I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 28


As the Blessed Dagger penetrated the body, the Lord let out a bizarre scream. It wasn’t the Lord himself; it was the scream of the demon that was half-fused with that body.

I repetitively pulled it out and stabbed again, pulled it out and stabbed again. At first, the thrashing increased with each stab, but after a while, the movements became increasingly sluggish.

Aurora watched calmly with her arms crossed beneath her chest as the Lord was purified by Divine Power and was dying.

I finally pushed the dagger deep in, then withdrew my arm. The Lord collapsed lifelessly on the floor, making only faint screee screee sounds.

“It’s done. Let’s go.”

“Isn’t that still alive? Can we just leave it like that?”

Aurora pointed to the Lord, barely twitching on the ground, still clinging to life.

“Yes, it’s alive.”

“Are we not going to kill it?”

“I could kill it, but I won’t. Lady Aurora, from now on, we’re not saying we didn’t kill it, but rather we couldn’t. You need to back me up on that.”

“Of course I will. But, the reason we couldn’t kill it… there must be one, right?”

“Of course there is.”

I pointed to the Lord with the tip of the dagger.

“What do I need to kill a demon?”

“You said we need a weapon with Divine Power or a Sacred Spell.”

“Correct. But right now, we don’t have any weapons imbued with Divine Power, do we? So naturally, we can’t kill it.”

“Hmm? If it’s a divine weapon, you’re holding it… ah, I see. I get it now. We really don’t have anything with Divine Power. So we can’t kill it. How unfortunate.”

Just like she was portrayed in the game as a very capable and smart NPC, Aurora immediately understood my underlying meaning and adjusted her words accordingly.

“Then just one more thing. Why are you trying to hide that weapon?”

“I’m not trying to hide this dagger. More precisely, I want to hide the fact that I used it.”

“You want to hide that you used it?”

Aurora asked back. I nodded.

“To wield a weapon with Divine Power, one must have a certain level of faith. It’s impossible for someone without faith to unleash its full potential.”

My explanation was indirectly hinting at the game mechanics that Blessed Weapons could only show their full performance if both the ‘Faith’ stat and ‘Divine Power’ stat are above a certain level.

Aurora nodded as she tried to understand, pausing for a moment to look back at me.

“But how did you…?”

“What country comes to mind when thinking of faith and divine power around here?”

“Without a doubt, it’s the Raphael Holy Kingdom.”

It seemed the name of the holy kingdom had changed as well. I was the one who spoke first without thinking.

“Wait, so you’re from the Raphael Holy Kingdom?”

“No. That’s exactly why I want to hide the fact that I used this.”

At my words, Aurora exclaimed, “Ah,” realizing something.

“You want to hide that you used a Divine Weapon even though you’re not from the holy kingdom?”


Just a few exchanges, and she hit the nail on the head. Watching Aurora reveal the thriving personality she showed in the game made me feel quite pleased.

“Right, that reasoning makes sense. The holy kingdom folks are notoriously aggressive. You’d want to stay out of their business as much as possible. But how are we supposed to deal with that demon?”

“We don’t. We need to send a letter to the Imperial Palace. Inform them that a demon has appeared and we need it dealt with.”

In the game, there were two choices for the player.

Use a Blessed Weapon or Sacred Spell to kill the Lord directly or beat it until stress relief was achieved and then send a letter to the Empress for help.

Normally, one might think that killing it directly would be far simpler, but if the player killed it, events would unfold later that would attract very annoying attention from the holy kingdom.

Attracting their attention was something I wanted to avoid. To dodge all sorts of dirty and petty side quests, I needed to visit the holy kingdom only once midway and never look back.

I wonder whose insane brain thought of a 30-ring long-distance delivery quest without using fast travel.

“Well, got it. Although the target is the Empress, I’ve deceived her once already, so I should be able to trick her again.”

“You deceived her once?”

“You mean the idiot who recklessly touched the Book Inhabited by a Demon and got himself eaten?”

“…Ah, right. I forgot about that. That happened, didn’t it?”

That itself was a lie. So this was my second time.


Adding extra remarks, Aurora turned her body slightly and looked up at me.

“I owe a debt of gratitude to the benefactor of my life, so I have to show at least this much kindness. The favor I owe will be more than a mountain in the future, right?”

Grin, a smile appeared on her face.

“Iris, it’s almost time.”

“I know. I’m aware. It hasn’t fully turned yet, so just wait a little longer.”

At that moment, the Knight Commanders of the Silver Dawn Knights were gathered at the main gate, with anxious expressions on their faces. Already, the moon was shining brilliantly in the sky. Iris’s silver hair sparkled under the moonlight.

Before long, the time described by the newbie as the “time the moon gets caught on the biggest tree” arrived. As soon as the moon hung on the tree, Lize looked around the main road in front of the city gate. But the street was quiet.

“Erica, do you see anyone on the street?”

“No, there’s nothing. It’s completely empty.”

“Is that so?”

Iris answered briefly. A very complicated emotion laced her voice.

“Claudia, Lize, Erica. Get ready. We’re heading to the mansion.”

As soon as those brief words were uttered, the Knight Commanders, without anyone having to say who would go first, mounted their steeds. They had long been prepared to storm the mansion. They were merely waiting for the right moment.

Claudia, Iris, Lize, and Erica all had a pressing reason for their hastiness. It was thanks to a single word that the newbie left before entering the Lord’s mansion:

If he didn’t return by the time the moon got caught on the biggest tree while looking from the main gate, could they come looking for him?

Lize laughed off the ominous words, but the newbie’s expression was serious. And indeed, that newbie hadn’t returned by this time.

So, there was only one thing to do.

When a dispute arose with the Lord, the Silver Dawn Knights would suffer the loss, so in the past, they would have simply gritted their teeth and gotten through it. But now, the situation was different.

They absolutely did not want to lose that newbie.

At some point, without anyone saying it, the pace of riding quickened slightly. Especially leading the charge, Lize was nearly galloping.

Since there was no one to be found on the street, they didn’t have to be cautious while riding, and the mounting anxiety drove them faster to the mansion.

“Uh…? Who are those?”

“Why are those girls here at this time? Halt! Halt! Hey, can’t you hear me?! Stop now!”

Two knights on guard duty at the mansion’s main gate were taken aback, seeing Lize and the other three barreling toward them on horseback.

Instead of stopping her horse at the knights’ command, Lize drew her Twin Daggers from her waist.

The knights became even more flustered. They had never experienced the Silver Dawn Knights openly defying them.

And they knew full well that in an actual confrontation, their skills wouldn’t even stand a chance against the Silver Dawn Knights.

By the time the two knights managed to grasp the situation and reach for their weapons, they were already utterly frozen and met with a brutal assault.



The knights writhed on the ground, blood streaming from their bodies. Ignoring the fainted knights, Lize charged into the mansion. Soon after, Iris, Erica, and Claudia followed.

The four knight commanders only stopped their horses at the door leading into the mansion.

“There’s a newbie in here, right?”

“High likelihood.”

“Are we invading, sister?”

“Of course we have to. Even if you oppose, I’m going alone.”

The lively and playful demeanor of Lize had vanished, replaced by a sinister and fierce aura matching her hair color. She seemed prepared to cut down any obstacle in her path.

“Why would we oppose? If we’re going in, we go in together. Besides, we won’t have our lives ruined just because of a little trouble! Later, we can tell that newbie that he put us in this mess, and he owes us a drink.”

Claudia stepped forward, wielding her Greatsword. She raised her arm above her head and brought it down with force against the main gate. With a KABOOM! sound, the worn-out wooden door splintered like a toothpick.

Lize was the first inside, followed by Iris, Erica, and Claudia.


As soon as the four entered the mansion, they found the newbie and Aurora seated at a table calmly sipping tea, approaching them with a polite bow.


Simultaneously, a question mark appeared above their heads. Their weapons lowered slowly.

“What? Did that girl just say welcome to us?”

“Is she really saying that? Did I mishear?”

“I heard it too. I’m glad my ears aren’t the only ones acting weird. Is this some sort of hallucination magic?”

Claudia, Erica, and Iris stood frozen, bewildered. Regardless, Lize quickly approached the maid and grabbed her by the collar.

“Cut out your unnecessary antics and tell me where the newbie is—”

“‘Newbie’ requested to guide the Knight Commanders to the Reception Room. Please follow me.”

This time, even Lize could do nothing but freeze.

As her grip on the maid relaxed, the maid casually straightened her attire and turned to ascend the stairs. That figure soon vanished upstairs.

Yet among the remaining four, none could move from their spot.

No, they couldn’t move. Their shocked minds were refusing to think. Their mouths were agape, and they had no intention of closing them.

Eventually, the maid returned after waiting upstairs and said once more to follow, allowing them to finally walk behind her to the Reception Room.

And in the room they entered…

“Oh, you’ve come?”

“Welcome, Knight Commanders.”

The newbie and Aurora were perfectly fine, seated at the table and sipping tea.

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