I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 60 Villa Production Trap

Originally, Jing Shu wanted to find a reason to do those traps again, but Wu Youai took the lead in finding a reason for her and saved a lot of things.

"Traps alone are not enough. What if we encounter a group of desperadoes or people with knives and guns?" Wu Youai asked, her secondary disease recurred again.

Jingshu clapped her hands and agreed: "Yes, dad, think about it, what if dozens of people burst into our villa and robbed us, but what if they kill people? Although it may not happen, we must take precautions. Yeah! Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.”

The family is indeed a little scared after saying this. After all, everyone can still eat, but what will happen if a hungry person sees the situation in their villa? I won’t discuss anything else at the moment, so I start researching what traps to make.

The next day, Jing Shu, Jing’s father and Jing Ye began to install a row of fences along the outside of the villa, and then started to dig holes from the fence to the wall of the villa. They planned to dig a two-meter deep trench and put sensors on it. The wooden plank will fall directly into the trap if someone steps on it.

The fence has been put up, but you don’t go through the main entrance and you climb over the fence. What do you want to do? He is definitely not a good person, so just go and stay in the pit.

The wooden board is one-way open. It will open instantly when someone steps on it and receives force. Install the rebound screws. As long as someone steps on it and falls off, it will close again instantly. That is to say, the person who falls is still there. The door cannot be opened from below.

Jingshu meant to just put barbs on him and make him paralyzed. Only those who were completely powerless would be relieved. However, the whole family had never experienced a murderer who took human life lightly. They didn't understand that they had long wanted to try killing and robbing, so they all agreed that she should do it. It's enough to trap the enemy. There is no need to kill people. Killing people will lead to jail time.

Jingshu didn't speak anymore, but planned to build the trap by then. She would definitely add more ingredients. If she didn't kill anyone who dared to break into the villa, she wouldn't be called Jingshu. She also had some concerns about this. Quite deep resentment.

In her previous life, she hid in her small home and kept scrolling through posts. She was worried that her home would also be broken into, robbed and killed. She quickly saw how many people had broken into that community, and how many crazy people were killing people on sight with machetes and steel pipes. They robbed, stoned, and used all kinds of cruel and cruel methods of killing.

After a while, some area was occupied by some group of people. After robbing all the food, they also imitated the movie, where the men killed all the women and raised pigs, and the land became king.

Everyone thought this was the end of the world and they could do whatever they wanted. The government was weak and whoever was more powerful could rule the world. Therefore, Jing Shu really hated these people. After all, they made her scared in her previous life. half a year.

On the other hand, Dad Jing then bought enough composite wood boards from the decorator Lao Chen. Two wood boards formed a trap door. It would take hundreds of boards to cover a circle around the villa, but these prices are very cheap now. It didn't cost much to get it done.

Then focus on placing traps at the front entrance. After all, the entire Jingshu house is covered tightly by a tempered glass cover. The inverted triangle of tempered glass is not easy to break. Even if it is broken, it will take a lot of effort to remove the whole piece.

Therefore, the main entrance is the most important point of protection. Jingshu expressed her thoughts: "The best trap is a live trap. For safety reasons, it will not be triggered normally. It will only be triggered if we open it manually."

Considering the safety and confidentiality issues, Jingshu only expressed her thoughts quietly to Jing's father and Jingye the next day. Although they all felt that Jingshu was making a fuss and letting the wind blow, they still couldn't stand the persistence of Jingshu. Shu finally agreed to make a double trap for her.

There are more than twenty tripping traps around the main entrance. These traps are simple, practical and not dangerous.

Place steel hoops in circles in front of and around the main entrance. Normally turn off the trigger. Walking on it just feels like stepping on a rope. As long as you are careful, you will not trip. Once the other end is connected to the trigger, The springs that spring open and close the steel hoops will immobilize any creature or creature that steps inside, preventing them from damaging the door or moving, and then they will be a living target, and they can be hit as often as they want.

The second trap was inside the door. The villa was very high, so Jing's father installed a special mechanism. Jingshu went to the zoo again and got three protective nets specially designed to capture large animals. This kind is a 304 steel net. It hangs from the height of the villa on four legs. If necessary, it can be thrown down with the push of a button. It will be smashed half to death. The four legs of the net are equipped with cone hooks. Once the net is lowered and inserted into the soil, the people inside will be sure to be unable to climb. stand up.

Jingshu lured No. 1 to the door. After several experiments, she found the right location. After pressing the switch, a big net came down and instantly trapped the fat chicken No. 1 at the door, unable to move.

The fat chicken flapped its wings and screamed with its feathers falling all over the floor. The chicken's strength had increased a lot recently, but it didn't even start to flutter. Jingshu was already very satisfied with this. She didn't have to control it for long. She just lost it. Time is enough.

Jingshu used the fat chicken to make other traps, and was very satisfied. However, the happy fat chicken seemed to have a shadow. Every time he passed by the door, he trembled and followed Jingshu's steps, fearing that he would be caught again. The inexplicable thing pressed me down to the point where I couldn't move, and the whole chicken became much more docile.

Pebbles and chili powder were also placed on it. Jingshu secretly placed a lot of glass fragments and even strong sulfuric acid. If necessary, she pressed a button to give the intruder a big surprise.

As Jingshu's family set up various traps day by day, Jingye and Jing's father also added a layer of chicken coop. Jingshu almost spent her last money to buy several tons of coal and built a house behind the villa. After the coal huts were removed, the situation in Wucheng became worse and worse.

Jingshu almost forgot when the murder and robbery started. In this life, when Jingshu was busy and in darkness, the group came to remind her.

Wang Qiqi No. 13: “ @Everyone, it’s best to bring sticks with you when you go out recently, and don’t go alone, especially after going to the supermarket to buy things. Be careful! @Feng No. 3 in our community He was robbed by several people today because he resisted strongly and is now seriously injured, and the hospital has been very short on medicine recently, so he can only carry it. The weather is hot and wounds are prone to suppuration, so it is best not to get injured or sick. "

Feng No. 3: "That group of sellers really couldn't queue up and couldn't buy food. They squatted at the door and stared at those of us who were alone. There were police in the supermarket and they didn't dare to rob. But as soon as they left the supermarket, they started to rob openly. , I shouted for help to no avail. I called the police and they said that if there were no casualties, all the incidents would be recorded. Damn it, it’s getting more and more rampant.”

Wang Xuemei No. 2: "Fortunately, I went to queue at 4 o'clock in the morning and came back without buying anything."

Wang Cuihua sent a voice message: "What do you think? I waited in line for two days to buy one kilogram of rice."

Sorry, sorry, I came back late from going out today. . Thank you zw7774 for the reward.

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