I Just Want To Have A Quiet Life, So Why Did I Become A Herrscher?

Chapter 2 (volume 1)

"Noooooo ... stay away ... stay away please..."

Running through the forest was Ryusuke who was desperately running for his life. And he was running away from...

"Có có có..."

He was running away from 7 chickens that were chasing him.

But they were not ordinary chickens, these chickens were Honkai beasts. 

Honkai beasts are Honkai's main army, these beasts are divided into several levels and categories, but to make a basic summary there are three types of Honkai beasts, which are:

Pure Honkai beasts: these creatures were created by the local Honkai energy, they are living creatures based on silicon, as opposed to humanity's carbon-based life. These beasts are usually covered with a white carapace and have purple lines around their bodies.

Mutant beasts: they used to be ordinary animals but mutated when exposed to Honkai energy. These animals have had a tremendous increase in strength but have become completely out of control and destroy everything they see ahead.

And there are zombies: they are human corpses revived by Honkai energy. They are basically a disposable infantry, as they are the weakest among Honkai beasts, although there are some very strong zombies.

Now talking about the chickens that are chasing Ryusuke.

These 7 chickens are half a meter tall with dark, purple feathers, these chickens have a long mouth full of sharp teeth in the middle of the belly with a very long tongue of 30 centimeters, and the eyes of these galley are constantly shedding red blood. 

Ryusuke had not initially been discovered by the chickens and intended to sneak out of there but unfortunately he stepped on a tree branch that was on the ground. The moment these chickens saw Ryusuke the chase started.

It had been 5 minutes since the chase started and Ryusuke was already starting to get exhausted. Normally, any 7-year-old child would have been caught by the chickens in the first minute of persecution, but Ryusuke is different from other children since he has Herrscher's stigma. 

As he only acquired the stigma a short time ago, the amount of Honkai energy he has is very scarce, but it is enough for him to strengthen his body a little to escape. Although this does not have much effect since among all Herrschers the Herrscher of Binding is the one with the weakest physical capacity.

Not to mention that if Ryusuke had not panicked he would have remembered the powers of Herrscher of Binding, it would be enough for him to weaken the Honkai energy of these chickens and turn them to dust. But not everyone can stay calm when chased by monstrous chickens.

Soon Ryusuke tripped over a tree root that was on the ground, he lost his balance and fell to the ground. 

He rolled on the floor down a few meters until he hit a tree on his back. There was a small cut on his forehead that bled a little. 

The chickens did not miss this opportunity and jumped towards Ryusuke with their mouths open to savor human flesh. 

"Noooooo!!!" Ryusuke screamed as he covered his face with his arms and closed his eyes already anticipating the worst.


But it was not Ryusuke who screamed in pain now, but chickens. 

Ryusuke opened his eyes and saw her.

A 12-year-old girl with fair skin, with long pink hair reminiscent of cherry blossoms. She is wearing a miko costume, which is mainly a priestess cloak and a skirt with a purple scarf around her neck and a fox mask by her waist. 

In her right hand there was a katana that was dripping with blood and on the floor there were two chickens that were lying on the floor without moving with a single cut over his abdomen. 

"Don't worry, it will all be over in an instant." the girl also spoke with her back to Ryusuke.

The chickens no longer hesitated and invested against the girl who killed her companions.

Just as the girl said, everything was resolved in an instant. The girl raised her katana and started to move very fast, her precise movements were like a dance. And in three movements all the chickens were killed. With the first movement three chickens were beheaded at once, with the second movement she pierced the tip of the katana in the chicken's heart and with a third movement she cut the last chicken in half vertically in two.

The girl then swing the katana to draw the blood on the blade. She soon put the katana in the sheath. 

The girl turned to see Ryusuke. His expression was calm but his purple eyes showed some emotions such as relief, surprise, distrust, determination and a little hopelessness. 

'Is that girl really who I think she is?' Ryusuke thought surprised and looking forward to remembering a certain tragic miko from the game. 

"Thank you very much for saving me. My name is Ryusuke." Ryusuke thanked the girl while she introduced herself. 

"There is no need to thank me I was only fulfilling my duties to protect the village when I eliminated those corrupted beasts. Are you alright? If you are badly injured I can carry you to my village to treat your injuries." The girl spoke in a courteous tone. 

'Is that another of that demon's tricks? But why do I feel something familiar coming from this boy.' The girl thought while hiding her distrust and caution towards the boy in front of her, since something like this never happened in other cycles. 

"I'm fine, thank you very much for your concern." Ryusuke stood up but quickly lost his balance. 

Before he fell to the ground, the girl held him. 

"You got a little head injury, so please don't try too hard. I will sit you on that stone there to apply an ointment to you as first aid, after that I will carry you on your back to the village." The girl spoke while taking a small container containing the medicinal ointment from her clothes pocket. 

She started applying the ointment to the cut on Ryusuke's forehead. 

"Thank you very much, and I'm sorry for taking your time... eto?..." Ryusuke spoke but stopped when he remembered that the girl has not yet introduced herself. 

The girl realized Ryusuke's intentions and decided to speak.

"Sakura ... my name is Yae Sakura." The girl introduced herself.

"I understand, so thanks again for saving me Sakura-san." Ryusuke thanked him. 

A few moments later Yae Sakura finishes applying the ointment and then she carried Ryusuke on her back to her village, Yae village.

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