I really don't want to be a disaster

Page 1089

While Miriam was eating, Yi Lin described the woman's appearance to Miriam in detail.

Short blond hair, scars on the face, military uniform, smoking.

These key points seem to have very personal characteristics, and Milian's movements of gnawing seafood skewers suddenly stopped.

"is her!"

"Sure enough, you know him?"

Yi Lin knew that although Milian was usually silent, as the leader of the War Tower's first guild area server, she should know the information of many masters.

Milian nodded. She was a foodie, and she always knew everything about Yi Lin's questions, and she took the initiative to add explanations.

"five years ago……"

Milian recounted a well-known history.

Five years ago, a "change" broke out in the German Republic.

That change, in the history of that country, is known as "Bloody August."

It is said that it was only a 16-year-old girl who triggered the change.

Overnight, high-level politicians, the federal president, and members of the Senate all died tragically in the entire country.

And that little girl, also overnight, conquered an army and turned that country into "her empire".

At the age of 16, she called herself the "Grand Governor" and ruled the country.

What Milion said is history that can be recorded.

But only the little girl knew the details of that night.

After all, she was the only one who survived that transformation.

"Pol Sebatisian."

In the end, Milian elegantly took out the small silk scarf to wipe her mouth, and said the woman's name.

Yi Lin flipped through the world rankings.

The person was not found.

"Have you hidden your name?"

In fact, most of the role of this leaderboard is to check your own ranking.80.00% of the people on the leaderboard hide their information.The higher the ranking, the more so.It seems that everyone understands the truth of "big trees attract the wind".

"You mean, the German Republic is actually led by a 21-year-old female apostle?"


Milian nodded.

Yi Lin sighed, "The abnormality of the world."

Although the Governor of Ball hid the information on the leaderboard.

But redheads are famous.

Judging from Red Hair's attitude towards the Governor of Boer, the ranking of the Governor of Boer, according to Yi Lin's speculation, is likely to be higher than that of Red Hair.

And the method of appearing and disappearing, visually judged to be the type that is good at stealth assassination.

It is somewhat similar to the strengthening route that Yi Lin took before.

She was already an apostle five years ago, so her qualifications can be called "old".

It is hard to imagine how many cruel trials she has gone through since she became an apostle five years ago and has lived until now.

"You mean, she was there just now?"

After eating, Milian gained a lot of energy, and her mind became much clearer.

Things are far more troublesome than imagined.

Yi Lin looked down at Milian.

He was very curious, if he retreated now and slipped back to his territory with a teleportation, would Milian raise his sword and kill Shanghai Tingshi again, to find an explanation.

Forget it.

Yi Lin thought of Miriam's stubborn and never giving up character, and quickly gave up the idea of ​​sneaking away.

He understood more and more the situation of the clock tower.

If Yi Lin is still a loner, she can just find a place to hide, to ensure that Mi Lien will find the old man, and she will not be able to pull him out from the vast crowd.

But Haiting City is different. It is a fixed location and cannot be moved. This really made Milian angry. She used her big move to collapse a few swords at the Great Engineer Tower. The camouflage canopy of the Engineer Tower really couldn't stand a few pokes from Milian.

"Damn the Aurora Sect."

Yi Lin thought of the reasons for all the incidents, and her teeth itch with hatred.

If it wasn't for that incident at the beginning, Yi Lin wouldn't have gotten involved in the tower of war incident.

"It's too far from the clock tower." Just as he was about to set off again, Cerberus approached Yi Lin, covered his left eye, and said softly, "My artificial magic eye's ability has declined."

"Really." Yi Lin blinked at Cerberus calmly, and comforted: "It's okay, it will get better."

Some people always say to open a new dungeon quickly. Has no one discovered that the plot along the way is already in the "dungeon"?Yun Shen, I don't know where.

Chapter 721 "Yanfeng Justice" (4K)

This is an old town.

- "Uk".

Ukrainian terrain is located in the basin, surrounded by mountains.

Branch rivers from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers pass through the town and merge into a small lake.

Before the war broke out, it was also a poor town.

Local people with sallow skin, empty eyes and indifferent faces.

Ragged, they lie, sit, or sleep, by the side of the road, on the roof, on the bank of the river.

There are more people, hiding in the shadows that can bring them a sense of security, just hiding, and looking at everything in front of them with dull eyes.


There were boring geographers who discussed the reasons for the formation of the Uk Town Basin.

Some people say that this is the formation of the subsidence of the ground where the whole town is located after the bottom crust changed;

Some people say that there is a rich underground river system under the small town. Over the years, the moist things are silent, and the ground gradually sinks, forming this landform;

It is also said that many, many years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky and directly smashed a crater here.

No one has studied the specific reasons.

After all, this is just a poor town that no one cares about.

How the basin was formed, and who cares?

After the general call,

This small town also experienced the baptism of riots.

After being plundered by the veterans, the place was devastated, leaving only a mess.

"This is human beings."

this day,

A man with silver-white hair passed by here.

He was wearing a clean white robe trimmed with delicate lace.Under the robe was a dark and supple lining, and under his feet were a pair of thick round-toed leather boots.The man was walking on the road with a smile on his face, giving people the impression that the wind blowing from the grassland was elusive, but it was hard to feel bad.

"Excuse me, do you want to buy rare items? As long as, as long as 300 points!"

When the white-haired man passed by, a woman with dried blood on her clothes staggered over, selling rare items to the man.

She lowered her voice, and she dared to do so only when she saw the man was well dressed.Otherwise, rare items can be exchanged for a lot of food at the gathering place of seniors next door. Under normal circumstances, she would never dare to expose the precious rare items.

The white-haired man shook his head and walked a few steps faster.

The woman bit her lower lip hard, moved closer, and said in a lower voice, "My skills are very good, and I can do 200 points. Please, please, I'm so hungry. Even... I can do it .”

"Oh, what a headache."

The white-haired man smiled mischievously and rubbed his hair: "I'm not your kind. Besides, I'm sorry for tarnishing your determination. I don't like women."

The local woman who was selling [Rare Grade] props was stunned when she heard the words.

She looked at the man's face, the flawless facial features, and the gentle smile, in a peaceful age, she would be willing even if it was upside down.However, such a perfect man actually doesn't like women... Hiss, what a pity.


The white-haired man put his white index finger on his lips. He turned his head and looked around. He saw that there were many eager eyes peeping here in the dark. He could only sigh helplessly and took out a package from his arms. , took out a piece of dry bread from the package.


The woman hesitated for a moment, but still took the bread and gnawed on it.

After a while, the bread was finished.

When she raised her head unsatisfied, the windy man had disappeared long ago.


After doing a trivial little thing.

A white-haired man came to a church.

The door of the church was open, and the benches used for prayer inside were scattered and lying on the ground.

In the corner of the church, near the wall, an open space was deliberately left.There, seven or eight corpses were neatly arranged.Each corpse bears various scars.Some corpses were already cold, while others were still warm, as if they had just died.

Their age, time of death, and method of death have nothing in common.But the only thing they have in common is that at this moment, they are all put in a straight posture, with their backs facing the sky and their eyes closed.Their hands, fingers interlaced, are clasped together in front of their chests, as if in a prayer gesture.

On the chest of each corpse, there is a bright little white flower quietly placed.This ordinary little white flower dilutes the sorrow of death and adds a bit of solemnity and solemnity.

A thin young man in a black priest's attire, with his back to the open church door, bowed his head in prayer.

When the white-haired man stepped into the church, the young priest sighed softly and put on a ring: "Excuse me, are you here to pray... huh? Great Sage?"

The young priest turned his head and stared, the round eyes on the bridge of his nose tilted to one side.

10 minute later.

The young priest moved two relatively clean stools and a table in front of the goddess statue, whose upper body had already collapsed, and sat with the white-haired man.

On the expression of the young priest, there was embarrassment, and he twisted slightly on the stool, as if he was a little uncomfortable.

"Master Great Sage..."

After the embarrassing silence, the young priest mustered up the courage to raise his head, and when he was about to break the silence, the white-haired man smiled softly. That gentle smile made people feel like spring breeze.He conjured a box of chess from inside his robes.

"Hush, don't talk," the white-haired man smiled and blinked: "Let's play a game of chess!"

The young priest was stunned.

But after a while,

They still played chess.

At first, the young priest was a little restrained.

The white-haired man's offensive was slow and unhurried, like boiling a frog in warm water.

But it was just this style of chess, playing and playing, the young priest was dumbfounded when he saw the trembling "Queen" surrounded by a group of soldiers and horses surrounded by his own camp.

"Come again."

The white-haired man smiled slightly, looking very happy, and played another round.

Second round.

The young priest lost his temper, and his chess moves became more and more majestic and murderous.

As for the white-haired man, he still responded calmly, not killing those who should be killed, and keeping those who could be killed for a while, with an appearance of not being in a hurry at all.

A few minutes down.

The young priest finds his "delicate queen" surrounded again.

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