I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 21 – One More Thing…

The situation at BankCorp was complex.




There had been a stand off and the WASP team sent to handle the situation had reported that they had the area secured, but that there were no obvious ways inside. The criminals had the ability to throw up walls of some sort and the entire lobby had been walled in with some sort of purplish, rubbery substance. Not only did it prevent shooting through it, but the substance also interfered with any attempt to see inside, psionic or otherwise.


This was normally the territory of the Jersey Devils. Not exactly the superhero team you'd want to have as the focus of a PR campaign, but they got results. However, they weren't responding. Something had happened to them and no communication was coming forth from their base.


It was obviously part of the criminal's plan. They somehow neutralized the Jersey Devils and then made an assault on BankCorp. It should have been a rather easy smash and grab, except for one slight problem. BankCorp was a money laundering front for the CrimeLords, the international alliance of superpowered organized crime.


Unlike most villain groups, the CrimeLords only let in members who were strong, yet focused on making money. Subtle and quiet are the watch words of the CrimeLords. Because of this, they actually tended to fly under the radar, most of the time. WASP simply had bigger problems to deal with, and that was the point. Make money, not noise.


So when the newest super villain team on the block scoped out the place and figured it was an easy score, they didn't understand they were dealing with Tommy and Terrence Torture, aka the Torture Twins.


The resulting battle went on much longer than expected. When the Jersey Devils didn't respond, the federal government sent in a rapid response WASP team. WASP of the USA wasn't the most popular federal law enforcement branch, so if a crime can be handled on the state or local level, it usually is. In cases where the locals can't handle it, the feds arrive as a stop gap, but they still try to call in superhero teams where they can. Politics, mostly.

Tommy actually got seriously wounded and so his brother Terrance got them out of the bank via the large hole in the front. When one of the criminals followed them out, the WASP team took a shot and wounded the kid.

Kid. That was a problem.

Another reason WASP wanted to keep this operation at arms length. These were mostly teenagers and another bunch of underage corpses wouldn't look good on the six o'clock news. They were still holding investigation committees in Washington. This hesitation bought the criminals time to retreat inside and turtle up, resulting in the current situation.







A rather important man was in a tent that had been set up and was being used as the Law Enforcement HQ for this crisis. He appeared to be the one in charge and was currently trying to figure out how to breach the building, when the entire Rascals' team teleported into the tent. Well, the entire team plus one very familiar angel-looking dude who was dressed in outfit that looked like it belonged on a Victor's Secret Model rather than a super hero.


Sass slammed a packet of paperwork down on the desk in front of Morgan, "Time!" She cried out.


A woman dressed in a suit of body armor with the WASP logo on her shoulder looked up, "Oh great. I forgot the alert went out." She wasn't a pleasant looking person. She looked like her face had been broken and put back together a few times. Her hair was cut short and to a point, much like the owner, "I thought The Twilight Guard had this one." The disappointment in her voice was tangible.


While Morgan picked up the paperwork to look through it, Sass turned to the WASP representative, "Agent Theta. It has been a while."


Theta smirked softly, "Yes, it has. How's Mom? Pity she isn't available." Sass narrowed her eyes but didn't respond.


Grease slid up to the man who was in charge and spoke to him in a exaggerated southern accent, "My my MY! Well as I live and breathe, if it isn't Morgan Dare himself!" She frowned and pretended to be sad, "You turned down my invitation to last June's cotillion. Almost makes a woman think she's being ignored."


Morgan glared at Grease, "I'm still married." and went to push her away, but she used her super speed to run back around to the other side of the table, "I don't see your better half around anywhere, but whatever you want, Lieutenant.


Sass looked at Grease, "Can it." Then turned to Morgan, "Open alert. We got here first."


Morgan rubbed his eyebrows, "Yes, it's first come, first served, but we really need the Twilight Guard's gadgeteer. We have to find a way to vaporize that goo to make a breach we can get through fast enough to get to the hostages."


Wanderer spoke up, "We can just port into the vault and get the hostages, then you can take your time breaking in."


Theta looked at Wanderer with suspicion, "Hold it. This bank is hardened against teleportation, and that goo interferes with sensing, so we can't even get in the front lobby." She put a hand on her hip as she looked Wanderer up and down, "And If I am recalling correctly, I don't think you are rated high enough to punch through what this bank is packing."


Everyone else on her team looked at Wanderer with some surprise. Sass looked worried, "Wait a minute. Are you-"


Wanderer cut her team leader off, "I have already managed to peer into the vault. They have four hostages in there. There doesn't appear to be anyone else back there. I can only make out a blurry picture of the situation, but there appear to be only four." She looked at Morgan, "If we can go around to the back of the building so I am as physically close to the vault as possible. I should be able to port us in. We'll secure the Hostages. You come in the front." She raised a finger, "And a whole lot safer then using a gadgeteer to melt your way in. Our method will result in complete surprise."


Morgan nodded, "I have to agree." Agent Theta seemed unhappy, but didn't make any comment. Morgan glanced at her for a few moments, then turned back to Sass, "Get your team in place. When The Twilight Guard gets here, we'll hire them to melt the goo and set up a breach. When we're ready-" He picked up a hand held radio and tossed it to Sass, "We'll tell you, 'now'. You go in while we punch in through the front. Hopefully the distraction will let your team into place without issue."


Sass narrowed her eyes, "We're not sharing the bounty."


"WASP will pick up the Twilight Guard's tab." Morgan gestured, "Just get into place." He pointed at an officer in tactical gear, "Sue. Take them around back."


Agent Theta interrupted, "I'll take them." She started walking out of the tent, shouldering Sass in the process, "You don't have a problem with that, do you?" Sass didn't move much when she got shouldered. She just glared at Morgan for a moment, then started out after Theta. As Sass walked out, she glanced at Wanderer and tapped the side of her head with two fingers.


They moved low and around barricades as they headed to the back of the bank. Halfway there, Sass turned to Wanderer and said, "WHAT?" Everyone stopped and looked at Sass. She winced, "Never mind. Keep moving."


Upon getting to the back of the bank, Jack felt someone tapping on the front of his brain, ~This is Wanderer. Sass is requesting a direct mind link.~


Jack winced, ~I don't particularly want people in my mind.~ There was a pause.


~It isn't a mind probe. It's a mind link. You have to think about talking before we can hear you. If you answered, we haven't heard you.~ Wanderer's thoughts seemed to be a bit sardonic.


~Oh?~ Jack replied by actually moving his lips, just not talking out loud, ~Okay. I guess. What's up?~


~I forgot to mention I cannot teleport us in there without your help.~ Wanderer's thoughts were tinged with annoyance.


Sass's mind chimed in, ~That means you need to teleport in WITH us. Technically... that's illegal.~ There was a brief surge of emotion that was annoyance for Wanderer. Sass continued ~I am sorry to put you on the spot, but there are people caught up in this. If you don't help, the hostages' chances of survival drop significantly.~


In Jack's opinion, he had already gone way too far. This was far more involved then he wanted, ~Can't I just boost you enough to get in on your own and get left behind?~


~No.~ Wanderer's mind flashed an image of a number of strange and alien calculations, ~The conservation of energy and relativity for teleportation means all energy values will be zeroed out to local conditions upon arrival. Your boost to my teleportation will vanish upon teleporting, meaning we will fail to penetrate the wall's hardening.~


~Wait... all energy vanishes? Like when I teleport when falling, I don't keep the momentum?~ Jack let out an exasperated sigh.


Wanderer looked at him, ~Exactly.~


Sass' thoughts felt desperate, ~We need this job.~ There was a pause, ~And those people are counting on us. Look. Soon as we get in, you dive for cover. That's all we need from you. 'Kay? We will handle the rest.~


This was way too much. Jack had gone far enough. This was insane. He was only willing to go so far for a piece of ass. This was the point he was going to put his foot down. Time to bow out. Hostages or no hostages, this is where he got off the crazy train.


Jack gave both of them a thumbs up and a smile. Sass let out a sigh of relief and motioned to Wanderer to cut the mind link.


As the connection vanished Jack stood stock still. He kept holding both hands out with thumbs pointing up as an odd expression crawled across his face.







~What the fuck just happened?~

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