan’s life. 

But what caught her attention most was how everyone’s gaze seemed fixed on the carriage. 

Murmurs, whispers, and speculative glances followed them with every step. 

As the carriage moved forward, the city of Vindenhall began to fade behind them. 

Soon, they left behind the cobblestone streets and mansion facades, entering broader paths lined with fields and rolling green hills. 

Within minutes, the scenery transformed into dense forests, where tall trees and the shadows cast by their canopies created a calming atmosphere. 

Emily couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the view. 

As they ventured deeper into the wooded region, Emily peeked out the rear window, watching as Vindenhall shrank in the distance. 

From there, it seemed so small, an insignificant city compared to the vast landscape stretching before her eyes. 

Turning her head forward, she saw how the road widened, surrounded by majestic trees and, occasionally, graceful hills rising in the distance. 

“Nolan,” she said suddenly, breaking the silence inside the carriage. “Where exactly are we going?” 

Nolan, who seemed lost in his own thoughts, looked up calmly and met her gaze with slightly sleepy eyes. 

“We’re going to Novark, the capital.” 

Emily’s eyes widened in surprise. 

“Novark? We’re going there?” she asked, unable to hide the excitement and slight nervousness in her voice. 

The capital of the Kingdom of Valenfort was a place she only knew from rumors and stories people told at the bakery. 

The heart of the nation, a place of power and wealth, home not only to royalty but also to the most influential people in the kingdom. 

“And… what are we going to do there?” 

Nolan looked at her for a moment, carefully considering his words. 

“I have a couple of things to take care of,” he murmured evasively. But after seeing the genuine curiosity on Emily’s face, he decided to continue. “Also… the princess mentioned something interesting in her letter. There’s a healer in Novark who might… treat my condition. Apparently, it could speed up my recovery.” 

Emily was speechless. 

“Your condition?” she repeated in a whisper, as if it were a strange term she still didn’t fully grasp. Her mind slowly processed what Nolan had said. “There’s someone who can… heal you faster?” 

“Yes, but it’s confidential,” Nolan clarified, lowering his voice and looking at her seriously. “The kingdom doesn’t want too much being known about my state. It would be a problem if word got out.” 

Emily nodded, understanding the delicate nature of the matter. 

The idea that someone like Nolan, who seemed to have unusual potential, was in a compromised state would be dangerous information in the wrong hands. 

“That makes sense,” she said slowly. “But… are we going to see that healer now?” 

Nolan shook his head. 

“Not immediately. First, we need to go to a church.” 

“A church?” Emily asked, frowning in confusion. “Won’t that attract too much attention? If everyone’s already talking about you, going to a church in the capital…” 

Nolan smiled faintly, as if he had anticipated that concern. 

“The church will be closed to the public when we arrive. Just for us.” 

Emily’s jaw nearly dropped in surprise. 

“Closed just for us? How is that even possible?” Emily exclaimed, with a mix of disbelief and amazement. 

Nolan looked at her steadily, his expression neutral but with a hint of resignation. 

“The princess,” he replied simply. “She has her own interests at play. She said closing the church for a couple of hours is the least she can do to make sure everything stays under control.” 

Emily felt as if the reality around her was crumbling. 

Was the princess’s influence really that powerful? 

Closing a church, mobilizing staff and guards… 

What madness! 

“This… is way bigger than I thought…” she murmured, more to herself than to him. 

“I know,” Nolan admitted, before looking at her with a seriousness that unsettled her. “But for now, I need you with me. Your presence… helps me stay focused.” 

Emily blinked, surprised. 

“My presence… calms you?” she repeated, stunned. 

What was that supposed to mean? 

How could she, a mere baker, have any influence on someone like Nolan, whose life was… so complicated to understand!? 

Before she could dig deeper, the carriage jolted violently. Emily clung to the edge of the seat, looking around in alarm. 

The sounds of shouting and thudding echoed from outside, accompanied by the metallic clash of swords. 

“What’s happening?” Emily asked, leaning out the window. 

From her position, Emily could see the knights escorting the carriage clashing with a group of hooded figures that had emerged from the forest. 

The horses neighed, retreating in confusion, and the carriage itself rocked violently as the knights struggled to repel the attacks. 

“Nolan,” she exclaimed, looking at him with her heart racing. “They’re fighting!” 

Nolan sat up in his seat, observing the scene with a disturbingly calm demeanor. 

“Relax,” he said, his voice so serene it almost seemed inappropriate for the situation. “Nothing’s going to happen.” 

But to Emily, the situation was anything but calm. 

The carriage continued to shake, and the sounds of battle intensified. 

There was no way this would end well if they stayed surrounded! 

With her heart in her throat, Emily could only watch helplessly, wondering what kind of danger Nolan’s presence had drawn this time.

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