I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 5 – Angelophila

Jack almost crashed several times because he was laughing too hard.




Jack was having a strange day, that was for sure. He felt giddy at having saved lives, but was also terrified from having almost died. He was elated at having pulled off his scam and messed with those heroines. He never knew how much fun it could be to play the part of the clueless himbo. Maybe he wouldn't hunt down women to screw, but instead have fun letting them chase him.


Of course, he'd let them catch him, but he was sure they'd enjoy conquering him more than him just giving it up..


He had the widest grin on his face as he weaved between buildings, just enjoying the sensation of a slow glide through the city. He couldn't help but notice he was getting stared at as he flew past office buildings. He realized was going to have to do something about going around without a shirt, ~I wonder if there is a big and tall store that handles avian type humanoid hexapods.~


"Although I think it's bullshit, it seems to be a bit too distracting for most people." He muttered to himself as he banked to skim past a construction crew. They were up on the scaffolding of a new high rise being built. One of the female construction workers nearly fell off the beam she was perched on, only being saved by her friend and the safety line. Jack's grin turned to a frown at that. He resolved to stick to roof tops and avoid being seen as much as he could. Not the easiest goal during a bright sunny day. As he came over the top of a low office building, he spotted the motel complex where he was staying. That was when something occurred to him, ~Hey? I wonder if I can turn invisible? That'd be a much simpler solution than getting a shirt. Can't be that hard, right?~


As Jack slowly circled the building, trying to figure out which one was his apartment, he gave invisibility a try. The first attempt didn't work, which seemed a little odd. It was so effortless to change shape, bending a little light should be easy. He hovered as he tried to figure this out. He could feel it start to work, then fail. Like there was some sort of minimum threshold he needed to achieve. He concentrated harder, focusing more and more energy until he felt something give. For a brief moment, he could see his limbs fade from view. He smiled as he achieved transparency, but his joy was short lived. The problem was he had exhausted most of his energy reserves getting here and his endurance was almost entirely spent. He assumed when you ran out of energy, his powers just stopped working.


Instead, he discovered that when he runs out of energy, he starts to consume his very life force as fuel.


It felt like he had been hit upside the head with a cast iron bell, both because of the pain and because of the ringing in his ears. For the second time that day he had the odd sensation of falling, except this was lasting much longer than the first. Fortunately, he only blacked out for a second and quickly realized he had not only reverted to being Jack, but was falling out of the sky. As the roof of the motel rushed to meet him, he shifted back to angel form, spread his wings wide in a vain attempt to slow his decent, and covered his face while wishing he was anywhere but here.


There was a flash of light as he felt himself reflexively teleport.


He appeared in the main room next to the bed, his face covered with both arms while cringing against an impact that never came. Slowly, he uncovered his face and let his arms drop to his side. He looked down at the carpeting that was the exact same nineteen seventies mottled yellow color that he had grown to become oh-so familiar with, ~Well, what do you know! Teleporting eats up all the kinetic energy! Who knew?~ For the briefest moment he was quite happy to be back in his apartment.


Then he realized he was NOT in his apartment.


THIS apartment was an exact mirror image of his own, as far as the lay out of the room was concerned. There was the standard queen sized bed. There were the drab curtains. There was the single bathroom. There was the extra long dresser with six drawers in it as the room's only clothing storage. Finally, there was the extremely old and outdated TV that was on some sort of closed network that showed only instructional videos on how to live in section ten housing. Specifically, how to pay for the upgrade package and get pay per view porn. Everything was where it should have been, if the room was an exact mirror image of his apartment. It was as if he landed in the apartment right next door.


And that is where the similarities ended, because he HAD teleported into the apartment right next door.


This room had a bright blue and white comforter that looked like the sky with white puffy 'clouds' for pillows. The blanket covering the bed was covered with hundreds of anime style angels. Male Angels, to be specific. On top of the comforter was a body pillow with an anime angel cover on it. The anime angel had dark hair, soulful eyes and looked oh-so innocent. In contrast, the body was drawn to be very lewd and exposed in many places, without QUITE showing anything. The angel's face was flushed as he looked away from you, and yet was NOT looking away from you. The husbando was acting in a way that conveyed the meaning, 'I am quite shy, but it would be okay if you tried something'. Another odd feature was the two potted saplings of a type of tree Jack had never seen before, flanking the headboard.


Jack slowly turned around and saw the second most noteworthy difference. The many, many, MANY anime figurines littering the apartment. Collapsible shelves and stands had been set up to display many, many action figures. There were a wide assortment of models, but the vast majority were men in various sexy poses, and of the male figurines, fully half had wings of some sort.


The TV was not as tightly packed with statuettes as the rest of the surfaces around the room. No no no. It only had five. Carefully spaced out on their own special stands, these had a special aura about them. This was the center of the room. The altar where one worshiped. A shrine, if you will, dedicated to these five. Jack stepped closer to look at them. As he did, he could see the names of each figure on its stand. Next to each name was a logo and the IP's name:




Jack had seen something similar in his old world, except they were female angels. These were all males. He'd watched it once when he was in his 'baiting to cartoons phase. The female version of Angel Force was an anime that was basically tentacle rape porn. He rated it six out of ten, would rub one out to it again.


As he looked closer, he grew increasingly disturbed. No, not the tentacle porn aspect. Jack was familiar with and unphased by most forms of perversion. Hardcore hentai didn't even get in the top ten list of the most disturbing shit Jack had seen. Not in the least. No, that was not the issue.


The central figure, titled Golden Dawn, looked just like Jack in angel form.


He picked up the model to look at it closely. It looked exactly like a cartoon version of how he looked right now. The only difference was the clothes. Jack was wearing a pair of scuffed up slacks at the moment, where as Golden Dawn wore amazingly tight, faded jeans and some sort of breastplate with a golden rising sun on it. Other than that, the wings, the facial features, the hair color, the hair style, and the chiseled features, all matched up. Well, matched up as close as an anime model could, of course.


As Jack turned it over in his hands to look at it from every angle, he pondered the similarities, ~Actually, when you think about it, this isn't as much of a coincidence as one would think. They tried to make a character that was as sexy as possible to their target audience. They had the goal to make as much money in sales as they could. Whereas I wanted to be as sexy as possible so I can get as much tail-~


His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a flushing toilet.


Jack nearly jumped out of his skin and mentally berated himself for not checking to see if anyone was here sooner. As he flinched, he inadvertently broke off Golden Dawn's wings. Instantly, he felt his heart rate double. Not only was he breaking and entering, but he just broke this person's toy! He fumbled with it, trying desperately to put the wings back on, and only managed to pop off one of Golden Dawn's arms in the process. He heard the knob on the bathroom door start to turn. In a panic, Jack opened up a drawer and hid the disintegrating toy under the bras contained within. He just managed to close the drawer and strike as innocent looking pose as he could when someone walked out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel.


Fresh out of the shower.




And totally naked.

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