I swung my greatsword at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 The Forbidden Forest and the Unicorn

A moment later, Professor McGonagall came here.

"How dare you—!"

"What the hell are you playing?!"

Harry swore that he had never seen such an angry Professor McGonagall.

His lips were pale, and even the usually serious Professor McGonagall had an expression of surprise and gratitude, but more of it was anger.

She fixed her eyes on San Xiaozhi who dared not look up, and her voice was cold and angry, "Why don't you stay in the dormitory honestly!"

The three little ones were also very wronged, especially Ron, who still thought he was a hero, at least he could bring 50 points to Gryffindor.

However, Professor McGonagall's face told him that he was lucky not to be deducted points today.

For her friend, Hermione stood up without hesitation, "Please don't do this, Professor McGonagall, they are looking for me."

Eye to eye with Professor McGonagall, Hermione lied to her teacher for the first time.

"I came for the troll because I... thought I could handle it alone, you know, because I've read about them and know them well."

"If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead by now. They didn't have time to find someone. The troll was about to swallow me before they got there. John led the troll away. Harry and Ron saved me. .”

Hermione surprised Harry and Ron by standing up, and felt warm at the same time.

No one doesn't like a friend who takes on everything alone, even Ron, who has a problem with Hermione, has let go of his prejudice now.

Professor McGonagall was very relieved to see Hermione who had taken on everything for her friends. Friendship is the noblest quality of Gryffindor.

But it is obvious that Miss Know-it-All has forgotten one thing. Even if she tried her best to fabricate lies and want to bear all the faults, Professor McGonagall is not a fool.

"You mean... John? 6? 1 Wick killed the troll?"

Looking at the messy scene, apart from the troll's dropped finger, there was also blood splattered all over the wall and a sword stuck in the ceiling.

Even Professor McGonagall was stunned by this scene.

She didn't think little wizards could do this, at least the three little ones of Gryffindor.

Turning his gaze to John, who was pretending to be a dead fish, Professor McGonagall pursed his pale lips seriously, "Mr. Wick, what do you want to say?"

"Ahem, Professor McGonagall, there is actually a reason for all of this... Well, I did it."

John bit the bullet and wanted to explain, but Professor McGonagall's death review made him feel that he had better be honest.

"My God, I can't believe a little wizard like you killed a troll."

Professor McGonagall couldn't believe it when he saw him admit it.

Even an adult wizard would be difficult to defeat a troll without a special method.

And John killed a troll in the first grade, it's just too unbelievable.

"Well, Miss Granger, because of this incident, Gryffindor will be deducted 5 points. I am disappointed in you. If you are not injured, you'd better go back to Gryffindor Tower. Halloween dinner at your own academy."

Hermione hung her head in disappointment and left.

The remaining Harry and Ron were very nervous, but Professor McGonagall did not blame them. On the contrary, they went to fight the troll for their friends and got a reward of 5 points each.

That's a shame for both men, because they both know that John alone took down the troll.

At most they took Hermione in the back.

The two were also driven back.

Leave John alone.

Professor McGonagall is the dean of Gryffindor, and she thinks that Snape should come over to deal with it.

Soon, Professor Snape and Quirrell who came later were also stunned when they found out.

Especially Quirrell, he released this giant monster, and he captured it himself.

He knew more about the power of trolls, and it was a nightmare for the first-year little wizard to encounter.

But now the troll died directly, and died a miserable death.

This made him focus more on John.

The student did well in class, but didn't expect to be able to take on a troll.

Voldemort on Quirrell's head also has thoughts, such an excellent little wizard may become a qualified Death Eater.

"Mr. Wick, it seems that you have always thought that you are good enough."

Professor Snape still had that old hermaphrodite tone, and he began to re-examine John.

Snape had never spared no effort in giving Slytherin points.

John got 20 points, which is much more generous than Professor McGonagall.

"Because of your recklessness, Mr. Wick, you are going to the Forbidden Forest for a while this school year."

John felt that it was rare for Snape to be a human being, and his face turned black when he heard this.

John would have gladly accepted this punishment if he hadn't learned that Quirrell was a frequent visitor to the Forbidden Forest.

After all, night travel is not travel anywhere, but now that the Dark Lord might go shopping in the Forbidden Forest at any time, he really can't be happy.

It's a pity that he is reluctant and can't help it. Professor McGonagall needs to tell Dumbledore about this matter, and John was driven back.

"Just leaving the trophy showroom and going to the Forbidden Forest, what's the matter?"

After complaining, John didn't regret much.

Just saying that any point has increased makes him feel good.

He didn't use it immediately, but was ready to use it after reaching the bottleneck.

"Why don't you learn Rienhuo, or learn Occlumency first?"

Thinking of the bug spell of Legilimency, John decided to learn an Occlumency first.

He didn't want to be read by an old bat or by a noseless guy all day.


11 month 1 day.

Stories about a troll being killed by a young first-year wizard spread like wildfire.

John became more visible in Slytherin, and even Malfoy couldn't help but come over curiously and ask, "Did you really kill a troll?"

Elegantly ate the bread with water, John didn't want to see milk and tomato juice during this time, I believe Harry and the others thought so too.

Glancing at Malfoy, who rarely took the initiative to talk to him, John said lightly, "You really want to know? I can describe it to you in detail."

Malfoy thought of Filch who was cleaning the walls while complaining in the corridor on the first floor, and suddenly felt that the milk in front of him had become something else.

"No need—vomit."

Apparently Malfoy's young mind couldn't accept the huge shock.

After this battle, John was even more awesome in Slytherin.

Even the senior Slytherin didn't dare to be arrogant in front of John.

John changed his seat in disgust, and the three little ones came over as soon as he sat down.

"John, there is a Quidditch match tomorrow, do you want to come and see?"

The three little ones got back together, and John also gained the friendship of Harry and Ron.

Especially Harry, he remembered where he had heard John's name, and Dudley, who had been bullying him, was most afraid of John Wick.

"Quidditch? I think I'll go, but first I have to take a stand. I have to root for Slytherin."

John naturally had no reason not to go. Harry and Ron smiled sarcastically. They almost forgot that this was a Slytherin. It seemed that there was no hope for John to cheer for Gryffindor.

Hermione was more concerned about John's punishment, and said worriedly: "There are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest. I can't believe that the school sent the first grade to patrol the Forbidden Forest."

Speaking of this, she was very angry. Although John saved herself, he still had to be punished.

Harry also felt that Snape was even more annoying, especially after he accidentally discovered that Snape was bitten on the fourth floor when he went to get back "The Magical Quidditch Ball", he became even more unfriendly.

Slytherin and Gryffindor are not in the same classroom today.

After class, when John was about to leave, Malfoy couldn't hold back and asked, "Wick, will you cheer for Slytherin in the Quidditch match tomorrow?"

In Malfoy's view, John is simply a Gryffindor, and maybe he will cheer for Gryffindor in the past.

John smiled when he heard the words, looked at Malfoy and said, "Of course, for eternal glory."

Malfoy was taken aback, and muttered.

"For eternal glory...."

This sentence made him change his opinion of John, maybe this person can be regarded as a Slytherin.

Slytherins are always chasing glory.


At night, John followed Hagrid with his night light.

It has to be said that Hagrid's huge body can give people a sense of security.

Especially the flashing crossbow arrows, John dared to say that it would definitely be uncomfortable to be touched.

Not long after the two entered the Forbidden Forest, they heard wailing.

Hagrid's face changed, "This is the voice of a unicorn."

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