I really don't want to be a teacher

Page 158

The shouting villagers suddenly fell silent, followed by them, as if stimulated by the young woman's words, they became angry.

"What do you know, it is your honor to dedicate you to the water god!"

"Bah! It's an honor, then you come!"

The young woman looked at the villagers who were jumping and glaring at her angrily, and gradually laughed,

"... just wait, wait, if there are ghosts and gods in this world, I will come back and turn into a ghost. What about you now, I will give you back little by little!"

"We bought you, and we can do whatever we want!"

"...Dream, the water god will protect us! Will protect us!"


As if the last fig leaf had been torn off, the crowd became enraged, hysterical, and cursed at the young woman one after another.

Looking at a group of angry villagers with ferocious expressions, the young man in Taoist robe seemed a little frightened.

Immediately afterwards, he turned back and said to the two middle-aged men who were guarding the young woman, somewhat angrily,

"What's the matter with you two, why don't you gag her mouth?"

"Ho ho ho, you murderers, wait to go to hell, each and every one of you will not escape."

Hearing this, two middle-aged men stepped forward, one pressed the young woman's head, and the other took the hemp rope and strangled the woman's mouth again.


"Okay, now ready to start"

"Come up with a few people and carry her to the river."

The young man in the yellow robe said loudly.

In an instant, hiding in the darkness, a few villagers came out, lowered the young woman from the tree trunk, and at the same time tied the young woman's hands and feet tightly with new hemp ropes.

"...Now is the auspicious time. When the sacrifice is successfully concluded, everyone in our village will be fine!"

"Now, lift her up!"


In the center of the village, the priest is carrying out the final steps.

The young woman, who was tightly tied up and had a stone attached to her wrist, was carried by several people, approaching the pond in the middle of the village step by step.

One after another, the villagers hiding in the night shouted as if the last layer of their mask had been torn off.

Beside the shade of the tree, Lian Ge quietly watched the scene,

Withdrawing his gaze, Lian Ge turned his gaze and looked towards the entrance of the village.

After a pause, Lian Ge smiled slightly when he heard the madness in the middle of the village.


Immediately afterwards, there were loud shouts, suppressing the frantic shouting of a crowd of villagers,

"... Police, don't move, don't move!"

The police arrived in time, looked at the scene in front of them, and shouted angrily,

"Don't move!"

The strong flashlights carried by the police officers illuminated the center of the village.

Under the strong light, a group of villagers in dark clothes seemed to be unable to see the light. They blocked the light with their sleeves and hands, and fled in all directions in a panic and confusion.

The villagers who were carrying the young woman were surrounded by several policemen. They had no choice but to put the young woman down again, holding her head under the strong light, and squatting down.

The young man in the yellow Taoist robe looked even more flustered, tearing, trying to take off his clothes and blend in with the crowd, but was directly blocked by a policeman.

"……Raise your hand!"


"It's all right, girl, it's all right, we're the police."

A female policeman stepped forward, untied the hemp rope that bound the young woman, and comforted her,

The young woman looked at the policewoman, and tears welled up in her eyes.


From the side, looking at the villagers who looked more like ghosts under the strong light, and then at the young woman who had been rescued,

After pausing his eyes, Lian Ge looked away, moved his feet again, and walked towards the entrance of the village without haste.

Chapter 212 She is mine

In Banghe Village, a tied young woman was rescued.

The crazy villagers were controlled one after another, the center of the village was illuminated by a strong light, and none of the villagers squatting on the ground looked up.

"...Why throw people into the river?"

A policeman looked at a villager and asked,

"Sacrifice to the God of Water..." The villager just lowered his head and murmured back without daring to look directly at the policeman.

"Ignorance! If there is a water god, do you need to use living people to sacrifice? If you need to sacrifice living people, what is that? You are killing people, murdering!"


"Girl, it's alright, it's alright, you've been saved." An older female policeman hugged the young woman whose hemp rope had been untied, comforting her with some distress,

"We will take you home, and it won't be long before you can go home again and see your parents..."

As for the young woman, tears kept pouring out of her eyes, her hands were tightly clutching the policewoman's sleeves, her body trembling slightly,

"It's okay, it's all over...it's all over." The female policeman comforted her distressedly.

"I was sold with two other girls... and two more girls..." the young woman cried,

"What about them?" the female policeman hurriedly asked after hearing the words.

"...has been, has been..." Saying that, the young woman turned her head and glanced at the still flowing river.

"It's okay, it's okay..." The female policeman heard the words, glanced at the river in the village, and immediately reacted,

"Ma De, these bastards, how old are the girls, they are so cruel!" A male policeman beside him couldn't help cursing in a low voice.


"Kid, are you the one who called the police?"

Several policemen found the child who called the police. A female policeman squatted down and asked softly.

"Yes, I called the police." The child nodded emphatically, "If you come, that sister won't be sunk in the river, right?"

"No, don't worry, the police uncle and the police sister are here, I won't let you get hurt again." The policewoman put her hand on the child's shoulder and replied with a smile on her face.

"Then, you won't take my sister away, will you?" The child looked at the policewoman nervously and said, "I still want this sister to be my wife."

Hearing this, several policemen couldn't help laughing,

"Little friend, do you know what a daughter-in-law is? You are still too young. You can only marry a daughter-in-law when you grow up."

The policewoman smiled, reached out and stroked the child's hair,

"Besides, this elder sister is like you, a little friend. She has family members and parents, so we have to send her home."

"I know! I want her to be my wife and give birth to my baby. You can't take her away, we bought her with money! She is mine! Why do you take her away!"

The child shook off the policewoman's hand and became angry,

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of several policemen gradually disappeared, and the policewoman's hands couldn't help but stop,

"Then what if that sister doesn't want to?" A policeman next to him looked at the child and couldn't help asking.

"She's mine! We bought it! Why doesn't she want to, if she doesn't want to, I'll lock her up, tie her up, don't give her food, see if she wants to!"

The child growled angrily.

Hearing this, looking at this childish face, the policemen couldn't help but feel a little chill in their hearts.


the other side.

Along the river that runs through the entire village, Lian Ge moves forward without haste, and the hustle and bustle of the village gradually fades away.

Walking to the entrance of the village, Lian Ge stopped in his tracks again, turned his gaze to look,

Outside the formation covering the entire Banghe Village, the two lingering grievances and shadowy figures still stood at the entrance of the village.

He stared straight at the middle of the village, the noisy and noisy place, compared with the pain and grimness before, his face was a little more happy,

The resentment and hostility that kept growing were gradually dissipating.

Looking at the two ghostly figures, he paused slightly.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lian Ge moved his footsteps again, and at the same time took out the hell-style communicator, and poured a mana into it.


Instead of stepping out of the village directly from the village entrance, Lian Ge turned around after putting back the underworld-style communicator, and walked step by step along the edge of the formation barrier covering the entire Banghe Village, around the edge of the village.

Slightly raising his head, he glanced at the stars that had lit up in the night, Lian Ge did not stop, as if he was measuring the edge of the village, he walked around to the left side of the village step by step, at the foot of the mountain.

at last,

When the hustle and bustle in the village gradually subsided, Lian Ge paused again.

In front of him was the edge of the mountain on the left side of the village. Looking up slightly along the foot of the mountain, not far away was the edge of the village formation barrier.

And under the edge, on the mountain slightly higher at the foot of the mountain, there is a rock embedded.

Looking at the rock, Lian Ge paused slightly,

Driven by mana, Lian Ge jumped up and stepped on the rock.

He glanced at the rock under his feet, and then at the barrier in front of him.

After stepping on the rock, Lian Ge walked along the hill towards the top of the hill.

When Lian Ge's pace completely breaks away from the rock, following closely,

The rocks that were firmly embedded in the mountain before that moment fell apart as if being hit hard, and scattered from the mountain to the ground.

Then, the formation covering the entire Banghe Village suddenly collapsed.


Without stopping, Lian Ge walked unhurriedly towards the top of the hill along the terraced fields on the hillside.

"Let's go."

On the top of the hill, Lian Ge glanced at the village in the valley, turned around and continued walking towards the forest ahead.

"Squeak... squeak."

The little white mouse squatting on its shoulders turned its head, looked at the village in the valley as well, and let out two calls.

"It's quite clean."

Hearing the sound, Lian Ge smiled and did not stop.

Then, facing the night, the figures of a man and a mouse gradually moved away, and the village of Banghe in the valley gradually moved away from the river behind him.


Banghe Village, at the entrance of the village.

The figures of two underworld ghost messengers suddenly appeared behind the two ghosts,

Looking at the resentment, the two ghosts whose hostility had been dissipating also instantly understood.

Just stood behind Li Gui, watched, and did nothing.


In front of the two ghosts, the formation barrier had collapsed, and the barrier that prevented the ghosts from entering the village had disappeared.

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