I Was Mistaken as the Novel’s Hidden Boss

Chapter 5: PTSD is no joke, huh

Has she ever felt this way? 


This unbelievable feeling of dread, just from exchanging one magic almost overwhelms her to the point where she almost petrified. But aside from that, the flow of the battle is still hers. 


"Moojin! Now!"


Using telepathy, she commands the caster to start casting magic. The debris caused by the explosion is currently disrupting the enemy's vision. Using that smoke, the magic circle which would be bright won't get noticed until the completion of the spell. 


At least, that's what she thought. 


Just when she thought the monster would fall into a state of temporary confusion, a fireball tore through the smoke made by sand, straight to Moojin, who was motionless in the middle of casting. 




She sprang into action. Coating Kim Woyong with iced aura, she enhance her teammates to deal with the fireball. Meanwhile, Kim Woyong already raises his shield and positions himself in front of Moojin to fully collide with the fireball. But, just before it hits, the fire evaporates. 




Both Kim Woyong and Lee Siyeon were baffled by the unexpected turn of events. Siyeon initially going to rush head on for a second and then immediately retreat. Just for creating a false alarm to her opponent. But the vanished fireball like a candle in the wind, confused her and thus, she failed to grasp the timing to rush. But she cannot let her eyes wander from that vanished fireball. Because she could felt, something is coming. 


And she's correct. 


Because not long after that, she spots black powder scattered around Moojin and Kim Woyong. Without thinking, she leap there, and— 




An explosion suddenly erupt. Engulfing both Moojin and Kim Woyong. 




That is, if Siyeon didn't encase them all with ice at that moment. 


That was close.


Siyeon breathed out a sigh of white mist from her mouth. Earlier, sensing the dangerous situation, she employed several casting of low-tier ice spells, [Blizzard Coffin], in rapid succession. Creating a coat of ice similar to that of high-tier spell, [Ymir's Embrace]. The drawback from such a forceful action is clear. Her breath is now riddled with coldness, and she felt some part of her body frozen a little bit. But that was worth it. 


That spell, what was that? Clearly, it's a normal [Fireball] then suddenly transitions into a black powder that explodes with firepower beyond what I expect. I can't recall a spell like that. Not even that guy, who is said to master fire magic, used or mentioned that kind of magic. 


More than that, because the earlier stealthy spell, Moojin was startled and broke the casting. Resulting in a total failure of their plan.


"Siyeon! Are you okay?" 


"Don't worry. Just a bit weak right now. Focus on the front, if that kind of magic fired again, I cannot guarantee I could protect you two again." 


Kim Woyong gritted his teeth. Totally could feel the intense situation. It was the first time he has been that flustered and felt useless. In that moment of carelessness, he almost died. If not for Siyeon's quick reflex, he may be charred black by now. He's sure of it. Not even his best defense skill could defend against that. It just a hunch, but that black powder felt like passing through his inside. 


Is it a spell that causing severe damage from inside? Is that why Seoyin push herself to surround us from insides to outside, with her defense magic? Th-that's one hell of a spell...


On the other hand, in the tent, Ryeo Kwang and Lee Jae could only hold their breath in frustration. It was natural. Just after the first exchange, their position immediately flipped. Lee Siyeon and team were supposedly the ones that carried out the assault. They're essentially the attacker, while that monster would be the defender. But just after one spell, Lee Siyeon was forced to focus on defense. Her greatest power, ice magic, supposedly counters the fire based magic of that monster. 


But far from that, it's her who gets countered instead. 


"How long will the support arrive?!" 


"Fi-Fifteen minutes minimum…"




The makeshift table shattered by Ryeo Kwang's fist. If not because of the self realization that he will become a burden instead, he, as a commander, would join the fight right away. Kwang then realized, the pain of weakness has never been felt stronger than before. 




Lee Jae also knew, at this point, Lee Siyeol and team would most probably die before the support came. All of them knew there would be a strength difference, but for it to be this vast? 


It's our fault. The judgment falls into our hands and we fail to properly grasp the enemy's power. 


On the battlefield, the dusty smoke was already clean thanks to the fireball which tore a hole in the smoke and the rest was blown away by the wind. In this clear standoff of both parties, she could now face the monster clearly. And not even a second passed without her body screaming at her to run away. Without a doubt, even if she bought more A-class or S-class with her, the result would probably not be far from this. It's not an empty word. This monster fire magic is even superior to the S-class hunter with the moniker of Flame Emperor, Jeung Daewon. She could feel it, the heat. Even in that passive stance where he does nothing, the aura itself envelops her, an ice magician, in a sense of trepidation. Like some kind of primal fear. If she has to visualize, it's like a fearfulness stemming from the fact that the fire could definitely melt the ice. 


It's absurd, yet, she can't shake off the feeling of dread. No matter how much she tried.


But then, something spooky happened. 


"Ah, Ah." The sound, hoarse like dry wood, did not come from her or her teammates. The sound, which is akin to a test mic, definitely came from the front. The source of that humanly imitation voice, comes directly from that monster. 


 All the witnesses instantly felt eerie. 


"Can-can y-y-you h-h-hear m-me?" 


She heard it. 


It was definitely a korean. 


The monster uses korean. 


In the tent, 


"... what the fuck?" 


Ryeo Kwang felt goosebumps. It was terrifying. It appears as if a fish suddenly talks in human language. But at least a fish cannot cast magic that could burn the human. More than that, why did that monster suddenly try to talk in human language? 


"You. What are you?" carrying the same suspicion as her teacher, Lee Siyeon opened a conversation with that monster. "Why are you talking in our language?" 


"... I. Want, to-to… talk—" 


"Then speak." 


"I— I am, harmless… No enmity…" 


Hearing that, Ryeo Kwang felt utter confusion. The same thought is shared by everyone who heard it. 


What the hell is this monster suddenly talking about?


Because none of them trust the words of a highly suspicious monster from a red gate. It was obvious. There is never an instance where a monster is helping humans. In the first place, monsters that have a sense of self are rare. More so, if they try to forge a relationship with humanity. Thus, it was a widely accepted consensus that no monster is 'good'. The one who does, is most likely the type to deceive instead. Or like the hunters favourite phrase, 'a good monster is a dead monster'.


But to see one blatantly attempt to fabricate a lie, it sends shivers to their spine. 


I see. An intelligent monster. 


Lee Siyeon and team immediately increase their waryness. The instance where an intelligent monster makes contact with humans is rare, and none are excalated to the point of conversation. Mostly because both sides are busy trying to kill each other. But some famous hunter who was recalling his experience raiding a violet gate, talked about this topic in an interview. And she remembers what that hunter said when asked about his opinion about monsters and humanity living together. 


"Impossible," he said. "You seem to not understand their nature. So let me ask you. If there's only two species living on earth, whales and planktons, could they coexist with each other?" 


Having said that, his implication was clear. It's utterly impossible. 


"It's safe to assume that all of them are deceitful by nature."


"Isn't that an exaggeration?" 


"Haha, you could say that because you never encounter one." 


"But that's not a guarantee, right? In the first place, intelligent monsters that could surpress their instinct and are highly intelligent could only be found inside the violet gate. Also, there are theories which believe that violet gates exist as a pre-requisite to prepare our earth as a multi-dimensional land. That's why no 'Gate Invasion' happened from the violet gates." 


The hunter did not immediately reply. He sipped a glass of water, and spoke softly. But in his gaze, an emptyness could be seen. 


"I'm sorry, Mr. Clark, I have no intention to belittle your belief but I would say, that was incredibly naive." he chuckled. Again, the gaze in his eyes contains nothing. Not a wise gaze of someone who lectures the ignorant, nor an excited gaze of a teacher who imparts his knowledge to his conversation partner. "Leaving aside that baseless theory which has no solid grounds, I suggest you leave that box of belief, which I believe you got from the past fiction which did become reality. As much as I want to trust that ideals Mr. Clark, as a man who has been personally there, I just cannot. Right now, there are numerous things that are unknown about the gates, including the question about why only the violet gate didn't vomit monsters to our world. But as a hunter that has been there once, I'll say this in disregard of data or various research, I only said what I believe. If they could, we'll lose. In every sense of defeat."


After delivering his speech, while the whole studio were silent, that hunters only sip his water calmly. As if what he said didn't just shatter the whole perception of the peaceful future which, surprisingly, believed by most people.   


"I won't correct your thinking, Mr. Clark, however, I would suggest you erase that positive and hopeful thinking. Because that peaceful ideals of yours could be poison for this war against them, Mr. Clark." 


As an S-class hunter, Siyeon believed fully what that hunter said. After all, they are hunters. A profession which is on the forefront of the war versus monsters. They are the ones that confront those abominations face to face on the battlefield. 


Just like now. 


But as a human born with empathy, it would be lies if she didn't have the thought of monsters and humans living together. Just like how gates suddenly exist, perhaps the coexistence between the two species could also be realized. In fact, this idea was debated for years. Then again, not all ideals could be translated into reality, no matter how much humans put effort in that. 


If, the one who came here is not commander Ryeo Kwang and Lee Jae, or if the hunters which fight that monster are not Lee Siyeon and her team, then perhaps they would let the seed of belief be planted in their minds, just by the fact that a monster they fight is talking. 


"Huh. Indeed, what a devil. Is tanking all of our armory without attacking a part of his plan? To plant a seed of belief." 


Lee Jae chimed in. "Most likely. If that's true, then it's more urgent for us to eliminate this guy." His face is grim, as he also just realized the ominous possibilities.


Ryeo Kwang clenched his fist, hiding the cold beads of sweat in his palm. "That means, from the beginning, that monster knew our weapons wouldn't work on him. He uses that to his advantage and deceives us all. Honestly, the idea of maybe he's not a threat to us did flashed in my mind." Ryeo Kwang could only chuckling. His heart beats fast when he imagines the possibility of the future if he still believes in his empathy. 




"I know. I won't let him deceive me again." 


Knowing myself, I would be naive enough to trust that monster and recruit him to our side. Shielding him from the opposition, and secretly believing him to be a human's protector. Yes, that definitely could happen. With how desperate I am, I can definitely see myself shaking hands with the devil to protect everyone. A foolish decision, but very fitting for me who put myself lowly. Huh. Did that monster understand the human psyche? Then that makes sense why the red gate only sends one agent. Haaahh. Keep your wits float, Ryeo Kwang. The moment you make one mistake, the lives of people you shoulder will fall with you. You must not be complacent. 


With that vow, he turned around, going to issue orders for air support before a soldier suddenly barged in and quickly informed him something with a joy in his face. Hearing that, Kwang cannot help but feel relieved, and the joy contagious to all the people in the tent. Especially Kwang.




The long awaited support has come. 

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