I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 31 – What If The Sky Should Fall

"Oh crap."



As they were getting into the Taxi, Jack was checking his pockets. He frowned, "Hold on one sec..." He backed up a step, "Two minutes. Hold the cab. I'll be right back." Ivy stood there looking a little annoyed. Jack held up two fingers, "Two minutes." And dashed off inside looking concerned.


As he got inside, the concerned look vanished, and he put on a well practiced smile. At the same time he pulled out a small black patch with some electronics on it and slapped it over his throat. He looked around until he found the head bouncer and started walking her way. As he did, he started amping up the voice distorter. Normally it would would just make your voice sound funny, but Jack had found a different use. As he walked quickly towards the Bouncer, she turned around to look at him, "Hello. Did you-"


She never got to finish as Jack spat out a blast of focused ultrasonic sound.


The bouncer staggered from the attack that rattled her brain. This gave Jack enough time to have his pistol leap out from his ankle holster and into his hand. Placing the gun against the bouncer's forehead, the gun started glowing red and steadily grew brighter.


And kept growing brighter.


Jack grabbed her by the collar and got right in her face, "I'll Say this ONCE." Jack took control of her shirt and made it tighten to the point of strangling her, "If you EVER AGAIN take a bribe to look the other way so someone can come after me or someone I care about..."


The gun in Jack's hand started to vibrate and gave off an ever increasing whine, like it was heading for an overload.


"I will come after you, your friends, your family, your pets, your co-workers and ANYONE YOU EVER PASSED ON THE STREET." Jack literally bared his teeth as he growled at her while wearing a most rage filled expression, "Do I Make Myself CLEAR???"


The bouncer looked around, still slightly dazed. Nobody else was moving. Everyone was watching with wide eyes to see what the bouncer was going to do. The head bouncer flicked her eyes towards Jack, paused a whole three seconds to consider the glowing gun resting between her eyes, then nodded slightly.


Jack abruptly stepped back. The gun returned to normal as he dropped it. Somehow it landed back in his ankle holster, "Glad we could clear that up." He gave her a wink and a salute, spun on his heel, then headed out.


The bar silently watched him leave. As the door closed, one of the other bouncers stepped up to the leader and leaned in close, "That. Was. HOT." She glanced towards the exit and muttered to herself, "Think the DILF would be up for a threesome?"


Another bouncer stepped closer and stared at the exit, "Hell, I'd be happy if he just let me watch." Then made a fist and bit down lightly on her knuckle.


The head bouncer wiped at the trickle of blood coming out of her nose. She looked at the smear of blood on the back of her hand, "Guess I had that coming." She tilted her head to the side as if she could look back in time at Jack's departure, "That old saying is true. Hate to see him go." She took a sharp breath through her nose.




"Love to watch him leave."



The ride back was uneventful.



They chatted for a bit, they kept the conversation light, but it meandered all over the place. Neither of them seemed that focused on any one such thing. Eventually they arrived at Jack's room and stopped at his door.


"Hey..." He hooked a thumb sideways at his apartment, "You want to come over for some coffee?"


Ivy stood there, staring at him. Eventually she nodded, "Yes. Yes, I would."


Jack grinned and unlocked his door, but as he stepped inside, he noticed that Ivy wasn't following. He stopped to look back at her, half in and half out of his room.


She stared back, unmoving.


Eventually Jack spoke, "But... you aren't going to." He made no attempt to hide the  tone of disappointment in his voice.


Ivy nodded and echoed his words and tone, "But... I'm not going to."


Jack nodded for a bit before asking, "May I ask why?"


Ivy kept nodding until she answered, "Yup." She looked away, avoiding his gaze, "It... well..." She bit her lip, "I really want to come over for some coffee." She gestured with both hands to the open doorway for dramatic effect, "Boy do I want to taste your coffee." She looked anywhere but at Jack while balling up both her fists nice and tight, "I SOOOO want that coffee!" She then nervously ran all her fingers through her hair.


Jack leaned against the doorframe, "And the problem is?"


Ivy let out a long breath, looked at the floor, then turned to Jack, "Turns out I really like you. I mean... I am really into you." She nodded her head and kept nodding.


Jack looked from side to side, then squinted in a quizzical fashion, "And...?"


Ivy closed her eyes, "I'm leaving Monday."


Jack stepped out of the doorway to come closer, "What?"


She opened her eyes, "I quit my team. I have no job. I have no money. The government subsidies are running out, so I'm going back home on Monday." She gestured into the distance, "Those three were right. Nobody wants to hire a cape who is solar powered." She let her arm fall to her side and slap against her hip.


Ivy turned to look at Jack, "And if I go in there..." She gestured to Jack's room, "And I have... your coffee..." Her expression darkened, "And then I disappear on Monday, I'm going to feel like an asshole." She looked at the ground then closed her eyes, "I don't want you thinking I'm the kind of gal who comes over for... coffee... then vanishes because... well..."


She looked Jack right in the eye, "You're someone special too."


Jack felt his heart skip a beat.


Jack opened his mouth to speak.


~Don't do it.~




~Jack, if you do, you will regret it. You will so regret it.~


Jack swallowed and reached for her. She looked a little confused by this gesture, but he quickly dropped his hand, "I hope you stay." She looked like her resolve was about to give as he added, "In town." He dropped his gaze to avoid looking her in the eye and tried to keep his voice neutral, "I hope you stay in town. It would be a shame if you left."


Ivy got a look of realization. She nodded once and smiled, "I have a reason to stay, but..." She turned to look at her room, then back at Jack, "Unless a miracle occurs over the weekend..." She let her voice trail off with a shrug.




"Who knows, right?"




Jack stepped back into his doorway and leaned his head against the doorframe, "Indeed. Who knows."


Ivy just nodded and walked backwards to her room. She turned to unlock her door, but glanced back at Jack, "I... guess this is goodbye."


Jack shook his head, "Nah. Until we meet again." He gave her one of his smoothest smiles.


Ivy stared back, before nodding as she stepped inside and closed her door behind her.


Jack waited until he heard her door lock, then stepped inside his own room, closing and locking his own door as well..


He went into the bathroom and stared at his reflection, "What the fuck? She could just move in with us! Or we could pay for her room! We got enough money!"


His reflection slowly shook its head, ~Seriously? If the situation was reversed and a woman paid for your apartment, after just ONE date, how would you feel?~


Jack opened his mouth, but said nothing.


~Exactly. You'd never feel right about it. It would forever taint the relationship. You can't just bail her out!~


Jack suddenly pounded a fist over his heart, "But I LIKE her! I mean, fuck! I... haven't... felt like this since..." He closed his eyes, "Goddamn it, I want her! I can feel it. She's... I dunno. Different. It's not just how she looks, but... fuck. I'm..." He hit himself over the heart again, thumping repeatedly, "It goddamn hurts! I can't just let her go!"


~Well, all I know is paying for her to stay isn't the solution. You'll have to come up with something else.~


Jack hung his head, hands on either side of the sink, and stood there in the bathroom for a very long time.












Until Jack got an idea.












He looked up to lock eyes with himself in the mirror.










"We just have to get her a job."

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