I, the Equipment Forger

Page 45

The mighty team disappeared from Liu Gongliang's eyes in an instant, and then the snow monster team led by Shuang Xing also tied ropes from the flanks and jumped down from the mountain.

Only one Safra Isan on the top of the mountain and a Sarkaz named Aaron remained in place, guarding the left and right sides of Liu Gongliang respectively.

Liu Gongliang overlooked the snow monster team below, and the back of the Kingslayer team suddenly had the feeling of being an incarnation of the "Doctor" tactical commander.

The Doctor in Rhode Island has a rabbit, and he has a rabbit.

Frost Star's back overlapped with Amiya's, and then he shook his head hastily in the coldness of the wind and snow.

Liu Gongliang put on the radio, and took a telescope to observe the tactics of Froststar's snow monster team sneaking in, and whispered in his ear: "Hey, can you hear me?"

Kingslayer: "Yes, newcomer."

The captains of the teams: "Yes, Mr. Liugong."

Frost Star: "Don't do some boring things while we're moving, Snow Monster Squad, temporarily block the signal codenamed 'Artisan'."

Liu Gongliang: "..."

"Are we just staying like this?" Liu Gongliang asked the two bodyguards beside him.

Ethan nodded: "In this scene, you can fully observe the offensive results of the new weapons through the telescope, which is actually the best."

Aaron of the Sarkaz clan also responded: "That's right, Mr. Liugong, your mission is mainly on the Chernobog side. Master Froststar will solve everything soon."

"Soon...? I think something unexpected may happen." Liu Gongliang said suddenly while holding the binoculars.


Ethan and Sarkaz on the side also saw the abnormal situation at the same time, their expressions changed slightly, and they immediately notified on the radio.

"Miss Frost Star, the enemies in the facility have already spotted you."

They were on the high mountain, and they could clearly see a large number of Ursus soldiers equipped with weapons pouring out from the various passages in the facility.

Member of the Integrative Movement: "How is it possible!? We have only moved less than half a kilometer, and their observers should find us at least within one kilometer."

Frost Star: "At first glance, we know that it is an information leak. Forget it. Anyway, our information source is very problematic. We can only continue to attack. Ethan, you report the enemy's position and number on the top of the mountain, and Kingslayer, you cover us."

Kingslayer: "Well, it sure got tricky. The strike team and I broke through the main gate!"

The voices surrounding the radio sounded from various areas, and Liu Gongliang also saw through the telescope that a large number of Ursus soldiers in the distance began to surround the kingslayer.

The exchange of fire between the two sides, just within the contact range, has already started rapidly.

da da da da da...

The sound of the radio was quickly replaced by the sound of battle, the traces of Originium bullets across the battlefield, the roar of explosive devices...

Liu Gongliang took off the radio on his ear in an instant, looked at the trail leading to the side of the hillside, and rushed over immediately.

The bodyguards Ethan and Aaron who were protecting him turned green in an instant.

Ethan hurried over and said loudly, "Wait, Mr. Liugong."

Aaron also said seriously: "You are not planning to go to the battlefield, are you? Please allow us to remind you that our duty is to protect your safety. And your safety is much more important than the lives of our ordinary operators.

Even if this battle is lost, you can provide us with more weapons and save more infected people in the future. "

"Hmm... It's a headache to have such expectations of me."

Liu Gongliang explained with emotion: "I made weapons without saving everything, which would only make my hammer heavier.

You provide me with materials, and I am responsible for providing your equipment.When the order task is established, it is just such a simple relationship! "


"But... you are already an infected person." Ethan said, pointing to the area of ​​his wrist.

"This is what I voluntarily accepted, and it doesn't represent anything."


"Okay, if it's irrelevant, let's put it after the mission! Since the goal this time is the so-called 'weapon test', I should also test this knife."

With a slight smile, Liu Gongliang has already walked down the snow mountain.


ps: This chapter was reviewed at noon. . . guan fang is also a sensitive word.

Chapter 038: Equipment Sensing Mode

In fact, until now, the ghost believed that this operation was an actual equipment test.

Words such as 'harmless' and 'responsible man' flashed through Liu Gongliang's mind. Maybe Tallulah didn't have such thoughts, but he didn't intend to obediently wait for the mission to end as instructed.

Grab the fixed rope from the side downhill ramp and slide straight down.

The two operators stared blankly at the back of the glider in the fast distance, and didn't react until Frost Star's annoyed voice came from the abandoned radio on the ground, and hurriedly followed.

500 meters away from the research institute——

When Liu Gongliang stepped into the battlefield of this exchange of fire, there were only large and small corpses of Ursus soldiers and integration movement operators on the side of the road, lying dead in the center of the battlefield.

This is a snow-covered pine forest in front of a facility.

There were traces of snow mixed with gunpowder smoke on the ground, and the air was filled with a cold and disgusting smell of blood. The corpses of soldiers lying beside the snow stains stained the pine forest red.

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