I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 11

“Honestly, it was a bit unexpected.”

“What part?”

“I had a feeling that since Iris brought you, you wouldn’t be an ordinary person, but I never imagined you’d be this exceptional. Your personality is just so lively and carefree, but you are still the Knight Commander of the Silver Dawn Knights. You’re not someone who could be looked down upon.”


“Don’t try to brush it off, Newbie.”

A pair of crimson eyes glared at me sharply.

“Iris clearly said you fell victim to the Witch’s Curse. That means your physical abilities would be below that of an average person, yet you fought evenly against Lize. I think you can be a bit prouder of that.”

“Lize was just going easy on me; it wasn’t a pure one-on-one.”

“Going easy? I doubt it. Neither she nor I think so.”

Erica immediately dismissed my words.

“And I think you’re under a rather big misconception. To an outsider, she seems to act freely, but she doesn’t neglect her duties to that extent. No matter how unrefined, if she’s aware that the spar was a part of the entrance exam, there’s no way an ordinary person could have withstood that attack. Whether she went easy or not, a draw is still a draw.”

That was true, so I sealed my lips. No matter how much I might clear the entrance exam, it was still like facing a boss battle.

There were plenty of people in the community who were crying out after failing that entrance exam. Even choosing alternative routes didn’t seem to lead to anything good.

“Though I don’t like this fact, I think I have to agree with my sister this time. Where did Iris even find a person like you?”

“Well, I’m not sure about that myself.”

“I’ll take that as you not wanting to answer.”

Erica made a face and swayed her red dolphin shorts-clad butt as she walked down the hallway. Whether it was due to the mod or not, every step she took felt incredibly provocative.

It felt like she was walking to emphasize her backside rather than her backside emphasizing her walk. Looking back at how both Lize and Iris were like that, it seemed the mod truly had an effect.

“I remember Iris saying this castle used to belong to the lord.”

I tried changing the subject to avoid focusing on her rear. As I opened the topic, Erica halted her steps. A hint of sourness was evident in her gaze.

“…Yes, that’s true. This was originally the place that guy lived in. And then he dumped it on us.”

“Rather than explaining why he abandoned it in words, it would be better to experience it firsthand.”

“Iris doesn’t lie. Since you wouldn’t trust what I say anyway, it’s better to just let you experience it. We’re almost there, so please hold your curiosity for a little longer.”

When even Erica said something like that, I became more curious about what the situation was. After finishing her words, Erica shook her hips again and walked ahead.

The inside of the castle was incredibly clean. The hallway seemed free of a single speck of dust, and there wasn’t even a trace of footprints on the red carpets laid out everywhere.

In fact, it was so excessively clean that it felt eerie.

In a building large enough to accommodate several hundred people, there’s not a shadow of anyone around yet everything was pristine.

Unless there was some cleaning fairy that just cleaned all day, it was impossible.

“The hallway is too clean; is this related to that experience?”

“You’ve hit the nail on the head. You’ll find out as soon as you experience it yourself.”

Having said that, Erica stopped in front of a plain wooden door. There were other identical wooden doors lined up at regular intervals along the wall next to it.

“You can use this one. I picked it as the first room for easy identification. If you don’t like it, feel free to choose another one; they’re all empty anyway.”

With a bang, the door swung open. As soon as I saw the inside of the room, I questioned my own eyes.


It was decorated with modern items that would have felt at home even if it were called an apartment, not a medieval-style room like I’d seen in games.

There was a bed made with a steel frame and a soft mattress, covered with a microfiber blanket. The pillows also had a modern design.

The walls and ceiling were neatly wallpapered, and the window was clear, made of transparent glass, with a sliding design that had a handle. There was even a small balcony behind it.

Instead of candles or light bulbs, fluorescent lights were illuminating the room. To add to the absurdity, there was even a ceiling-mounted air conditioner.

Above all, there was a desk that looked just like the ones from the outside world, complete with a wheeled swivel chair. Even a fan was prominently placed right next to it.

What kind of mod was at play here; I had no idea.

As I stared blankly at the modern-looking room, Erica activated the air conditioner. She worked the remote with an ease that suggested she had done it more than just a couple of times.

“You can adjust the air conditioner to your liking, and here is the bathroom. Is there anything you need me to explain?”

“…No, I don’t think so.”

The bathroom was tiled on both the walls and floor, and on top of that, a modern metal showerhead was installed alongside a bathtub. The bathtub was large enough for two people to fit comfortably.

Side by side with it were neatly arranged toiletries like shampoo and body wash that I honestly wanted to believe I had seen wrong.

Trying to hide my sour expression, I turned away and brushed my hand over the bed and blanket. It felt soft. The quality was indistinguishable from what I used outside.

‘Is this… right?’

What kind of lunatic created a mod like this? I really wanted to see their face.

“Then I guess there’s nothing more to explain. Now it’s time to tell you what you were curious about. Let’s go outside.”

Following Erica outside the room, she summoned flames in her hand. The fire that bloomed slowly took the shape of a sword. The heat hit me like a whoosh.

As the fire-made sword swung, with a bang, half of the room went up in flames.

The fluorescent lights shattered, the bed burned, and the desk and chair melted and twisted. A thick smell of soot spread out from the charred wallpaper. The entire room was incinerated in an instant.

As I stood there in a daze at the sudden spectacle, Erica, with a calm expression, closed the door and opened it back immediately.


And within a short moment of less than a second, the room was spotless.

“Did you see that?”

I blinked my eyes. The heavy smoke smell that had filled the room moments ago, the blackened wallpaper and ceiling, the burned bed, and the melted fan had all returned to their original state.

It felt like the fact that the room had just been engulfed in flames was a lie. Erica smiled softly at me, who was still dumbfounded.

“This is why.”

“…Do you know why this happens?”

“We don’t know either. Whether it’s magical or cursed, or something else entirely, we have no clue.”

“Wouldn’t it be fine to call a magician and investigate?”

“They all turned us down. It’s clear that the lord did something and dumped it on our knight order, but without evidence, we can’t just confront him and ask if he did something.”

This time, she threw a wooden sword into the room, then closed the door before opening it again.

In that brief moment, the wooden sword had vanished.

“…Where did the wooden sword go?”

“It disappeared somewhere. To be precise, it’s more accurate to say that the room’s restoration caused it to ‘erase something that didn’t originally exist in the room’.”

“Where did it disappear to?”

“We don’t know that either. We can’t know.”

This made sense, why they hadn’t explained it in words. A room that resets upon opening and closing the door—no one would believe it if you tried to explain that to someone.

‘Is the game system implemented through magic?’

I had some suspicions.

In games, unless it was an object designed to be in a destroyed state from the outset, whether a player swung their sword around the lodging or used magic to smash furniture, all they had to do was step outside for a moment, and everything would be clean.

I wondered if that game trait was being implemented through some mysterious magic. Of course, that was just my speculation; I had no way to know the truth.

Right now, even Erica didn’t seem to take this for granted; she was blaming the lord for doing something. If it were due to the mod, she would have to accept it as something normal, just like their attire.

There was no mention in the story about the Silver Dawn Knights NPCs believing the functionality was the lord’s fault.

“So, let me explain the precautionary measures. You must listen carefully and memorize them. Especially if you don’t want to lose that weapon forever.”

Erica pointed to the Blood-Stained Sword hanging at my waist.

“First rule: Never leave items in the room when you go outside. You saw it just now, right? The moment the door closes, any items inside disappear. If something disappears once, we have no idea where it went and can’t retrieve it, so absolutely don’t do that. There’s a storage area outside, so use that. The defense magic has been set, so you can rest assured.”

The thought of losing the Blood-Stained Sword was horrifying. I made sure to engrave it in my mind.

“Got it. What else?”

“Second rule: When you sleep, wear only one piece of clothing. Either just your underwear and nothing else, or no underwear and just your clothing. It has to be one piece touching your bare skin.”

“…Why is that?”

“Why do you think? It relates to the first rule. First rule: Never leave items in the room when you go outside. Do you not remember that?”

“Well, that’s leaving, and this is sleeping. Don’t the two have nothing to do with each other?”

“The condition for the room to restore itself seems to be ‘not visible to the human eye’.”

“Not visible to the human eye?”

Hearing my query, Erica nodded.

“Even if you’re inside the room, while you’re sleeping, it’s treated as not being in view. More specifically, it applies from the moment a person falls asleep. So all but the one piece of clothing closest to your bare skin disappears.”

“That’s pretty excessively picky.”

“We think so too. That’s probably why that creep of a lord dumped this castle on us. It’s like he’s saying to come experience it for once.”

Even Erica didn’t seem to hesitate cursing that lord, which made it clear how much he must have messed up.

I should be glad he remained as trash just like in the game, so I wouldn’t feel guilty when I eventually kill him.

“I did an experiment, and if I sleep wearing both underwear and clothes, the next day only the underwear is left. If I sleep naked with just my clothes on, the clothes are just fine the next day. So it’s a set rule.”

Hearing her brazenly say she slept like that made me wonder if she wasn’t embarrassed, but since she seemed completely unfazed, I just brushed it aside.

“That’s my explanation. Do you have any more questions?”

“As long as I’m in the room, it won’t disappear unless I’m sleeping, right?”

“For now, yes. But like I just said, simply closing your eyes doesn’t trigger restoration. It only occurs when you sleep or are in an unconscious state.”

“Hmm… got it.”

Erica said that dinner time was coming up soon and she would come fetch me then. I slumped into a chair, leaning against the wall to attract the Blood-Stained Sword.

Just in case I fell asleep and would lose my items. I wasn’t tired, but it wouldn’t hurt to be careful.

“Newbie, you in there? I know you are, so you don’t have to answer!”


Just as I sat down in the chair, I heard a knock on the door from outside. I stood up again.

“Lize? What are you doing here?”

“I heard you were assigned lodging, so I came to visit! Hurry and open the door! If you don’t, I’ll break it down!”

Knowing Lize was the type to really break down a door, I hurriedly got up and opened it.

At the door stood the same blue-haired female knight, dressed in a sleeveless top that exposed her abdomen and extremely short blue dolphin shorts.

Lize smiled brightly, waving her hand.

“How have you been, Newbie?”

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