I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 306: Definition of madness


[Loading purchase...]

It barely took a second, for the inevitable effects of the stunning upgrade, to make themselves present.

Most purchases in particular, tend to bring pain as a subordinate; but when an upgrade had to do with intelligence, it proved certain that the branch of pain would be unique.

In this case, the word 'unique' was just a fancy title that sugar-coated a sour experience.

For Timmy, it felt as if a one-ton rock had landed against his head and ripped his flesh open.

The pain was complex as much as it was uncomfortable. One portion of the upgrade had numbed a lot of his senses, which should reduce pain reception.

It should, but yet it didn't. Because the branches of pain were isolated under the skin ~ right in the hero's brain.

The discomfort had nothing to do with muscle strain of any sort, but was solely isolated around the nervous system portions, that were located near the brain; along with the brain itself.

Specifically, since neuron cells were both increasing in number and letting out their branches through his brain, in order to create a stronger density; which in exchange, honed intelligence.

Typically this shouldn't be painful whatsoever; but his brain had gone through enough upgrades already and developed quite a complexion.

Now since that perplexity was literally ripped open in order to increase intelligence, this process had no other option but to be incredibly painful.

When this procedure was looked at from another angle, this upgrade literally re-molded Timothy's head!

In all ways, this tremendous pain was adequate to knock the young man out cold.

But luck may have been by his side, perhaps? Because he was still up and partially observant.

The purchase itself wasn't greater in volume when compared to the creative intelligence upgrade, but it was still plentiful.

One's best guess would be that the meal he just had, didn't allow Tim to lose consciousness; perhaps the amount of energy he had right now, wouldn't quite allow for pain to take over?

Regardless of the sole reason, it proved to be a good advantage right now. Who would want to be knocked out cold? It wasn't a pleasant experience and most avoided such a fate.

As for pain itself, it was noticeable that the worst part was over. And at the moment, billions of glia cells were showering the sea-pancake's brain!

These cells specifically cooperated with the previous ones. Their intent was to embrace balance, especially for the new neuron cells that had merged with his brain, just a moment ago.

In exchange, this gracious balance was enough to steer pain away; discomfort reduced by the passing moment.

And thankfully, the system could acknowledge that success itself had just been achieved.

[Upgrade complete]

[Your emotional intelligence has been increased by twenty-points,]

[Your current emotional intelligence is at ninety-five points.]

[Four-hundred system points consumed,]

[You have twenty-nine-hundred and twenty-three system points remaining]

"That's a lot of points," He managed to add, even while he was experiencing the aftermath of the great upgrade.

[Most definitely, it will take a while for you to deplete them all]

[However, you shouldn't be focused on points right now]

[It is my pleasure to inform, that thanks to this upgrade, your brain has reached a complexity wide enough to label you a genius]

[So, you're officially a genius now]

As the hero pushed away other portions of the headache, he was able to understand just how important such a statement was.

And after a moment, he questioned. "So I can outsmart all of my enemies now, right?"

[I expected you to ask about that, but we are in the relentless seas so such brute thoughts are acceptable]

[As for your question... yes, you should be able to outsmart a lot of enemies]

[But I advise you to be wary of how you use your intelligences in any situation]

[Your creative intelligence is above any other, which has helped you to reach the title of a genius, much sooner than expected]

[And since your creative intelligence isn't nearly equal to your other ones, imbalance can occur]

[For example, what creativity deems necessary in any situation; emotional standards could beg to differ]

[In exchange, you could become highly indecisive; in the sea world, that can dig your watery grave]

Timmy was still under the influence of a throbbing headache, so he could only understand half of the system's words at first ~ but he fully caught up only after pondering the information for a couple of minutes.

And afterwards he finally managed to express, "I understand what you mean, system."

[You should. It would be hilarious if you didn't understand a thing, even after so many intelligence upgrades]

"Don't mock a beaten man," He felt the urge to pressure.

But just then he noticed exactly what he had said, and almost shocked himself at the same process.

Sure his request made sense, but did it fit in the dictionary he usually embraced? For a quick second, he thought that Gerlach had spoken out all of a sudden.

But little observation helped figure out that those words were Tim's instead. And while he tried to figure out the root of such influence, the system was swift to intervene.

[Quit worrying about what you just said. Your emotional intelligence can highly affect what kind of vocabulary you use]

[So as this type of intelligence increases, you will only use more sophisticated words]

With a little smile, Tim was excited to ask. "Oh... so I will literally sound smarter?"

[Most definitely. But that's not all,]

[Emotional intelligence also affects how you view the world, how you see other individuals, or social situations as well]

"So basically, I can trick enemies easier?" He questioned right away.

The system was a bit irritated at how he linked any thought to battle, but didn't want to say anything about it. Instead, she chose to embrace another topic.

[You'd have more chances to trick dumber fish, yes]

[But there are hazards you should be cautious towards,]

[A typical route for guests who upgraded emotional intelligence several times, was craze]

[They fully understood their place in the universe, and just didn't take it to well]

[Those same guests, ended up being mentally paralyzed although there was nothing wrong with them whatsoever]

Timmy instantly decided that such a fate was something that he firmly wanted to avoid. And of course, the strategic portion of his noggin, urged to set a base plan that he could follow.

Which was why he asked, "Can you give me an example of craziness? So I know what to avoid."

[The examples are endless and it would take a lifetime to explain every aspect, but there is a specific quote that would fit in well here]

[This quote was made by one of the smartest guests I ever had; and indefinitely, this was the craziest fish of them all]

[However. Sayings of this sort, can help you figure out what thoughts to avoid]

"Let's hear the quote," He requested.

[Our place in the universe is small and irrelevant. Nothing we will do would be considered enough,]

[We are pressured by every-day-life to embrace ignorance, for the sole purpose of evading the prime thought; our lives won't contribute towards anything, apart from the never-ending death toll]

[In this earth, we will eventually be counted as just another death, between the billions who have died already,]

[While in comparison to the whole universe, our existence is nothing but a small tiny spec ~ irrelevant and almost non-existent]

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