I Was Betrayed But It’s Okay haha

Chapter 49

“Thank you for your hard work today.”

I could see that her expression seemed much better than yesterday.

Yoo Hana.

‘Is it because Lee Sooah barged in today…?’

Regardless, it was good for me.


“Then, see you tomorrow.”


After our brief exchange, we parted ways.

“Phew. Today was quite eventful as well. I wonder how Hunter Class 6 is doing.”

Suddenly, the Blue Guild office came to mind.

Although I had a very brief experience there, the atmosphere was vastly different from what I was currently involved in.

It had its own charm.

‘After all, working beside Yoo Hana is just temporary…’

I recalled when Yoo Hana had asked if I had any thoughts about working as a manager.

‘Hmm. Being a manager… that might not be a bad idea.’

‘Still, I have a lot of points right now.’

Working as Yoo Hana’s manager would certainly be enjoyable.

Not just for me, but quite a few people would want that too.

However, I had a surplus of points built up.

For now, I decided to throw all of them into investments and think about what to do with the remainder.

‘I’ll invest my points this weekend.’

I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to thoroughly go through the massive skill tree.

I felt that only with a longer period like the weekend could I properly focus on my Hunter skills.


“Oh. Ms. Sooah.”

Upon arriving at the Blue Guild, I spotted Sooah standing alone.

As expected, she seemed to be waiting for me again today.

“Oh. You haven’t left yet?”

It wasn’t as late as yesterday, but I was technically about to miss the end of work hours.

“Hey~ Hunter Baek Jihoon. Didn’t you say you’d prepare dinner for us today?”

“Oh, right.”

I remembered what I had said yesterday.

‘Ha… I just blurted that out in a rush.’

I had been so busy lately.

There was nothing prepared for dinner or anything.

My expression naturally turned awkward.

“Come on! Let’s go! I’m all set!”

Sooah looked genuinely excited, wearing a bright expression.

“But I’ve been so busy with work lately that I didn’t get a chance to prepare… maybe next time…”

“Oh~ Then we can just go grocery shopping together~ Hehe. Let’s take my car!”

“Ah… Yes…”

For some unknown reason, feeling the pressure and urge from Sooah, I found myself agreeing to her plan.

‘What? Is this an incredibly expensive car?’

Of course, it was.

It’s Sooah, after all.

She wouldn’t be driving anything cheap.

What surprised me wasn’t just the high-end car itself, but that she had previously taken the subway rather than using this.

‘Are you kidding me? Why take the subway when you have this?’

“Get in~ We’re going grocery shopping~”

She seemed unusually thrilled today.


She stepped on it with noticeable excitement.

“How was Yoo Hana today? Did she say anything after I left?”

I was quite curious.

It felt like Sooah had intentionally barged into the set.

“Hmm. She looked a bit annoyed, to be honest.”

“Oh ho ho ho. She’s my rival, you know. Well, not so much of a rival, I’m still above her.”

Smiling brightly.

“Hahaha… But does Yoo Hana usually visit the set often?”

“No? Today was my first time. I don’t think I quite fit in with the entertainment industry~”

“Then why did you come today?”

I subtly prodded.

It definitely wasn’t just for my sake.

“Ah. Um…”

She suddenly became flustered.

“Um… It’s just that one of our team members works under Yoo Hana, right? Yoo Hana, her personality is just the worst. Did you know that 15 people resigned under her? She’s a total resignation-inducing disaster. I can’t let that happen again.”

Her expression shifted slightly, becoming sharper.

“But why is Yoo Hana being dispatched to our guild?”

I couldn’t understand why at all.

It was an unheard-of system.

Of course, my lack of knowledge about the Hunter Guild played a part, but even so, sending someone who had left for an entertainment career seemed unreasonable.

“Oh, we usually send out dispatched workers to those we want to scout~ It serves both as cooperation and persuasion. She used to be from our guild, you know. Hehe. She left due to competition with me~ Anyway, the Guild Master wants to bring Yoo Hana back to our guild~ Since he’s eager to gather S-Rank Hunters.”

She was talking non-stop.

It was clear she was feeling a little upbeat.

‘Ah, so the Guild Master wants that…’

My mind began racing.

‘Then to gain the Guild Master’s favor, do I need to entice Yoo Hana to come to our guild?’

The Guild Master of the Blue Guild must be someone incredibly impressive.

Initially, I wanted to become an S-Rank Hunter as well.

That’s why I had been working so hard with Chae Suhyeon.

‘If it weren’t for Chae Suhyeon…’

‘Well, it’s fine. I can just start again step by step.’
Simply having a higher rank isn’t enough; it’s also important to build recognition by meeting various people in the Hunter community.

‘Getting closer to the Guild Master would be beneficial.’

I saw this as one of the necessities for succeeding as a Hunter.

“So, if I entice Yoo Hana, would the Guild Master like that?”

“Why!!!!!! Would you try to entice Yoo Hana!!!!!”

Sooah suddenly yelled at the top of her lungs, nearly having a fit.

“Why would you go after someone like that!!??!! Baek Jihoon, I didn’t see you as that kind of person. Your taste is really unique. She must have had some work done on her face, right? No? Well, anyway, she definitely wears makeup. Don’t be fooled by her face. And just because she’s a celebrity doesn’t mean she has a great figure; that comes from training! All the photos are heavily retouched. Don’t believe it.”

She started rambling at breakneck speed as she drove.

Her intense reaction left me completely speechless.

“No… Ms. Sooah… Didn’t you mention that the Guild Master wanted to bring Yoo Hana back…? If I entice Yoo Hana to return to our guild, wouldn’t that please the Guild Master?”

“Oh? Hmph. Uh…”

She made a strange sound again and blushed, looking extremely flustered.

The atmosphere changed dramatically in an instant.

“Oh. So that was what you meant. Hehe. You’re probably right. The Guild Master would definitely be thrilled… Hehe…”

Then she focused on driving quietly, and the atmosphere became very awkward.

“Um, so if Yoo Hana returns to our guild, you wouldn’t mind?”

“Me? Ugh. Why would she come here? We don’t get along, and I’m not a fan~ I feel like it would just ruin the atmosphere.”

“Aha. You seem a bit burdened by that.”

“Hah, what are you talking about? Me? Compared to her? No. I’m above her. I’ve always been better than Yoo Hana, you know? I’ve never lagged behind her as a Hunter.”

I tried to break the awkward silence, but it was getting increasingly strange.

“Well, that might be true, but since you moved into the entertainment industry, hasn’t Yoo Hana been doing better?”

“Baek Jihoon, you must not read the news. I’m doing great. What are you talking about? Did you see what the photographer said? I would do fantastic as a celebrity too! The only reason I’m still in Team A is because I have a lot of responsibility toward my team. Ugh. It’s ridiculous.”

Sooah opened the window, showing her frustration.

“Hah. That won’t do. Baek Jihoon, I somehow have to prove how much better I am than Yoo Hana because of you. Hah… I can’t believe this. And tell Yoo Hana to come! Whether she joins our guild or not, I’ll take her down. I’m not scared at all. What are you even saying?”

It felt like she was starting to ramble in circles.

I felt like I had accidentally pressed her ‘frustration button.’

‘Sigh… Does Sooah really seem to like me…?’

I began to observe her behavior closely.

‘Or maybe she just really dislikes Yoo Hana…?’

While I was curious, I didn’t think this was the right time to ask.

‘Maybe later… I should find a way to ask subtly…’

“Hah, but, Baek Jihoon?”


“I have something I want to ask you.”

Just as I was lost in thought, Sooah suddenly spoke up.

“Yeah? What is it?”

I waited for her question.

“Well~ Both Yoo Hana and I have been seen in person, right?”


“Then between the two of us, who do you think is prettier? Who’s your type?”


I nearly spat out the coffee I was drinking.

That was a question I never expected.

“Uh? Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

“Just~ I’m curious~ It’s okay to be curious sometimes. Hurry up and answer me. Come on.”

She looked as if she would chop me up right there if I didn’t respond.

‘Sigh. I really need to answer this carefully.’

‘What’s the thought behind this question?’

‘No, it really feels like she likes me. It’s clear. That’s why she asked that question.’

‘But isn’t she denying it? She keeps saying it’s not her…?’


I thought hard about my answer.

It felt like I needed to say the right thing to keep things good moving forward.

‘Maybe I should play hard to get.’

If I just throw out what she wants to hear, it would seem like I’m being led along.

That wouldn’t do.

I need to make her reveal her own thoughts.

‘Now, Ms. Sooah, what’re your feelings?’

I looked at Sooah and prepared to answer.

She was waiting with a look that showed she was highly expectant.

“I think Yoo Hana is a bit more to my liking.”



She suddenly slammed the brakes in the middle of the road.


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