I was hiding from gods and demons at the beginning, but it turned out that I was the boss

Chapter 58 The cold first time

"What's going on?" Karin hurriedly opened the small window in front.

The driver and the guard are missing! There are only two horses running by themselves!

"Something happened, the driver and the guard fell down!"

When Zuo Dan heard this, he was so frightened that he hugged his sister Yina tightly.

The carriage shook more and more violently. On a sunny day, I jumped up to the window sill and looked out. It was no longer a road outside, but a bumpy downhill slope!

This won't work, the road is getting steeper and steeper, and sooner or later the carriage will overturn!

Karin was at a loss and hugged the two children tightly, "Why wouldn't she let us go? The children are innocent!"

"Hold the child tight and come closer to me!" Qingtian jumped between them and shouted.

She didn't care about that much at this time, so she directly threw out a defensive rubbing after speaking.

A transparent light curtain enveloped the four people.

At the same moment, the carriage lost its balance and rolled over with the horses.

With a bang, bang, bang, and a violent roll, the car separated from the frame and rolled all the way down the slope to the bottom of the woods.

Inside the car, although Sunny supported the defensive cover, physical impacts and energy attacks were still different. The protective cover offset most of the impact force, but several people actually rolled many times in the protective cover.

When the carriage stopped, Sunny felt dizzy and a little nauseous.

She calmed down and hurried to see the other three people.

Fortunately, Karin and Zuo Dan can move, but they haven't recovered yet. That girl's situation is not good, she has very little soul power left!

Karin gradually recovered, "Yina, Zuo Dan, are you okay?"

"Mom, I feel so uncomfortable!" Zuo Dan lay on the carriage and started vomiting.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Karin hurriedly crawled over to take care of him.

After vomiting for a while, Zuo Dan also recovered a little, leaning against his mother in a daze.

Qingtian looked at the carriage, and saw that the door was facing upwards, and the window on the other side was under his feet...

What kind of luck!

"Get out first, it's not safe to be trapped in there." Sunny said to Karin.

Karin came back to her senses and said, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

Zuo Dan blinked. The cat given by the goddess could indeed talk.

Karin put Zuodan down, then stood up and tried to push the door upwards, but it didn't open.

The strength of Qingtian who turned into a cat was severely suppressed. After thinking about it, she got an ax from the spiritual space.

"Get the kids out of the way and break the door open with this."

Karin was a little surprised to see the axe, but she didn't ask any questions. She carried the two children to the corner and started chopping.

She chopped a few times, and the wooden strips fell down. With more force, the door tilted and swung down with a bang.

After brushing off the dust, Karin stepped aside and showed a smile.

Seeing the door open, Qingtian took out a high chair and a strong rope from the spiritual space.

Karin soon understood what she meant, and she tied up the unconscious Yina first.

"Zuo Dan, can you help me? I need to pull Yina out. Please hold on."

Zuo Dan nodded ignorantly, and together with Qingtian, cooperated with Karin.

Karin put Yina on the chair and was supported by Zuo Dan, and then carefully stepped on the remaining part of the chair and climbed out of the carriage.

After that, she finally pulled Yina up with a lot of effort, "I'll go down and find a place to settle my sister first. Zuo Dan, wait for me!"

After speaking, Karin stepped on the tree stump that was stuck in the carriage and got out of the carriage, and pulled Yina down.

At this time, Qingtian felt something strange about his body, and it was time to completely transform!

She hurried to the corner and took out her dress, and immediately put it on as soon as the transformation was over.

Phew, it’s still convenient to be a human being. Now I can use my psychic powers, so I’m not afraid anymore.

Turning around, she saw Zuo Dan's eyes widening like light bulbs, looking at her in disbelief, mumbling something indistinctly.

Qingtian was silent. Fortunately, everyone was just a child. "Well, I am the messenger of the goddess, so I can transform..."

"I know that you were sent by the goddess to save us." Zuo Dan's eyes were filled with light, and now he was even more convinced.

Well, Sunny nodded, children are easy to deceive.

It's just that why Karin hasn't come back yet...

"Okay, now let's go find your mother."

Qingtian put their luggage into the spiritual space, then walked up to Zuo Dan and carried him on his back.

"You have to stick tight, or you'll fall!"

The boy cooperated and hugged her neck tightly.

Sunny stepped on the chair, jumped out of the carriage.

Standing on top of the carriage, I saw a man turning to look at me!

He had a fierce look in his eyes and held a sword in his hand, the blade pointed at Karin who was lying on the ground!

Qingtian's eyes narrowed, and without saying a word, he raised his hand and threw out three spiritual needles.

One goes straight to the opponent's right hand, and the other two aim at the eyes.

At this time, the one who strikes first is the strongest, whoever is quick is the king!

The other party didn't expect that a little girl would act so decisively and viciously, and by the time he realized it, it was already too late.

A scream came, and all three needles were hit. The man dropped his sword, covered his eyes and retreated in a flash.

"Who are you!" He roared twice in pain, hurriedly retreated, and opened the communication ring after a distance, "Come down, Jack, I'm injured!"

Qingtian ignored him after taking action, and quickly rushed to Karin's side, put Zuo Dan down and asked, "Are you okay?"

Karin was in shock. She looked at the injured man who retreated, and then at the girl who suddenly appeared with her son. She didn't know what to say.

"I am the white cat!" Qingtian explained hurriedly.

"Yes, she turned into a cat!" Zuo Dan helped prove it.

Karin took a deep breath. Well, this was not the first time she had seen something magical. "I'm fine, Yina is behind the tree."

Qing Tian glanced at the girl lying behind the big tree and said, "Take the two children and go farther away. If there is a hidden place, hide first."

"it is good."

After Karin finished speaking, she saw Qingtian taking out a dagger and several Jidou rushed towards the fleeing gangsters.

The girl is wearing a cloth skirt, her figure is petite but solitary and decisive!

"May the goddess bless you!"

After a short chase, Qingtian reached the man whose eyes were injured and launched an offensive.

The man felt something was wrong and tried his best to dodge, releasing balls of fireballs randomly.

What a guy, he’s actually a fire spiritual practitioner!

But so what, he’s just a blind man!

Taking advantage of his short body, Qingtian nimbly dodged left and right. After a few flips and moves, he found a glimmer of murderous opportunity and closed his throat with a sword from close range!

Since she is here to kill, she must be prepared to be killed. No matter what the reason is, she will not accept the act of attacking the two children.

The man fell to the ground clutching his neck and kept twitching, and soon died.

Qingtian's eyes were cold and he felt his heart beating violently.

This was her first time killing someone, but she didn't feel too upset inside.

Nami's death had a great impact on her and gave her a clearer view of reality. In a life-and-death world, in addition to retaining the warmth and conscience it should have, it should also have the necessary coldness and ruthlessness.

Glancing coldly at the people on the ground, she ducked behind a tree and stared warily at the other side of the hillside.

The matter is not over yet, she just heard the other party asking for help.

Soon a man named Jack came to the foot of the mountain.

As soon as he packed up the coachman and guards, he received a distress message from his companions and rushed over immediately.

Jack noticed that the overturned carriage and the horse that fell to death in the distance were not burned...

He looked around and saw no one.

What's going on, there's just a woman and two children, and the companions can't handle it either?

I looked down and saw blood! I don’t know whose it is!

Could it be that he met someone who has encountered injustice on the road? Although his companion is a bit stupid, he is still at the eighth level, so he should be able to fight for a while!

While thinking, Jack's eyes suddenly became sharp and he dodged to avoid the sneak attack of the psychic needle.

"Haha, someone actually came to help! And a sneak attack? It seems that the strength is not very good!"

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