I, the Equipment Forger

Page 113

He can continue to block, but the situation will definitely not be as lucky as before.

Through the gap in the heavy shield, Ace has already seen two Ursus reloaders coming from the opposite side, holding a large shield and a lance, walking slowly step by step.

If he encounters long-range sniper attacks and reloaders' attacks, he will definitely not last long.

"Hey, artisan boy. What are you going to do next?" Ace said loudly.

"You just help me block it like that. I'll prepare my abilities first, and then it will become very easy!" Liu Gongliang stared at the opposite side calmly.

The fire in his heart did not make him lose his mind.

Enemies are arrogant!

From the situation of the opponent's formation, he can see it at a glance!

With a lineup like the opponent's, they can completely move their position to a certain room like before, instead of the corridor in front of them, relying entirely on the two reloaders as the battlefield for rear sniping.

Although according to the normal situation, it was the continuous shooting of the more than 50 soldiers that exhausted Ace's physical strength/or the fifty soldiers used them as a cover to break Ace's defense for the two reloaders.


They are ignorant of their own power.

Liu Gongliang took a deep breath, mobilized his spirit and slowly took off the leather gloves on his arms.

The crystallized arm appeared, and the Ark oath automatically floated up, shining through the LED light above the head to show a bright blue light, Liu Gongliang opened his palm to stimulate his own source stone energy.

[Origin Stone Arts β Construct Field——]


A puff of azure origin stone gas, like a radar scan of a virtual reality scene, is urged out from the perspective of Liu Gongliang.

With him as the center, within a radius of 30 meters, the entire range is temporarily accommodated in his construction domain.


Liu Gongliang urged silently, and the edge of the heavy shield in front of Ace immediately formed a protective film, which strengthened again in a short moment.

Ace: "This is?"

Ace froze for a moment under his helmet, and then looked at the young man behind him in shock. He had experienced such an experience before, even though his heavy shield became heavy again after three impacts.However, he remembered that Liu Gongliang needed to touch and release the origin stone skill in order to achieve temporary strengthening.

And now, can this ability be overridden remotely?

Single-body strengthening, space-dimensional encapsulation, and now the ability to incarnate a certain range of magicians... Ace no longer knows how to describe this craftsman boy. Maybe only the Shining can unlock the secret of the other party's Originium skills?

Shocked under strong pressure in his heart, Ace began to focus on the defense in front, and the magician in the back strengthened the power of the heavy shield, which relieved a lot of pressure for him to withstand the impact.

And now, he can try to make some counterattacks!

"Follow the previous tactics, Artisan. I will rush over to deal with one reloader first, and you will use me as a cover later to deal with the other reloader. Open the enemy's gap." Ace turned back and said.

Liu Gongliang shook his head: "There is no need to be so troublesome, I will stop directly!"


Without waiting for Ace to show a puzzled expression, Liu Gongliang stretched out his palm and made a thrusting motion, facing forward and shouted in a low voice: "Stop!"

Although his Originium skills cannot directly disarm all the opponent's Lateran guns, but the Originium bullets with good conduction ability are not included in this list.

This may be one of his hidden features of "special attack against snipers". The bullets made by origin stones are basically ineffective against his origin stone skills.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding once again, in this round of salvo, seeing that it was about to hit Ace, there were bursts of buzzing sounds in the air.

It was when the sprint encountered the ultimate resistance in front, as if there was an air wall in front of Ace blocking the front, intercepting all the Originium bombs in front, and staying still in the air.

Reloader: "Huh?"

The two reloaders couldn't help being stunned when they saw this scene, and looked at the scene ahead in amazement: "Stop, stop!?"

"This guy is holding a knife. It's not a guard, but a magician... And how rare is this magic ability, can it control the origin stone bullet?"

The shock that rose in the hearts of the two reloaders in an instant was full of fear at the same time.

"Use the way of the other, and give it back to the other! Go—!" Liu Gongliang looked at them coldly. At this moment, it was as if he had squeezed out the origin stone bullet that had just been stopped. The stone bomb was suddenly bounced back by a rebounding force.

"No, get down!"

The two reloaders lost their voice almost at the same time, and at the same time reminded the subordinates behind them, they quickly raised their shields to form an absolute defensive barrier that completely isolated the left and right sides of the corridor.

As the source stone bullets rebounded densely, they hit their heavy armor and shields, making a crisp ding ding ding ding.

There were a few aggressive Ursus sniper soldiers who had no time to resist Liu Gongliang's rebound this time. They didn't even think that the attack by themselves and others was reversed so that they needed to bear it by themselves.


There were more than a dozen consecutive beeps, and the two Ursus soldiers at the front didn't recover their consciousness, and their bodies were directly beaten into a hornet's nest.

Their companions nearby also had several heads, throats, and eyes, and before they had time to react, they were pierced by the Originium bullets and died one after another.

The two reloaded officers looked dumbly at the fallen subordinates in front of them. They all had the astonishment and surprise before they died, and they seemed to say silently, "Why did I die when the officer blocked me?" ' Confused.

No.13 more.

Chapter 092 Saw Meat Knife, Transformation Slash (14 more outbreaks completed)

The voices of the two reloaders were suppressed and gloomy. Under the dark helmets, they stared at Liu Gongliang in front of him with surprise and anger.

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