I, the Equipment Forger

Page 42

[After a period of tempering, the energy of the origin stone absorbed during the tempering process has been converted, and your agility has been slightly improved (G→F)]

So far, the 59th day of arriving in Terra World...

Liu Gongliang's attribute panels all entered F level.

Chapter 035 The Second Golden Legend: The Ark Oath

Three days later in the morning, the task arrived as scheduled.

The operators of the integration movement came to the equipment department one after another, put the cold weapons "2-style tactical knife series" and "Kiku Mikatsu Taisho" that Rokunomiya Ryoka had created in the past 40 months of "doing nothing" into packaging boxes, and shipped them to ground.

Among them are some of the refined Originium crystals that have been eliminated by the Originium Research Institute, which are placed in suitcases as rare trading items.

Carrying boxes one by one... Soon, the usually crowded workshop became very empty.

During these two months, Liu Gongliang was like a rice bug, absorbing the steel materials hoarded by the integration movement for many times, and basically 2% of the materials were exhausted in these two months.

Of course, he transformed all these materials into finished weapons, and the operators were even eager to transport more.

Thermal weapons, Originium weapons, tactical suits, inhibitors, and non-popular isolation Originium energy chemical protection suits worn only by members of the research institute.

"Mr. Liugong, thank you very much for your help!"

An operator during the transportation process, wearing a helmet like a gas mask, said in a kind tone.

Liu Gongliang laughed in embarrassment, and he also embezzled a lot of materials without authorization.

But in reality, he would naturally not say this: "It's okay, it's okay, the weapons that are forged are loved and used by others, and that is the greatest satisfaction for our craftsmen!"

"Mr. Liugong, you are so selfless!"

"Yeah, it's great to have you at the base, Mr. Liugong. Last time I went out to fight at the base, if it wasn't for your bulletproof vest, I almost died."

"Well, our equipment can finally be at the same level as the mercenaries of those big companies!"

"Chernobog, the city where my father died tragically, will sooner or later make its people pay the price."

What are these guys talking about...

Hearing the back, Liu Gongliang couldn't help being dumbfounded, he was not interested in listening to this group of people showing off their achievements.

Fortunately, these operators also knew the reason why they should not slacken their work. Finally, they talked about some words of thanks, and hurriedly carried the supplies into the elevator, and Liu Gongliang's ears were also quiet.

Looking around, Liu Gongliang was about to leave the integrated sports base, and a feeling of nostalgia emerged in his heart.

A sense of unreality of "I have been in this world for two months" suddenly arises in my heart...

Euterpe: "Yes sir, you have arrived in the world of Terra for 62 days, 3 hours and 02 minutes!"


The novelty of being in this world for the first time is no longer there.

Lost a lot, such as Tallulah - 2 months ago, he still called Tallulah's wife in his heart, now because time has passed for a long time, and he hardly sees anyone, instead he is with Kingslayer, W, Frost Star, Patriots spend more time together, and it is easier to rub the spark of intimacy.

The harvested things also include the improvement of forging knife technology, the use of materials, the origin stone craftsmanship of Terra World, and so on.

In terms of mentality, the operators of the previous integration movement survived because of his bulletproof vest, which brought him a lot of comfort, but relatively speaking, it was more subtle about the upcoming natural disaster in Chernobog sense.

The weapons he forged will eventually intensify a brutal war persecution!

He doesn't care who wins or loses in the war between Ursas and the Integration Movement, even if both sides die. Adults need to be responsible for their own actions and positions.

But just the ignorant being affected by both sides is another matter entirely.

In the world in which he was born, if some organizations dared to place the battlefield on a place where there were minors, they would be directly annihilated by the supreme program intelligence to "purify the octagonal star" and decompose them into atomic structures.

This horrible law was almost engraved in the bones of everyone in the era he lived in...he was no exception.

Tuk Tuk!

Suddenly, a sound of knocking on the box came from behind, pulling Liu Gongliang's delicate thoughts back to reality.

Froststar stood at the door with her 'old father' Patriot.

"What are you doing? Newcomer. Things have been moved up, but you are still dawdling." Shuang Xing said with a cold face.

The patriots seem to have seen Liu Gongliang's "reminiscence" face, and they are thoughtful.But still urged: "It's getting late, craftsman."

"Wait, let me put this knife away."

Liu Gongliang turned back in a hurry, and took a polished samurai sword from the side of the whetstone not long ago, emitting a cold light.

The patriot came over and whispered, "This weapon looks much better than your previous one."

"Of course, this is a weapon that took countless failures, plus 3 days and 2 nights of various smelting, to finally complete the weapon. I have never been so focused before, this is an evolutionary version..." Liu Gongliang couldn't put it down He raised the blade in his hand and put it into the scabbard.

Deep in the eyes, the data on the blade loomed from the perspective of the forger's system.

[Unnamed (Knife)-(Golden Legend): Sharpness +10, Attack Speed ​​+2.0, Firmness +10.It is a coincidence that a rare samurai sword that has been tempered by origin stone processing and mixed minerals, even if the same smelting is used, it is impossible to reproduce a weapon of the same material.

Extraordinary (drinking blood): The blade cuts into the enemy's body, and the splashed blood can be absorbed by the blade and transferred to the handle, providing the user with physical recovery (the upper limit of recovery is provided according to the user's physical data.)

Note: The fusion rate of somatic cells and origin stones is 1.9%, and the crystal density of blood origin stones is 0.1u/L to activate the characteristics of this weapon. (Drinking blood for more than 1 hour may lead to accelerated crystallization of Origin Stone energy in the body.)


Evaluation: Exquisite equipment that is basically impossible for craftsmen during the apprenticeship period, unless the knowledge exceeds the upper limit of the "eye" world. 】

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