I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 24

The knight commanders pressed me, asking what this “task” was all about, but I just chuckled and mumbled something vague. It was an unspoken signal that I had no intention of answering.

In fact, I could have told them if I wanted to.

Even if it sounded a bit sudden and entirely unbelievable, who would oppose the idea that the person responsible for dragging them to this position and picking fights with them at every turn could be taken out without any consequences?

Even the principle-abiding Iris would probably agree, albeit reluctantly.

But the reason I chose to keep my current plans hidden was that I suspected the lord might be eavesdropping on conversations inside the castle.

Even though players couldn’t directly use it, there was surely some magic in the game that allowed continuous surveillance and eavesdropping in specific areas. The NPC using it was the Arcana Tower Master.

The horror stories about facing that Arcana Tower Master during the human-hostile route made sense in that context. Using surveillance and eavesdropping magic spread across the Mage Tower and Library to keep an eye on players while holed up in the boss room, blasting them with magic.

In other words, from the moment you entered the Mage Tower and up until you reached the boss room to take down the Arcana Tower Master, the entire field could be considered a boss battle.

‘That NPC must have been the one to cast the magic that restores everything in this castle, but I can’t be sure they didn’t set up detection magic at the lord’s request.’

To begin with, the magic in this castle differed from the game, making it hard for me to conclude with certainty.

In the game, it obviously didn’t have surveillance magic, but over there, the lord and knight commanders were all male, while now one side was female, and the other seemed eager to turn those women into sex slaves.

If that insane pervert was involved, it wouldn’t seem strange at all for them to have a eavesdropping system.

While I could probably talk myself out of raising any unnecessary suspicion from the knight commanders by badmouthing the lord, I had to keep my plans to get rid of the lord completely under wraps.

If they found out, I couldn’t even cover it up with a joke.

“What’s up? Why are you here again?”

“I came to report the subjugation of the monsters to the lord.”

Using a power confirmation orb, I dumped my stats into Divine Power and made a request to Iris, then headed to the mansion. The knights at the main gate were still unbearably rude.

It was a sight to behold, watching someone unaware of their fate behaving like that.

As I entered the mansion with my head held high looking for the lord, I overheard servants muttering insults loud enough for me to hear, their faces twisted with disdain, before they vanished somewhere.

As they left, it was even a bonus that they were badmouthing me like they wanted me to hear it.

A maid guided me into the empty reception room once again, and I waited inside for quite some time. It seemed they’d gotten a little polite just before the proposal, but as soon as they felt they were in a superior position, it reverted back to this.

“Did you come?”

“Yes, my lord.”

The lord sauntered in after quite a while, waddling in after the table in the reception room had been filled with snacks. Each time I saw that unusual body shape, I found it fascinating.

“I saw the evidence you brought for the subjugation. You caught the monster that Claudia reported as a failure all by yourself.”

“It was nothing special.”

“Right, right. Hehe, I do have an eye for people, you know.”

‘An eye for people?’

That made me barely stifle laughter that was threatening to burst out.

If he really had an eye for people, he should have noticed that the person sitting right in front of him was plotting to take him out.

“Let’s get to the point. Why did you call for me? I doubt you just wanted to meet to report something trivial like that. Isn’t there something you should be doing right now?”

The lord leaned back lazily against the sofa, wearing an expression of unearned arrogance. The kind of look that made me want to smash my fist into his face.

I needed to get my business done, so I put on a serious expression and locked eyes with the lord.

“From now on, can you promise to keep what I’m about to say a complete secret?”

“Sure, I promise. Go ahead.”

“You must swear seriously. This matter has to be kept strictly confidential.”

Seeing me firmly hold my ground, the lord seemed to catch on that this was no ordinary situation, and the smile vanished from his face. The word ‘understood’ slipped from his lips.

I pulled the Book Inhabited by a Demon from the pouch at my waist. The moment the lord saw it, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. I could see greed slowly creeping into his gaze.

“What is that…?”

“If it’s you, my lord, you can probably guess what this is.”

The book exuded an ominous aura, feeling very wrong. The lord stared at it blankly for a moment, then scrambled over to the window, rolled up his sleeves, closed the curtains, and hurried back.

“Tell me now. Where did you get that?”

“It appeared after I killed that monster. It seemed to be related to a demon.”

“A demon…”

I told a lie without a hint of hesitation. The key to this conversation was to get the lord interested in this book by any means necessary. The process didn’t matter.

The same was true in the game. Whatever nonsensical choices I made here, as long as I could get the lord to take that book, it was considered cleared.

Common sense would dictate that when dealing with something related to a demon, one wouldn’t just spill the details of what occurred during the process. If he was found out, no matter how powerful his position or connections were, he would be a dead man.

“And, do you recognize the pattern on the cover?”

“Hmmm, no. Not at all.”

When I pointed to the unevenly raised letters on the cover, the lord shook his head. I didn’t know what those characters meant, but that wasn’t the point right now. It was time for another lie.

“I’ve overheard some bits of knowledge about it in the past. If I may venture a guess, I think this is probably related to the demon of lust.”

“The demon of lust? What’s that?”

“A demon that bestows infinite stamina upon men and turns women into creatures that reach climax at a mere brush against a man’s garments.”

Of course, this was all a lie. Brightest Darkness 4 had no such perverse demons as one might find in erotic novels or games.

In fact, demons here were all beasts crazed for slaughter. They didn’t just kill men; they killed both men and women.

But the lord didn’t know the inner workings, and I could clearly see the desire that was blossoming in his eyes. My job was done. The remaining process would handle itself.


The lord’s eyes gleamed with greed. As he reached out for the book, I subtly pulled my arm back. His hand flailed in the air.

“Not so fast, my lord. Why would someone as knowledgeable as you act this way?”

I smiled cheekily. The lord glared at me for a moment, but realizing my upper hand in this negotiation, he slumped back against the sofa with a long sigh.

“Alright, what is it that you want?”

“Well, I guess you know better than anyone what I want.”

I didn’t want anything other than that jerk’s life, but typically in such transactions, it was customary for the other party to offer the terms.

I kept a smirk on my face, while the lord knitted deep lines into his forehead, lost in thought. How long had it been since he’d begun grumbling and agonizing over it? Finally, his mouth opened cautiously.

“I have a girl you can break and ruin as you please. She should certainly satisfy your castle walls.”

‘…Is he insane?’

When did I ever say that?

I struggled to suppress the urge to smack him in the head while maintaining my composure. In truth, even if I did smack him, he wouldn’t ever give up the book, and that was the issue.

“Let’s hear it out first. Who is she?”

“My daughter.”

In an instant, I nearly dropped the book from shock. I barely managed to keep my grip firm enough to prevent such a disaster, but there was no way that action would go unnoticed.

The lord grinned slyly.

“You seem quite surprised.”

“Who wouldn’t be surprised? Your daughter? Are you really okay with giving her to someone like me?”

“Of course, I’m okay with it. After all, I can always have more children, and she was never someone I held dear. Besides, the heir should naturally be left to my son, right? I’ll give you my daughter, so do with her as you please, whether it’s turning her into a sex slave or using her as a whore to make money. I’ll just find myself another suitable woman and have another.”

While chuckling to himself, the lord’s cheeks and belly jiggled simultaneously.

I could see that I misjudged everything. He wasn’t just insane; he was utterly mad. His recklessness was on an entirely different level than in the game.

“So, will you accept the deal?”

“Just one more question. Since she’s your daughter, she must be a true beauty, right?”

“Hmm? Hahaha! I can’t believe I forgot to mention that! I guarantee her appearance! She’s certainly pretty enough that I thought about touching her myself before she became an adult!”



I thought it was a staple question to ask when in a position to receive a woman, but I had no idea I’d get such a reply.

As the saying goes in one twisted world: there’s always a deeper bottom. I never imagined humanity could be this depraved.

“Alright, I accept. Please have your daughter brought here. But how will you explain this to her?”

“Why would I need a reason to deal with my child? Naturally, she should obey what her father orders!”

The lord appeared delighted by the fact that our deal was established, his mouth wide open in a grin.

‘Ugh, that madman.’

Regardless of how I felt, the deal was struck.

I tucked the book away in my pouch, ensuring no one else could see it, and the lord commanded a maid to summon his daughter.

Before long, a girl entered the room, out of breath and panting heavily. She had long black hair down to her waist, dressed in a dress, and golden eyes.

Perhaps she had sprinted to get here, as she was gasping for breath, and hurriedly clasped her hands in front of her abdomen, bowing her head at us.

Her stance was more like one facing someone of high status than that of her father.

“Did you call for me, father?”

“Introduce yourself, Aurora. This man has decided to take you with him.”

“Excuse me?”

The golden-eyed girl named Aurora blinked in shock. From her point of view, this must have sounded like a bolt from the blue. Honestly, I was just as shocked at how bluntly the lord had barreled through it.

But despite that, I felt a sense of satisfaction that things were unfolding smoothly. Not because I could turn Aurora into a sex slave, but for a different reason.

That reason was to quickly settle the aftermath without confusion after taking down the lord by placing that lord’s daughter in the newly vacant seat of the head. Only then would the story progress without hiccups.

The reason I was so surprised to hear the lord offer his daughter was that I had been worrying about how to meet the lord’s daughter, and now it was all resolved too easily.

“Ah, father. What…”

“Don’t speak back. It’s already been decided.”

Even as Aurora trembled and asked again, the lord made it clear there would be no refusals, filling her golden eyes with sadness and despair.

“Now, then…”

With a smile, the lord reached out his hand, and I handed over the book in my pouch. He shook my hand with a vile grin, then cradled the pouch close to himself as he left the reception room.

‘Ugh, damn it.’

I scrubbed my hands over the sofa furiously.

In the reception room, only I was left pondering how to start a conversation, and Aurora was left dejectedly with her head lowered.

After a long time of thinking without any good ideas, I was just about to start the simplest way, saying “Um…” as a greeting, when—

“I apologize for coming to you without any preparation, given how abruptly this was decided.”


As Aurora spoke while bowing her waist, I froze, caught off guard. Ignoring my astonished expression, she continued speaking.

“If you wish to taste my body, I would gladly accept. However, in my current state, I fear I won’t be able to serve you properly, so I should prepare myself first.”

“No, wait—”

“Please wait for me at the very top of the annex of the mansion.”

Before I could tell her to hold on, Aurora had turned and rushed out. Her figure quickly disappeared.

Left alone, I stood there dumbfounded.

‘…She’s not seriously planning to run away, is she?’

I could deal with her later, but I was worried about what might happen before that. If she bought time and ended up bemoaning her fate or just bolted, I would be in a serious bind.

‘Please, don’t let that happen.’

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