I won the Shenhao Jackpot

Chapter 265

All in all, there are all kinds of strange, how to die.

Seeing this, Zuo Zichang is okay, after all, he is also a frequent ghost, and he has long been accustomed to it.

Su Ling and the people of the Su family were like great enemies, and their faces were full of sweat.

Shen Hao’s body shook, and the whole body was rolling, and the coercive pressure spread out, shocking the scene.

To be honest, these lonely souls and wild ghosts in front of them are quite weak, and they cannot be compared with the ghosts and things attracted in the mass grave in the back mountain of Xishan Park in Yanshi City.

It’s a small thing.

Therefore, Shen Hao easily controlled the situation.

The ghosts began to greedily sniff the burning incense candles in the alley, and their faces were full of intoxicated expressions.

“Guys, excuse me.” Shen Hao said in a loud voice. “Recruit everyone today, there is nothing else, the main thing is to find someone. About 19 years ago, there was a hotel here, and one day, a fire broke out in the hotel, burning a middle-aged couple. ”

Shen Hao smiled and swept his eyes.


Among the ghosts gathered together, I didn’t see the burning ghosts!

You know, the physical characteristics of the burning ghost are still relatively easy to identify.

Still, he continued. “On the day of the fire, there was a baby girl about 1 or 2 years old in the hotel. She was not burned to death, but mysteriously disappeared. Tonight, I want to ask everyone, who knows the whereabouts of the baby girl? This is the big man of the Su family in the sugar market, Su Ling, it is him, who wants to find the baby girl. The baby girl has been missing for 19 years, no one can be seen dead or a corpse, and Su Ling’s boss lives in boundless pain and self-blame every day, unable to extricate herself. Tonight, if anyone can provide clues to help Su Ling’s boss and find the baby girl, in the future, Su Ling’s boss will definitely worship it well. Right? ”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Su Ling quickly clasped his hands into fists and saluted the ghosts around him. “I hope you will inform me of the whereabouts of the baby girl.” I will definitely pay a lot! Good money paper candles are not a problem! How much and how much! ”

Hearing this, those ghosts and ghosts shook their heads blankly.

“I said, died 19 years ago, stand up and speak.” Shen Hao frowned.

The ghosts, however, were motionless.

“Oops. Patriarch Su, I see that these ghosts, the time of death, is relatively short, at least not 19 years ago. Therefore, none of them have seen that fire…” Shen Hao chuckled in his heart, “I guess I can’t ask any valuable clues.” ”

“Master, that is, on the day of the fire, these ghosts were not dead?” Zuo Zichang also shook his head, “Brother Su, the matter is a little hanging.” ”

“This… This… This…” Su Ling was annoyed.


Right now!


Two dark winds, wrapped in black smoke, rolled into the alley.

“We know!”

The voices of a man and a woman, two ghosts, sounded in unison.

Soon, the two black smokes twisted a few times and changed into two ghosts.

These two ghosts, their faces were like charred, their flesh was scorched, smoked black, scarlet ghost eyes, blinking.

“You are the middle-aged couple who were burned to death in the hotel?” Shen Hao’s heart moved and asked.

“Yes. Unexpectedly, there are still people who know about us. The male ghost said with a miserable smile.

“Excuse me! That… That… That poor baby girl… She… Her whereabouts…,” Su Ling asked in a trembling voice, her body shaking like leaves in the wind!


At this time, Shen Hao was also slightly excited.

Unexpectedly, recruiting ghosts here can really attract the ghosts of the middle-aged couple who were burned to death in the hotel 19 years ago!

“Ji Ji Xuan…” the male ghost yin laughed a few times and said miserably. Let’s say, that’s fine, but it’s not good…”

“Incense candles offerings, we are not rare.” The female ghost said.

“Huh…” Shen Hao sneered, and directly from the storage space, he took out two [Soul Replenishing Talismans] and threw them to the pair of burning ghosts.

The two burning ghosts, took the [Soul Replenishing Talisman], opened their mouths and swallowed it.

Soon, their flesh and blood, burned into char, actually grew again, like a snake molting, and like dead wood in spring…

A few seconds passed, the two burned ghosts, and the ghost body was repaired, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged couple in their forties.

“So comfortable… It’s so comfortable… It doesn’t hurt anymore… It really doesn’t hurt anymore…”

Seeing this, the ghosts and ghosts who were onlooking, in the eyes of the ghosts, were all greedy, and they were ready to move.

Shen Hao didn’t say a word, the nine-character mantra came out through the body, and one golden word after another, surrounding him, shining, coercion emanated.

At this moment, Shen Hao’s temperament changed greatly, like a god above the nine heavens, overlooking the mortals in the world!

Su Ling, Zuo Zichang and the others almost fell to their knees again.

What is Xianfeng Dao Bone? That’s it!

The surrounding ghosts and ghosts were immediately honest, and a pair of ghost eyes filled with fear bulged out, almost bursting!

“The benefits have been given to you, now, to tell the truth, if you dare to fool me, I want you to scatter your souls!” Shen Hao looked at the middle-aged couple indifferently.

“Yes, yes, my lord, we say, we say—never dare to say a word that is not untrue…” the female ghost said in a trembling voice. 19 years, like yesterday… Well, we are two husband and wife, human traffickers. At that time, we heard that there was a very cute baby girl in a hotel here, and the father of the baby girl handed her over to the waiter of the hotel to take care of, but she was not with the baby girl for a long time. ”

“Let’s move our minds.”

“Later, we stepped in the hotel and saw the baby girl with our own eyes. Oh hey, it’s really handsome! Ice and snow cute! When you grow up, you must be a beautiful embryo. To be honest, the two of us husband and wife, I liked her at first sight! ”

“In our village, there is an old bachelor who has a little spare money on hand, so we can get him a baby, both boys and girls, raise him, and give him the end. He paid 50,000 yuan! 19 years ago, that wasn’t a fraction! Then, we took him to the hotel and asked him to inspect the goods. Like us, he liked the baby girl at a glance! ”

“Finally, our husband and wife, while the waiter was busy, coaxed the cute little guy over. Pay with one hand, deliver with the other, the old bachelor gives us the money, and we hand over the baby girl to him. ”

“Well, maybe it’s retribution. That night, we stayed in a hotel and there was a fire. Just the two of us husband and wife did not run out and burned alive in the hotel room. Retribution, retribution…”

“It’s really retribution.” Shen Hao nodded thoughtfully.

“A human trafficker with a thousand cuts!” Su Ling gritted his teeth in hatred. “You guys! You guys! Damn it! I’ve been guilty for 19 years! In the past 19 years, every moment I have lived in pain and self-blame! Can’t be discharged! ”

If it weren’t for the fact that this pair of traffickers and his wife were already ghosts, Su Ling would have ordered his subordinates to kill them!

“Well, Patriarch Su, don’t be resentful, this couple, who was burned alive back then, can be regarded as making up for the sins they committed before their death. Moreover, if the baby girl is not taken away, she may also be burned to death in the hotel. From another point of view, she escaped. These are all hits. Shen Hao comforted Su Ling, and then asked the trafficker couple. What is the name of the old bachelor who took away the baby girl, and where does he live. ”

Male ghost road. “Luo Wangcai, our Xinmin Village.”

“Xinmin Village! Luo Wangcai! Su Ling took a deep breath and said impatiently. Master, it’s better than us… Let’s immediately go to Xinmin Village and find the old bachelor, Luo Wangcai! ”

“Let’s go.” Shen Hao nodded and walked towards the outside of the alley first.

At this time, the three-minute statute of limitations of the [Appearance Talisman] had passed, and the ghosts and ghosts that filled the alley, as well as the trafficker couple, were all hidden in the darkness, and it was difficult to find them again.

A few cars drove towards Xinmin Village.

As soon as they arrived at Xinmin Village, everyone found that the village of that year has now changed its appearance.

Buildings are lined up one after another, forming an urban village.

“Dad, the backward village back then has long been demolished… I don’t know, can I still find that Luo Wangcai. Su Lun frowned slightly.

“No matter what, you have to try…” said Su Ling in a trembling voice. It’s hard to get a clue, and you definitely can’t give up! Besides, in those years, the village was demolished and relocated, and according to the policy, the vast majority of villagers were resettled on the spot. Therefore – Luo Wangcai, it is likely that he still lives here! ”

“That makes sense.” Shen Hao nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go and ask separately! Door-to-door knocking to inquire! Su Ling gave an order, and the horseboys split up.

Half an hour later –

The news arrived.

However, Su Ling and the others were silent.

It is indeed such a person as Luo Wangcai.

It also fits the identity of the “old bachelor” described by the trafficker couple.

But —

Luo Wangcai is long dead!

19 years ago, he was drowned in a river not far from the then Xinmin Village!

Moreover, the day he drowned happened to be the day the hotel caught fire.

That is to say, he had just bought the baby girl from the traffickers and fell into the river and drowned.

And then – what about baby girls?

Will it also drown?

“Master, clue… Clues again… It’s broken again…” Su Ling was annoyed, and his face was covered with a layer of dead gray.

Suren said. “Dad, I see that baby girl, most of them fell into the river with Luo Wangcai, and drowned together.”

“You shut up!” Su Ling jumped like thunder.

“Come on, don’t guess.” Shen Hao lit a cigarette and took a puff, “I think that the baby girl is not dead.” Just as the so-called great disaster does not die, there will be blessings, she can avoid a fire, perhaps, the next disaster, she can also hide unharmed. ”

“Yes, yes, what the master said is very true.” Zuo Zichang echoed on the side. “Good things take a lot of grind. After all, it has been missing for 19 years, how can it be found so easily? ”

“Master, what should we do now?” Su Ling asked respectfully.

“What else? Keep calling ghosts! Go to that river and attract the ghost of Luo Wangcai. Shen Hao threw the cigarette in his hand. Even if he can’t recruit Luo Wangcai’s ghost, he can recruit other water ghosts, and maybe he can ask some clues about the baby girl. ”

“Water ghost?” Su Lun was stunned for a moment.

“Su Shao, go to the river to recruit ghosts, and those who are recruited are naturally water ghosts.” Zuo Zichang smiled.

At that moment, everyone drove to a nearby river.

Get off the bus and stand by the river.

The river is more than ten meters wide, and under the moonlight, a layer of water vapor rises on the dim surface of the river, and the ripples are not enough, which looks very quiet.

However, Shen Hao opened his yin and yang eyes and swept away, and he saw that the yin qi on the surface of the water was floating and wanton, and the miserable white grimace was moving on the surface of the water, sometimes popping up, smiling stupidly.

Shen Hao was also not verbose, and directly burned a [Appearance Talisman] and a [Ghost Charm]…

All of a sudden!

The wind around became stronger, and on the surface of the river, faintly, I heard the sound of singing in the river——

“My sister was hungry and looked for my mother, my mother was not at home, three days and three nights passed, and my mother did not come home…

That day, Dad got drunk, picked up the axe and walked to Mom, Dad cut Mom a lot, Mom was thrown into the river, the river was stained red with blood, we went down the river to find Mom’s head, Mom’s hand was almost eaten by a fish…”

Goo Bang Bang Bang ——!

On the surface of the river, large blisters suddenly appeared.

Everyone looked around, and in an instant, one by one, the miserable white water ghosts slowly floated up from the river with a foolish smile.

These water ghosts, male and female, old and young, not to mention hundreds of them, are swollen all over their bodies, their facial features are no longer visible to their original appearance, and water is constantly squirting out of their mouths.

When they saw the people on the shore, their faces showed greed, as if they were about to run out of the water.

Seeing this, Su Ling and the others were frightened not lightly and stumbled back.

Zuo Zichang also frowned. “Damn, so many water ghosts?”

Shen Hao’s whole body shook with Dao Qiao energy, and he shouted loudly. “Luo Wangcai! Who is Luo Wangcai! ”

The water ghosts felt the coercion from Shen Hao’s body, so they didn’t dare to make a second time, and they were divided up, looking around in panic.

He burned another [Appearance Talisman] and continued to shout. “What about Luo Wangcai? Are you there? ”

Right now!

The center of the river was like boiling water, bubbling, and then, with a bang, the water splashed everywhere, and a body covered with moss, puffy, filled with mud and sand, a tall water ghost, burst out, with a stupid smile. “Who is looking for me? I’m Luo Wangcai, who is calling me? ”

“Yo, I really found it! Luck! Shen Hao was slightly happy in his heart. 19 years have passed, but I didn’t expect that this ghost of Luo Wangcai has not yet found a stand-in! ”

“Luo Wangcai, let me ask you, 19 years ago, did you buy a baby girl from a human trafficker couple?” Shen Hao asked.

The water ghost thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yes, there is such a thing, Xiao Yan is really handsome! So cute! ”

“What about baby girls? Drowned with you? Shen Hao quickly asked.



The water ghost, also known as ‘Luo Wangcai’, sighed, and then said faintly. “I’ll start at the beginning.”

“That day, I went to the hotel and bought the small chimney. I’m happy. Just thought, take her home and raise her well. ”

“It was about eight o’clock in the evening, and I was passing the river. I saw that a woman in her twenties committed suicide by throwing herself into the river! I don’t know what she can’t think about. Jump into the river with a poof. ”

“I can’t leave this alone. Without saying a word, I put the chimney on the shore and jumped into the river to save people. ”

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