I really don't want to be a teacher

Page 27

Even if the evil spirit is just a systematic assessment, even if these people who died are just illusions,

But Lian Ge still wanted that evil ghost to die!


Finally, in such an environment, Lian Ge spent [-] days and completed the goal specified by the system.

On the evening of No.30,

Lian Ge rushed out of the house when the evil spirit reappeared with the murderous intent and anger he had accumulated for thirty days.

"Let you kill people in front of me... Boom!"

"Don't you want me to come out! Boom!"

"Aren't you crazy! Boom!"

Step on the head of the evil spirit and whip it wildly.

Then cut off the hands and feet of the evil spirit, and beat him to death, Lian Ge barely let out the anger in his heart.

Chapter 38 Passing the Exam

The surrounding environment gradually changes,

The collapsed walls, the dark streets soaked in blood, the cheering people...all kinds of scenes gradually disappeared from Lian Ge's sight,

The pure white assessment fantasy space resurfaced.

Scanning the answering interface in front of him, the time displayed on it was only half an hour past.

"...The second subject "Practice Basics" is finished. It took 52 minutes. The system is grading, please wait."

"Congratulations to the host, with a score of 86, you have passed the subject assessment of "Practice Basics"."

Looking at the system prompt that appeared, Lian Ge smiled slightly,

"The score is quite high. It seems that the score of the last comprehensive application question is not low." Recalling the questions answered before, Lian Ge couldn't help but whispered to himself,

"Will the host start the assessment of the final subject "Principles of Talismans and Seals" immediately?"

The system beep sounds timely.

Hearing this, Lian Ge rubbed his swollen temples, closed his eyes and rested for a minute, then nodded and said.

"let's start."

"The assessment of "Principles of Talismans and Seals" begins..."

Listening to the system prompt, Lian Ge once again turned his attention to the answering interface.

"The first question is the identification question. What are the names and functions of the following talismans?"

Lian Ge quickly glanced at the question stems on the answering interface, and in an instant, four talismans appeared in front of Lian Ge out of thin air.

"Soul-calling charms can assist tokens to summon specific souls, but they are not compulsory. If the ghost has left the period of confusion, it can refuse to come.

The ghost exorcism charm has a certain deterrent effect on ghosts, just like firecrackers on wild animals, but it cannot cause much damage to itself.

The evil thunder talisman is capable of killing demons, ghosts, ghosts, and humans..."

Lian Ge glanced at the four talismans in front of him, and quickly answered. Afterwards, the four talismans and the stem of the first question disappeared one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the second question appeared without any gap.


Time passed, just like the assessment of "Mysterious Common Sense" and "Practice Basics".

In the assessment of "Principles of Talismans and Seals", the first dozens of questions are also just normal questions.

Amidst Lian Ge's continuous answers, simple or complex questions either disappeared or emerged.

at last,

After half an hour,

The assessment of "Principles of Talismans and Seals" has also entered the final stage of comprehensive application assessment.

"...One day, you were trapped in a hut in the woods..."

Same as the previous two times, with the sound of the system prompt, the scene around Lian Ge changed,

In a very short time, as if the position had changed suddenly, he appeared in a wooden house with the doors and windows tightly closed.

"Outside the door, there is a ghost with a head wandering around. In 10 minutes, he will break in. In order to save your life and not be harmed by the ghost, what you can do is just use the things in the house before that, Draw a talisman that can drive away evil spirits or ensure your own safety..."

The system notification sounded, and outside the house, there was also a gust of wind blowing at the right time.

"Time-limited symbol?" Lian Ge captured the key information in the system prompt, and after muttering to himself, he didn't hesitate any longer.

Taking a quick glance at the somewhat cramped cabin, Lian Ge bent down and quickly rummaged through the cabin.

Three minutes later, Lian Ge found a plate of yellow paper, a broken bowl, a somewhat rough brush, and a sharp knife, but nothing else.

After quickly putting these things on the table, Lian Ge picked up the knife without the slightest hesitation, and made another cut on the palm of his left hand.


Squeeze [-] to [-] milliliters of blood into the bowl, take off his clothes, and wrap up the wound briefly, then Lian Ge put down the knife and picked up the writing brush.

At this moment, there are only 5 minutes left.

"Not only the time limit, but also the number of times...the remaining time is enough for me to draw amulets twice at most." Lian Ge dipped the blood in the bowl with a brush and paused slightly.

Now he needs to make a choice, which talisman to draw.

A powerful talisman has a high failure rate, while a talisman with too low power may fail to meet the requirements of the system.

He had to quickly make a choice among the related talismans, taking into account two points at the same time.

"Exorcism talisman, or evil talisman...um..." Lian Ge frowned slightly as he thought,

"Exorcise ghosts or ensure your own safety..." Lian Ge quickly went through the system prompt just now in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Although the front side and the latter seem to be the same thing, there is a difference in essence."

Thinking about it, Lian Ge made a decision.

He didn't plan to draw ghost exorcising talismans, or evil-killing talismans, but planned to draw...a talisman.

Slightly concentrating, Lian Ge picked up the pen and began to draw the incantations of the amulets on the stack of yellow paper.

It was no surprise that Liange, a simple talisman, was quite handy in drawing the talisman and seal character.


Flicking down the pen, Lian Ge folded the amulet twice, put it in his pocket, then turned and walked towards the door.


Before waiting for 10 minutes, Lian Ge directly opened the door from the inside.

As soon as the door opened, Lian Ge held the amulet in his pocket and ran out without caring about anything.


Lian Ge ran wildly on rotten leaves and wood,

While running, the surrounding environment changed again.

The dense jungle gradually disappeared, and pure white gradually emerged, and Lian Ge returned to the assessment environment again.

"The answer to "Principles of Talismans and Seals" is over, it took 39 minutes, and the system is grading, please wait."

"Out of 100, score 69, congratulations to the host for passing the assessment of "Principle of Talismans and Seals"."

Either the score in the last question was low, or Lian Ge spent too much effort in the first two subjects, but he got the lowest score in the "Principle of Fu and Seal", which is obviously more mastered than "Practice Basics".

"However, I still passed the examination after all..." Lian Ge shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the system prompt sounded at the right time,

"Congratulations to the host for completing the three-subject assessment and passing the qualification examination for practitioners."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the qualification as a Taoist seeker and obtaining the basic title: Daoist."

"Start the title awarding ceremony..."

Accompanied by a series of prompts, solemn and solemn music sounded in the entire pure white space.

At the same time, Lian Ge's body also changed. A seed of mana that was as weak as a gossamer suddenly appeared in Lian Ge's body out of thin air, and a golden seal script with complicated lines appeared on Lian Ge's head, and then gradually disappeared.

Lian Ge couldn't help closing his eyes, sat down cross-legged, and began to follow the practice method, moving the mana in his body and gradually growing it.

at last,

Lian Ge opened his eyes again after the ceremony of conferring titles, which was called in ancient times and is now called title conferring, was completed.

Following that, the pure white assessment environment also slowly disappeared.

As if the position had changed, Lian Ge left the illusion space again and returned to the bedroom of the old house.

After glancing at the unchanged scene in the bedroom, Lian Ge stood up again.

After taking out the phone and confirming that the time had passed only two hours later, Lian Ge turned his attention to the system interface again.

Skimming from top to bottom, staying slightly in the title column,

Looking at the job title that has changed from 'learning stage' to 'Tao Tong', Lian Ge couldn't help showing a smile again.

"The time spent is finally not in vain, at least it can be regarded as a little bit of mana, so there is no need to bleed anymore."

After whispering something to himself, Lian Ge closed the system interface.

Before leaving the bedroom, Lian Ge sat down again on the chair and continued to move the weak mana in his body.

Chapter 39 Presiding over the Funeral

Lian's old house, on the bedroom chair.

When Lian Ge opened his eyes again and stopped transferring mana, it was pitch black outside the window.

Under the cover of night, the lights of people in the distance have long been extinguished.

Lian Ge picked up his phone, looked at the time,

"04:30 in the morning...it's really timeless to practice..."

Lian Ge stood up, shook his head slightly, and smiled self-deprecatingly,

Feeling the magic power slowly running in the lower body, even at this moment, I still feel a little happy.

Withdrawing his attention and looking at the night outside the window, Lian Ge did not continue to practice, but turned around and walked towards the bed.


After a while, Lian Ge fell into a deep sleep, and the room gradually became quiet.

One night passed quietly.


For the next two days, Lian Ge basically didn't go anywhere, except for necessary things like eating and sleeping, the rest of the time, he was basically immersed in the practice, following the practice method with great joy, transporting and strengthening the mana in his body.

And once you put your mind into it, time will pass quickly.

The two days passed basically in a state where Lian Ge didn't feel anything.


It's day, morning.

Lian Ge, who just got up from the bed and was eating a simple breakfast, suddenly heard footsteps outside the courtyard, gradually approaching.

"I've only practiced for three days, and my hearing has improved a lot..."

Lian Ge whispered something to himself, then put down his chopsticks, turned around and walked towards the courtyard gate.

Just after Lian Ge reached the gate of the courtyard, the door rang.

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