I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 33: Gains and stuff of different flavors

She was back at her dorm, after a long day of classes and fights. The comfy bed was something akin to a blessing from the heavens.

But she had earned something and her blue screens were waiting for her, so she called the first one.


The user has fought against the odds and she didn't end up as a splat in the ground, earning a level from surviving and thriving against the odds.

The user has learned more about the intricacies of the world, a level has been granted and the library has been updated with more information about [Origins] and possible evolution paths.


And promptly wanted to hit someone in the face.

So rude!

Of course, she didn't end as a splat on the floor!

What was she?

Little splat or something ?!?!?


So after dealing with the internal rage, she decided to summon her [Status] and see how it looked now.
And of course, she still had some mana & stamina problems.


Name: Elizabeth Starbright

Title: The Inheritor of the Akashic Records

Alias: None

Level: 7

Health: 100%

Mana: 40%

Stamina: 10%

Stress: 0%

Strength: 22

Constitution: 22

Agility: 24

Dexterity: 24

Intelligence: 24

Wisdom: 24

Charisma: 28

Free Status points: 28

Magic Origin: Shadow Weaver

Magic Spells Sloted: 10/20

Magic Circles Sloted: 8/20


  • Shadow Craft/Manipulation
  • Mana Manipulation
  • Shadow Shift.

- Status, Identify, Inventory


After a long day at school and after some stuff that happened during the day a couple of extra levels from being abused so much (Not in the bad way of the word). She was happy with her earnings.

She wasn't sure of where she should send those stat points though. Her first instinct was to shove them into her constitution, making sure she was healthy and more resilient.

But then again, she didn't want to go that route, since it meant that she was expecting to get trashed on a daily basis.

Going the route of strength might mean that she could end up as a muscle-brained idiot so that one was out too.

So was going either the magic side by focusing on Wisdom & intelligence the way to go?

Or was focusing on Dexterity and Agility the way to go?

She felt quite good about moving her body at high speeds...

So there was that.

But she felt how her spells were....lacking.

Granted, they went against someone with an [Origin] specialized for magic...

Not that she had [Identified] said [Origin]...

Maybe she should have done so when she could...

She ought to abuse that skill...But after the fiasco with Arthur...She wasn't so sure that using it liberally was a good thing if somehow she ended [Identifying] something she shouldn't...

Besides, Arthur had felt the skill and talked to her... That might mean that some people with the right [Skillset] might perceive it and in the worst case counterattack.

She might have hopes of dealing with students, but a true powerhouse like even a teacher might be too much for her right now...

Yeah, better save the skill for students (Weaker ones she could deal with) and enemies... And maybe Father & Mother, with permission.

For now, she would leave those stats hanging though. Better to save them and use them later on as needed. Yes.

That was her plan, she wasn't leaving this problem for future Elizabeth, no sir.

She was using them wisely, besides, she was getting a couple of free stats in her anyway. So even if she didn't use them she would get stronger with the level-ups.

Now that she had decided to stow away her free points for later use...

She didn't have many things to do while waiting.

She could go into the common room.

But Rossie had been weird as soon as they got back into the apartment.

She still didn't tell her what was wrong... And the few classmates that she asked her hadn't known what she was talking about.

But that was a problem for another day!

For now, she would sleep and worry about that tomorrow.

It was the dawn of a new day!

Most of her plans for yesterday's night had gone down the drain but today would have to be a new day!

So with renewed, she walked into the shared living room full of hopes and dreams!

To find a pink-haired girl with disheveled hair cooking breakfast.

"Oh, morning Eli-Eli...Breakfast is almost ready." Said the girl with dead eyes.

The breakfast in question was... Suspiciously well presented, on the table the blonde girl found a cup of freshly brewed coffee in her favorite new mug.

Sided with some baked pastries (Mostly croissants with heart and star motifs). A few selection of toasted breads and a few choices of butter and jams.

A few blocks of cheese and some fruits, some cups with yogurt, and some granola on the side. And, the pink-haired girl came with her breakfast.

A serving of scrambled eggs with bacon, sausages, and some hash browns on the side.

"Oh Thank you!" Said the blonde girl smiling at the pink-haired girl.

"So... Everything okay Rossie?" Added the blonde girl while looking at her friend while grabbing for herself a toast and applying copious amounts of mango jam.

"Oh, everything is fine. Couldn't sleep last night, thinking about how the arena thing went and everything..." Answered the pink-haired girl.

"Oh, yeah. That sucked... I don't mind the gains since I got to test a few things, made sure that my magic worked as I thought, and kicked a smart-ass into submission..." Said with a smile the blonde girl while giggling to herself remembering how the blue-haired student ended up groveling on the floor.

Was she getting dangerous pastimes? Nah. He was getting another kick next time too.

Why did she have a problem with him though?

Unlike Akira & Rena he hadn't been rude towards her...

I mean, he had that attitude with her and all... And it seemed that he expected her to be a talented [Mage] or something...

She wasn't... Well, some people after seeing her combat might think otherwise, at least only the teacher had seen it, and she probably wouldn't report much of her skills showcased.

But still, she didn't think she was talented, granted she didn't need to study or practice to be able to use [Magic].

"[Fire]" mumbled the blonde girl and a small ball of fire hovered over her hand where she used it to toast a little more of her bacon.

She was able to do things like this without any effort.

"Did it need more time on the oil?" Asked the pink-haired girl who looked like she would fall asleep at any moment.

"Oh no, it was fine, still processing what I learned from that fight and summoned that... So I thought to myself might as well make use of it to not waste the mana." Answered the blonde girl dismissing the small ball of fire.

And promptly eating the toasted bacon.

Casting that spell didn't tell her, common sense dictated that she shouldn't be able to do that without mastery of the spell. She shouldn't have that mastery of the spell.

She didn't even need to say the word for fire to summon it, a flex of her will was all she needed.

That some people might think it was talent, but she knew it was mostly her skills doing the heavy lifting.

The spell was internalized in her [Soulscape] or to be precise in the [Library] so she was just summoning the knowledge to the real world. The heavy lifting was done by someone else.

Was then she talented in fire magic?


She was most certainly not, she didn't have an [Origin] oriented towards that like the teacher, nor she had one versatile enough for multiple spell casting like Michael.

What she had was a supercomputer in her soul that could parse all the complex spellcasting formulas to cheat.

She didn't get extra power, she didn't get an epiphany about spell casting to revolutionize the spell casting. She only got the freedom of wielding the spells as she wished.

"So what are your plans for today Eli-Eli?" Asked the pink-haired girl after finishing her breakfast.

"Nothing much. I will go around campus while I wait for my powered class." Answered the blonde girl while finishing her breakfast herself.

She of course grabbed one extra toast with some extra mango jam for a snack on the go.

But before moving on her day she had to say something important.

"You should rest Rossie. You look like hell danced in you during the night and then wrested your soul out of you." Said the blonde girl before leaving the dirty tableware in the dishwasher and placing the leftovers in the fridge to serve as a night snack.

"I will check on you later before and If I don't find you sleeping I will be angry." Was all the blonde girl said before exiting the living room.

She had too much to do today after all. And she couldn't spend the morning sleeping (Even if she wanted).

Perhaps she could use the pink-haired as an excuse to sleep?

But then she would need to sleep with her...

Somehow she doubted that would be a good idea. Something in her gut told her to never suggest that to the pink-haired girl.

Was the warnings of Mother? Maybe there was some kind of trope about it in her memory?

Perhaps she could ask her on their next call?

For now, she went to her room to put on her uniform. Even with how comfy her pajamas were, she wasn't going to walk around campus on them.

She had standards to keep!

So after donning her uniform and making sure Rossie was in her room, she went towards campus.

She was wondering what this was about.
There was a notice in the reception area of the apartments.

Powered classes will be held in the arena for practical reasons.

Come in your suit of choice.

You will be treated and spoken to only using the [Name] registered for your alter identity.

Well, that would be interesting.

She was kinda sure her suit was among the better ones since it was created by a skill, so her defenses were top-notch.

And the [Shift] even altered her facial structure and voice, so no one would ever suspect it was her!

She could go nuts and embrace the dark history and past delusions that she had to rein in during her childhood!

But for now, she had more interesting things to think about.

Like...What would be her cohort choices on rudimentary.

It was a good way to know what influences one had in their family or who they aspired to follow after.

She would cringe at anyone using clothes similar to her Father or Mother though.

She didn't want to deal with some wannabe dressing as one of her parents, especially since she knew how they were and how different they acted in front of the cameras.

So long as neither Akira nor Rena showed up with something like that she would be happy.

But then again, if they did... She could use that excuse to try and finish her evil plan to kick every "Promised X" thing.


Doesn't that mean she had to pound Rossie into the floor too?



Rossie gets a free pass. She hadn't been annoying or a danger to her.

But for now, she was happily strolling around waiting for the time for her class to start.

She could see most of the other students arriving and then running back to their dorms to fetch their bags or suitcases. Whatever they used to safeguard their suits.

She only needed to invoke her skill so she wasn't in a rush, she only needed to walk into the changing rooms and then exit into the arena by one of the randomized doors.

The other people that weren't in a rush were both Akira and Rena, the black-haired kid and the red-haired girl.

And oh surprise surprise, the red-haired girl was already glaring at her, the class hadn't even started yet...

Sheesh, she needed a new hobby.

Well, might as well walk into the changing room and wait in the arena.

Better to be early than late.

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