I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 4

Route 34 was larger than most would think, and with the entire area spanning for hundreds upon hundreds of miles, it opened up opportunities for a lack of supervision from the rangers in a few rare scenarios, ones that will inevitably lead to someone getting lost or worse, their death.


It was why signs like “go here” and “don't follow this path” were commonplace across the already mapped out path of Route 34, it was so that the trainers know where to go and not to go.


And since this was such a common path to take, it was only expected that Virah would do the same- but that wouldn't be the case for long, - and after she passed by kids, a few martial artists, and even the occasional couple here and there, Virah eventually found herself standing in front of a stray path, one that led to an uncharted part of Ilex Forest.


Although the place was ruled by Celebi- mostly, - the rangers never recommended anyone to trust the mythical pokemon as an omnipotent guardian as that would just be asking for carelessness and death.


Virah though wasn't careless and so with Nitro's ball in hand, she willingly made her way into the stray path and passed its more well-trimmed and grassless dirt road and stepped onto the wild and un-maintained parts, here, tiny stubbles of grass grew on the dirt path, as though it was someone at the start of their puberty.


The weeds grew longer and more prickly and Virah was glad that she preferred to wear boots and jeans even when walking out into the wild.


She popped Nitro out of his ball halfway through and the Weedle looked around curiously, though there was also wariness in his eyes.


His vigilance kept up even as he made eye contact with Virah, who smiled and nodded at him in approval, “we're going to go inside a forest to train,” she moved past the Weedle, “try and keep up alright?”


“Weedle!” Was the energetic answer Virah was glad to hear.


The two of them made their way deeper into the path until the grass turned into shrubby undergrowth and the open air got blocked by walls of trees and leaves populated the skies, covering the clouds. Here, the canopy turned so thick that only the smallest hint of sunlight streamed onto the ground.


It was enough that Virah could still see, but at the same time, if a Spinarak decided to sneak up on her, she wouldn't be able to spot it until it was next to her.


Virah suppressed a shudder at the thought and put on a brave front, she faced her only protector, “I have potions with me, so we should be safe for a while,”


Did she say that to herself or Nitro? Virah honestly had no clue.


She also had a few Paralysis Heals, because her Weedle was only immune to poison and there were a few Oddishes around here that could possibly paralyze him.


When he's put to sleep though… Virah wasn't exactly sure what to do other than to recall him, run away, and shake him up till he was awake. That or wait until the toxin/spore responsible for putting him to sleep wears off.


“Weedle!” Nitro nodded in response to her words just now… which was about the potions. Right, Virah remembered now. He raised his head high, exclaiming his point.


Virah smiled wryly, “yeah, yeah, I'm sure you'd be fine even after a fight,” she said to the little braggart.


Deeper into the woods they went, passing by swarms of Spinaraks that created entire forests of webs on the canopies above, a few Pinecos hanging on branches, and even a herd of Zubat at some point. They were also greeted by Weedles and Caterpies who stared at Nitro in fascination before moving on.


There were no Beedrill nests here, at least as far as Virah was aware so no one should bother them to kill an “invading child” from another brood…


Eventually, they encountered something they couldn't mess with and Virah held her breath as she watched a Scyther, in all its glory, make its way around the trees, it flew from one trunk to the next, its powerful wings more than enough to carry it across the air in a short glide, when it landed, its namesake scythes tore through the bark with the ease of a Fearow flying through the air, allowing it to hook itself in place before once more, using its legs to jump off and fly away.


Seconds ticked by as the speedy insect flew from one tree to the next, its green carapace nothing more than an emerald blur.


And then, it disappeared to who knows where. Virah definitely wasn't interested in finding out, not unless she wanted to die.


Moving on from that encounter, she and Nitro got up from the bushes they had been hiding in and back into the forest, she breathed and felt a strange kinship with the Pokemon around her, as hidden as they were. It was like all of them collectively decided to hide and hold their breaths in that brief moment when the Scyther passed them by.


And maybe they did, and the silence seemed to agree with Virah.


She took a step forward and when that tiny crunch of a leaf being stepped on echoed out, the sounds of Hoot hoots well, hooing, the tiny skittles of Spinaraks, and the slow, bored drawl of a Metapod calling its name entered her ears and Virah knew that she was back inside of the forest once more.


And she decided that maybe, just maybe, starting a fight here for training wasn't exactly the bright idea she thought it was.


So she went back the way she came, backtracking until she was out of Ilex Forest and free from the sights of hungry predators looking for an easy meal; and Virah knew they'd think twice about hunting humans- no Pokemon wanted to attract the Rangers into their habitat after all, - but what if she battled some random Spinarak?


Would they still hesitate when there's a free meal- the fainted Pokemon, be it her Nitro or their opponent, - to be had?


Virah didn't think they'd keep watching after that.


Now on the safety of Route 34 once more, she walked around the place, going from the edge of Ilex Forest and past multiple ponds habituated by Poliwags, their circular stomachs stretching and shrinking as they swam about.


Virah eyed one of these Poliwags as she passed by its pon. It was alone, she tilted her head, wondering if it was worth it to fight the little guy or not, she knew that wild Pokemon were competent battlers, they had to be if they wanted to survive.


The Poliwag met her eyes and its gaze narrowed, she waved and called in her Weedle, and the Water Type stepped out of the pond to puff out its chest in challenge.


Both her Pokemon as well as the wild one stared each other down, the Poliwag unfearful of the much longer Weedle whose head almost rivaled its overall size.


“Wag!” The Water Type called out in challenge, its body puffing up-


Virah quickly realized that it was gathering Water Type Energy into itself for an attack-


She swept her hands, “DODGE!”


Weedle leapt away just as a bubble of water splashed where he was at, Virah took the split second in between the attack to breathe and stabilized herself- that was very stupid of her to just stare and watch, “String Shot!”


She'll make sure that she won't just be a passive observer now.


Nitro landed a few feet away from her and with a cry of its name, pulled its head back and then threw it forward as though he was sneezing and in some ways- he was.


Thick, white fluid that hardened upon contact with the air flew out of his nose and straight for the Poliwag a few ways away.


The Pokemon dodged with a jump, well used to these kinds of back and forth and Virah bit her lip, “Nitro, go near it! Dodge anything it throws out!”


Her Weedle didn't think twice and followed after her command, its pink legs bounding up and down as its body slithered across the muddly ground, it neared the Poliwag and the wild Pokemon pushed out another Bubble which Nitro dodged by driving left.


Virah eyed him and the grass he was near, “uh- Nitro-” shit, hiding wouldn't do anything! “String Shot again!”


Her Pokemon nodded and fired more of his webbing, it almost hit the intended target but the Poliwag blew it out of the air by firing a Bubble out of its mouth, intercepting it.


Virah decided to just spam string shot, thinking there was simply no point in not doing it at every opportunity, “String Shot again!”


Her Weedle fired, the viscous webbing striking the Poliwag- or rather, the muddy ground next to it.


In response, the Water Type's body grew in size and another Bubble popped out of its mouth, flying through the air before nearing Weedle and hitting the stone next to him, cracking it.


Virah looked around in panic, “uh- okay- Nitro- go near it and use Poison Sting!”


For a split second, her Pokemon stared at her oddly but then nodded to do as was told.


He ran for the Poliwag, who was slowly growing larger and puffier by the second, and when he neared, his horn grew white and then purple before firing off into the circular body of his opponent and just as it struck, a Bubble hit Nitro point blank, sending him flying away.


Virah looked at her Pokemon in worry but felt relieved when it got up and looked ready for more-






The two combatants called out in challenge.


Virah eyed her opponent and noted there wasn't a single singed or scratch mark from her Weedle’s attack, which meant it wasn't poisoned.


Fine- this- is doable and she knew what to do now.


“Nitro, go near it and use String Shot.” She was much calmer now, the adrenaline fading from her veins.


The sight of her Pokemon lying on the ground, unknown whether he was unconscious or not, had been a dampener on her panicked mood and Virah became rational enough from that to start learning from her mistakes.


The exchange went like last time, with her Weedle going near and dodging a Bubble from the Poliwag and the Poliwag attempting to shoot it down, its attacks were easily dodged by the Weedle and hit nothing but mud and grass.


When they neared each other, Virah predicted that the Poliwag would shoot Bubble again point blank so she issued another command just before they met each other, “Nitro! Hold your attack and jump up top!”


Nitro did so and with a cry of its name, leaped away- only for him to be stuck in the middle of the air, unable to dodge the Pound of his opponent.


“Wag!” The Poliwag landed with a prideful look- which quickly disappeared when Nitro fired off its String Shot and encased it in white webbing.


The Weedle got up, shaking slightly, and faced Virah.


He nodded to signal that he could still fight but Virah wasn't having any of it- “I'm calling off the battle,”


Nitro's eyes widened but he nodded, Virah slumped and gestured her Pokemon to go near, she grabbed a potion and sprayed it on his skin, and immediately, his bruises disappeared and his body stood straighter.


Then Virah went to the Poliwag and after confirming it wouldn't attack her, neared the now docile Water Type and sprayed the last of the bottle’s contents onto it, Nitro glaring at it all the while.


“Sorry,” she said, “you can get out now,”


A scoff came out of the blue ball of a Pokemon and then its body glowed white and using its Pound, it broke away from its web prison.


“Wag!” It glared at her.


“Sorry, we'll be leaving now,” Virah called her Pokemon and Nitro followed, he stared at her incredulously as they made their way out of the ponds, and when they were out of earshot, she sighed, “he would have beaten you, Nitro,”




“Yeah, that- he was powerful, healthy too,” and not to mention a better combatant but her Pokemon heard enough belittling, “I'm going to train you in a more natural way, which I think is better than picking fights like a delinquent,”


Nitro nodded, excited, “Weedle!”

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