I was reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat with a certain death route.



 I'm going to enroll in a magic academy.

 Kisara and Matilda are coming with me.

 And above all...

“I'm finally going to meet that guy .......“

 I'm already feeling nervous as hell.

 My heart has been racing for a while now.

 I still don't know if this world is in a game, or if it is a world that resembles a game, but whatever the case, [Mars Bourdain], the protagonist of “El Cid,” is the same age as me, and he is very ordinary.

 He is a boy the same age as me, with only a very ordinary talent for magic.

 He was born in a farming village, not a noble like me.

 Because of his lack of talent, he was at the bottom of the hierarchy when he first entered the Academy.

 However, he rapidly improved his magical abilities through numerous events and eventually became the most powerful magician, even defeating the villain, Raven - in other words, me.

 He is truly a “person of effort.“

“Finally, today is the day, isn't it? Master Raven.”

 Walking next to me is Kisara in her school uniform.

 The students on the street are glancing at her dainty appearance.

“Hello, Raven, Kisara.“

 Matilda, also in school uniform, walks up from the front.

 The students around me were glued to the eyes of these two beautiful girls.

 I was walking with these two beautiful girls on both sides of me.

 Incidentally, I was also the center of attention.

“That's the rumored Raven Draxel. ......“

“Sergeant of that Draxel family? ......“

“The one genius in a hundred years. ......“

They say he's so good at magic that even the court magicians don't trouble him anymore. ......


 The students around me looked at me.

 The eyes of the students around me were all filled with awe.

 Hmmm ...... I kind of feel like a villain.

 Well, I'm only the villain, so I guess it can't be helped.

 However, I want to be as careful as possible about my reputation in the school so that the protagonist doesn't defeat me from this point on.

 At any rate, I absolutely must prevent the protagonist from killing me as a villain.

 I wonder where the protagonist - Mars - is.

 If possible, I would like to become friends with him as soon as possible.

 A friend, not an enemy.

 That was my immediate goal.

 We moved to the bulletin board on the first floor.

 We were told that the classified rosters would be posted there.

 As I recall, in the game, Matilda and I were supposed to be placed in “Class A,” where the top students for the entrance exam are gathered, and Mars, the protagonist, was supposed to be placed in “Class E,” the lowest class for the entrance exam.

 As for Kisara, I don't know which class she will be in since she doesn't attend the magic academy in the game storyline.


“Yay, all three of us are in the same class!”

 Kisara was delighted.

“It's going to be a lot of fun, isn't it?“

 Matilda was also smiling.

 Matilda and I were all in the same class, and so was Kisara.

 Apparently, Kisara was one of the top students in the entrance exam.

 That's a good thing, but....

“.....? Is something wrong, Master Raven?“

“You don't look very excited.“

 Kisara and Matilda are looking at me curiously.

“No, I'm just glad to be in the same class as you two.“

 I shook my head and looked at the list of names.

 --He's in the same class with me, too, huh?

 I murmured inwardly.

 Yes, the name “Mars Bourdain” was also on the list.

 He was not the genius type, and if he had been a genius, he would have been in the bottom “E” class.

 At least, that was the game storyline.

The game and reality seem to be ...... out of sync with one another.

“Hmmm, you're Raven Draxel? I heard you got first place in the entrance exam.

“ Yeah, that's you Draxel. I can feel the strong magic power...”

 As soon as I entered the classroom, two people, a man and a woman, started talking to me.

I“ and my brother also got top marks in the entrance exam. I got third place and he got fifth. We're going to be rivals, I guess.“

“I'm going to overtake you in a second.“

 They were suddenly burning with a sense of rivalry.

 I knew about these two.

 They are twin brother and sister of the wealthy Hawkeye family.

 The older sister, Rose, was a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl, and the younger brother, Vulcan, was a silver-haired, blue-eyed boy.

 Both of them were highly skilled in magic, and they became the protagonist's rivals in the first part, the academy arc, and friends in the second part, the defeat of the Demon King arc.

 Well, there is no need to make unnecessary waves, so let's get along just fine.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Raven Draxel. Let's get along.”

 I smiled as brightly as I could.

As expected, you have the number one ranking, so you have a certain air of dignity about you. On the other hand, I wonder why that 'lowest grade' over there is in ...... this class?

F “That's right.  He should go to class E even now. We don't need any weaklings in this class.”

 They looked at the boy sitting by the window as if he were stupid.

 He is a boy with black hair and a fine line appearance.

 It was Mars.

 At last - I meet the protagonist of this game.

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