I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

Chapter 116:

The night sky was covered with a web of lightning. Thunder rumbled.

Even though the hour was already late, Lisa didn’t go to bed, but was killing time by reading a book.

"Rain can put out a fire."

There was a knock at the door.

There was only one person who was allowed to appear at such a late hour.

"Come in."

When Lily entered, Lisa closed the book.

"Is it done?"

She sent Lily out into the fields to oversee the work with her own eyes.

The plan was just perfect.

Lure Ellie and her son into the mansion, posing as the heir of Drua, and burn them alive there.

Even their bodies won’t be found among the fire.

And no evidence.

Lily bowed to Lisa, who was expecting a pleasant answer.

"My lady, something is off."

"What's wrong? Rain?"

"Everything went according to plan until we threw Ellie Croft and her companions into the mansion and set it on fire. But as it was all over, the Emperor suddenly appeared."

"The Emperor?

"Yes. He threw himself straight into the flames and carried Ellie and Carlisle in his arms."

"Threw himself into the flames…"

He jumped straight into the fire to save Ellie.

Lisa broke down and burst out laughing.

Did he risk his life for someone else's child?

But what a great love!

Who was Ellie for him that Raymond threw himself into the fire?

Something didn’t appear behind him such feats in those days when Lisa had a relationship with him.

Or else she wouldn’t have gone west at all.

However, it was too late for regrets. But looking inside, it seems that there was still a feeling that Lisa couldn’t reject.

But these feelings are useless.

Lisa smiled and asked Lily:

"Has His Majesty taken Ellie Croft and the child?"

"Yes. They went to the Imperial Palace."

"Do you think those two survived?"

"They suffered immensely while sitting in the house, but… I don't think they will die soon."

Even if the whole game deviated from the script, it would be better if these two died.

Lisa jumped up from her seat, unable to hide her impatience.

If the Emperor personally made a move, it means that the commander of the 4th corps has already started pursuing the mercenaries.

Under the blow was the woman he loved enough to risk death by fire. So now Raymond will break through to the bitter end.

And it will tear all those involved to shreds.

"Lily, you planted all the evidence at Duke Drua, didn't you?"

"Yes. The mercenaries will point a finger at Drua, and the person who wrote the message has already been eliminated."

In the worst case, if something went wrong, all evidence leads to the Drua house.

However, the situation was now even worse than all the worst expectations hitherto.

Raymond's abrupt appearance in this wilderness means that he noticed strange things a long time ago.

Catching all the mercenaries of that gang will only be a matter of time.

"The assassins only know by Drua, but…"

Now that the assassination has failed and the Emperor has personally drawn the sword from its scabbard, Duke Drua has no reason to remain faithful to their agreement.

He will certainly betray them.

Raymond already suspected Marquis Sios.

In view of the totality of the reasons, Lisa will no longer have to sit still and wait for the weather from the sea.

Even if it was unreasonable, she had to make her move.

Only the bold survives.

If she was even a little late, Raymond's sword would reach her throat.

She sighed in despair and said:

"Lily, Duke Drua wanted to commit suicide today."

"Yes?" Lily asked embarrassedly, as if she didn’t understand now. But then she saw Lisa's shining green eyes, and it dawned on her.


Lisa went to the table.

She opened a locked drawer and pulled out a letter from Duke Drua.

"Raise your head."

Lisa met Lily's gaze.

Her loyal thug.

Lisa handed Lily a dagger with the seal of the Sios family.


"And here is a letter written in the hand of Duke Drua. Today he will make a will and commit suicide. You make sure that this time everything is so."

Duke Drua must die before the Emperor's knights come out on him.

Only then will the Sios house be able to get out of the water dry.

"You shouldn't have any mistakes."


Another flash of lightning illuminated Lisa's stern face.

* * *

There was still a curtain of smoke in front of my eyes.

My whole body was on fire and my breathing was labored.

I reached out to find Carlisle, but he seemed to slip out of my hands.

"Carlisle, no. Come on! Please, please, Carlisle!"

I wanted to scream, but nothing came of it.

The child moved away from me, and came closer and closer to the fire.

My heart was about to burst, and my whole body was burning with hellish heat.

Please, please, please.

At that moment Carlisle turned his head.


The child found me and rushed to me.

At the very moment when I was already filled with relief, the child was consumed by fire.


I screamed and opened my eyes.

"Ah, ah-ah!"

Sighing heavily, I blinked in confusion and looked around.

"Milady, how do you feel?"

A voice was heard. But I didn't even understand what he was talking about.

Too hot.

Where is it?

Other people's voices.

In the hazy light, I saw an old-fashioned ceiling.

The place was familiar, but I couldn't remember where I was.

I only remembered the searing heat and Carlisle.

Where is my son?

I would like to find anyone who can give me an answer, but unlike my thoughts, my hands didn’t obey.

"The temperature is too high."

"Contusions of soft tissues. It's bad. We need more potions."

I overheard the conversation. Here someone opened my mouth. Bitter liquid flowed out.

"Young lady, why such a displeased face? You need to drink medicine to live."

Someone grabbed my shoulder and said.


There was only one such voice, calling me ‘young lady’ for a long time.

After swallowing the medicine, I moved my lips with all my might.


"The young lady seems to want to tell me something. Please try again."

I pressed my lips to his ear.

"Car… lisle?

"Carlisle now…"

"He's fine."

When Harpen was about to answer me, he was interrupted by a deep voice.


I slowly turned my head to the side and saw pitch black eyes.

He looked at me and continued:

"Carlisle just regained consciousness. There were no major burns, as well as internal injuries. Therefore, if you play along with the doctor, you will soon be better. The Duke and I will stay here, and you don’t need to think about anything."

It was only when I was told that my son was safe that I felt relieved.

My whole body was still suffering, but the new news reduced the pain in half.

But I want to see him with my own eyes.

I wanted to make sure that Carlisle was okay. Now the problem was even raising my hand.

"Your recovery is priority number one."

Raymond said with a frown.

But I didn’t listened to it. Ignoring his words, I gave strength to my hands.

And then Raymond grabbed my shoulder.

He pulled me to the bed and caught my eye.

The tenacious black eyes oozed great indignation.

He looked at me with eyes filled with anger and scars.

As if he had something to say, he licked his lips, but quickly turned away and sighed.

"Ellie. You have severe burns and a severe wound. It's strange that you woke up at all. So don't think about anything. Even if it's about Carlisle."

I stared at him, speechless.

I desperately wanted to see Carlisle, but he was right.

This excruciating pain struck me for the first time.

I have to accept and endure.

"Get some sleep," he threw to me.

My eyelids were getting heavier. Although I still needed to talk to him.

Looking at the current situation, you would think that he was the one who saved Carlisle and me.

I should have said thank you.


However, the only thing that came out, even when I open my lips, is a moan.

Raymond's face was contorted as if in pain.

I felt bad, but his face also seemed painful.

"How are you…"

I couldn't finish my sentence. Darkness fell before my eyes.

* * *

"Unconscious again?"

When Ellie's eyelids slammed shut and her body went limp, Raymond asked in alarm.

"Sleeping pills, sire."

Harpen answered, hastily summoned from the Duke's estate.

After all, he took care of Ellie from a young age, and knew her condition best of all.

"Well, if she came to her senses, then we are on the right way?"

"Yes. Fortunately, the medicine is showing itself well, and she already had one foot in the grave. If you follow the instructions kindly, she will soon recover."

The court doctor finished his report and Raymond relaxed his petrified face.

Then he looked at the sleeping Ellie.

When he came here, hearing that she was conscious, the first thing he wanted to do was ask about Carlisle.

How could you take my son away from me?

As much as you hated me, you had to tell me the truth as a father.

But when he saw Ellie, he couldn’t give out anything cocky.

She looked very sickly with her red face, dull eyes and breathlessness.

His heart was moved by her suffering appearance.

For a moment he hated her for deceiving, but he could no longer harbor such feelings.

"When consciousness returns, let me know."

It hurt to see her like this.

Leaving the room, Raymond walked slowly and stopped in front of Carlisle's door.

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