I really don't want to be a teacher

Page 2


Lian Ge suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

In an instant, a light curtain appeared in front of Lian Ge.

"Name: Lian Ge.

Status: 1th generation successor of the Lian family.

Title: In the learning stage, not yet obtained.

Technique: none at the moment.

Method: None.

Road: None.

Enlightenment points: None for now.

Items: None

Remarks: Welcome to the Seeker System. The current system version is the latest version 20.20. This system was created by the ancestor of the Lian family, and the final interpretation right belongs to the ancestor of the Lian family.

Note, you have completed the initial task: load and start this system, and get a reward novice gift package, please claim it as soon as possible. "

After the milky white halo lingering on Lian Ge's body appeared on the system interface, it completely disappeared in his body and then disappeared.

Looking at the simple system interface, Lian Ge couldn't hide his excitement.

It is really a system, although this system is ancestral.

"Receive the novice gift bag."

Following the experience of several novels, Lian Ge said silently in his heart.

"The novice gift bag has been received successfully, and the relevant items have been placed in the inventory, please pick it up as soon as possible."

The system's response sounded,

Then the system interface changes again,

A series of 'none', again added a column,

'Random task: None'

At the same time, the following items in the inventory column are replaced by the items in the starter pack,

"Items: A copy of the system instruction manual, "Basic Principles and Overview of the Use and Production of Talismans and Seals", "Basic Theory and Practice of Cultivation", "One Hundred Questions about Mysterious Common Sense""

Looking at the item bar on the system interface, even though Lian Ge is in a complicated mood at the moment, he still feels stuck.

"Seeking Dao System, you are really good enough to keep pace with the times..."

I don't know what kind of mood to say, Lian Ge reached out and clicked "Basic Principles and Overview of the Use and Production of Talismans and Seals" in the inventory

In an instant, a prompt box pops up on the system interface.

"Are you sure to extract "Basic Principles and Overview of the Use and Manufacturing of Talisman Seals""


After confirming again, Lian Ge suddenly felt something falling down in front of him.

Subconsciously, Lian Ge reached out and grabbed it.

Some big impact pressed his hand down, and Lian Ge felt as if he had grabbed a seven-hole brick.

When I picked it up, I saw that it was a thick tome, and it was a tall paper book when used as a pillow.

On its hard cover, it is impressively printed - "Basic Principles and Overview of the Use and Manufacturing of Talismans and Seals"

Looking at this heavy and extremely weighty book, Lian Ge couldn't help but fell into deep thought,

Shouldn't other systems directly instill relevant knowledge into the brain at this time?

Why just give him a book, if you give him a book or cheats, he can learn it,

Then why does the world need teachers?

According to this theory, anyone who has a math book should theoretically be a mathematician, and high school students who have three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulations can be directly admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Thinking, holding on to the last bit of hope, Lian Ge opened this tome,

Then, he gave up.

In addition to the standard bibliography and standard preface,

The title of the first page of the text of this book is clearly written,

"The concept and meaning of talismans."


After looking at this book for a long time, Lian Ge raised his head again, looked at the "System Instructions" in the system, and extracted it.

I want to find out if there are any shortcuts in the user manual of his system.

This time, Lian Ge did not dare to pick it up with his hands.

The moment he confirmed the extraction, a stack of books at the height of his waist fell and hit the ground firmly.

On the top of it, on the white cover is impressively written—"Seeker System Instruction Manual—Volume [-]"

Looking at the stack of manuals, Lian Ge didn't say anything, but knelt down and began to read them silently.

After skimming the "User Agreement", "User Privacy Confidentiality Agreement" and "Lian Family Ancestor's Letter to His Children and Grandchildren", the remaining manuals are less than half.

And at this time,

Lian Ge suddenly thought of a question,

Why can he bind the system, but his grandfather can't? What are the binding conditions for the system?

Thinking about it, Lian Ge quickly rummaged through the stack of system manuals.

Chapter 3 Eighteen years old, not yet...

"At the age of eighteen, he has not yet broken his body."

After searching for a while, Lian Ge finally found the explanation in the thick and complicated manual.

Looking at these eight concise words, Lian Ge couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

"...Old man, when you were young..." Looking back at the quiet main room, Lian Ge didn't know what to say.

"It turns out that this is the so-called auspicious time..."

When he received a call from the old village head, he was about to go to the hotel with a girl to do something.

As a result, as soon as he stepped into the hotel, he got the news of the old man's death, so he naturally left the girl behind and rushed back overnight.

Looking at the thick manual, Lian Ge shook his head, and continued to rummage through the stack of manuals, looking for the answer to the question he was looking for at first—whether there is a shortcut for him to quickly learn the textbooks given by the system.

"Whoa... whoa..."

The sound of turning pages continued to ring in the room. Lian Ge first roughly locked the range of possible answers with the manual content, and then searched carefully one by one.

Finally, after searching several volumes back and forth, Lian Ge finally found the answer in the first subsection of Chapter [-] of the eighth volume of the System User Manual.

"A scientific approach to learning and comprehending sorcery.

1. If you read the book a hundred times, you will see its meaning. If you don't do it a hundred times, you will come again a hundred times.

2. Be good at summarizing, discovering, finding problems, thinking about problems, and solving problems.

3. Master the appropriate learning methods, think more, and ask why...

3. Ask more, ask teachers, pioneers, and outstanding people among their peers.

4. Be diligent and self-disciplined, study hard, never slack off, and persevere is the right way.

5. The Tao follows nature, and the Tao is by your side. Observe the Tao of all things, the Tao of all people, and become your own Tao


After looking through dozens of similar words, Lian Ge finally found the key sentence that he didn't want to appear between the corners of the words.

"...Continuous consumption of enlightenment points can open the state of enlightenment and improve learning ability in a short period of time.

At the same time, by consuming enlightenment points, you can summon the ancestors of the Lian family to come to guide your studies and assist in teaching.The latter is recommended.

Remarks: For details on how to obtain Enlightenment Points, please refer to page 185 of Book Two. "

"The state of enlightenment? Call a teacher to teach directly?" Lian Ge repeated in a low voice thoughtfully, and then pulled the second manual.

"Whoa... whoa..."

After squatting for a long time, his legs felt a little numb, so Lian Ge simply sat cross-legged on the ground, spread the manual on his lap,

Following the prompts in the manual, after turning to page 185 of the second book, Lian Ge directly saw the relevant explanation.

"About the acquisition and use of enlightenment points.

1. At the beginning of each month, the top and bottom of the seeking system interface will refresh the advertisements from heaven or hell respectively, click to play the advertisement, and you can get 100 enlightenment points when you complete it.

Note: The advertisement content has nothing to do with the system. The system does not guarantee the advertisement content and does not assume any relevant responsibilities. Please carefully identify the advertisement content and avoid impulsive consumption. "

Looking at the first way to obtain enlightenment points, Lian Ge couldn't help but look up at the system interface that was still in sight.

Looking at a blank area on the top of the data panel and the same blank area below, he thought it was an unlocked area or a beautiful design, but it turned out to be an advertising space.

"It's really...unique." Lian Ge didn't know what to say.

Scold him, he is his ancestor, don't scold him, it makes him uncomfortable.

He could only say a word in silence, then turned his attention to the instruction manual again, and continued to read.

"2. Click the '+' sign in the Enlightenment Point column to start the recharge page. For the first deposit of 8888 yuan, you can get 200 Enlightenment Points, and for the first charge of 88888, you can get 2000 Enlightenment Points... What are you waiting for? Well, act quickly.

Note: I don’t feel sorry for cubs selling their father’s land. In order to prevent future generations from selling their ancestral properties, they recharge crazily. The money used for recharging can only be earned by system users themselves.”

Seeing this method of obtaining enlightenment points, Lian Ge couldn't help looking up at the golden nanmu pillar on the beam of the house, and probably understood why it was full of holes.

Although it is stipulated that you must use the money you earn to recharge, you can put all the money you earn into it, and then rely on selling your ancestral property to eat.

"Old Ancestor, you are still missing a move." After silently speaking, Lian Ge looked at the last one,

"3. The method of exchanging merit for enlightenment points. After merit is quantified, each point of merit can be exchanged for ten enlightenment points.

Note: Give up this method. As the saying goes, the cause and effect of merit and virtue is a debt of injustice, which is constantly cut, unclear, and chaotic. Its merit and virtue are its karma.Forcing merit and virtue, most of them will be burned by karma. "

"Well... it seems that we should make good money..." Lian Ge didn't want to fight against his ancestor's warning, he was past the age of rebellion.

He has just embarked on this road, and it is safer to follow the experience of his predecessors for this kind of thing.

After all, he is his own ancestor, so he can still harm himself.

Thinking about it, Lian Ge looked away from the manual and looked at the system panel again.

"Well, I haven't enlightened yet, and there are still a few days before the beginning of the month. If I recharge, although I still have a thousand yuan on me, it is all given by the old man, so I am afraid I can't recharge it.

It seems that for a while, I can only read the book by myself. "

"The matter of making money should also be on the agenda..." Lian Ge thought, after having the system, whether to inherit the old man's career, continue to bluff and deceive, pretend to be god...well, continue to subdue demons and subdue demons, maintain the righteous way, Make some money by the way.

"In addition... the funeral of the old man... it's time to take care of it." Lian Ge turned his eyes and looked at the main room again. Grandpa was still lying quietly on the door panel. The excitement of getting the system dissipated a lot in an instant.

Although there is a system, there is no one to share his joy with him. He is the only one left in this family.

"However, since there is a hell, there should be a chance to see you again."

Thinking about it, Lian Ge suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.


Getting up from the ground, Lian Ge patted the ashes on his body, and looked at the tome of talismans and seals on the desk.

After thinking about it, Lian Ge stretched out his hand and pressed it on the book cover.

"Take back the system inventory." Lian Ge followed the information he found when he was flipping through the manual just now, and said silently in his heart.

Suddenly, the talisman tome instantly disappeared from the desktop, and in the items column of the system interface, "Basic Principles and Overview of Using and Making Talismans" reappeared.

After confirming that the system items can indeed be taken back into the system, Lian Ge smiled slightly,

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