I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 196: One Missing Person

After burying Gray, the two reentered the site. It was already dark, and they had been at the site for almost 48 hours. A lot had happened in the past two days and nights, but finally, the truth was about to emerge.

They went to the room where the unconscious researchers were located, ready to try to wake some of them up to understand the situation. When they reached the door, Yang Xue suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Jue looked over at her.

"Something's not right." Yang Xue frowned, "Someone is missing."

"Huh?" Zhang Jue raised an eyebrow.

Yang Xue looked at the researchers lying on the ground, "When I found them just now, I had counted them, including Supervisor Gray. There were three rows in total, eight people in each row, but now the last row is missing one person."

Zhang Jue let out a heave. Strange things happened every year, but this year there were too many.

"Don't mind him." Zhang Jue thought for a moment, then said, "Respond to all changes with no change. We have to follow our own thought process and not let the enemy lead us with that."

Yang Xue nodded because it was true. The two followed what they had discussed before and found Gray's daughter, Loris. Yang Xue squatted down and held her in his arms. Zhang Jue placed his palm on top of Loris's head. He took a deep breath and activated his skill. Their idea was simple, to wake up Loris as well.

Since the evolved version of SCP-3125 was even more dangerous, Zhang Jue didn't dare to wake everyone up until he found a way to identify it completely. After hearing Gray's story, they already knew the reason why the Head of the Antimemetics Division didn't dare to ask for help from the outside world.

Allowing the SCP-3125 to reenter human society would be a catastrophe. In fact, there was another way to stop SCP-3125. It is to do what Director Healey did. Kill all these people. But this skill can only cure the symptoms and slow-down SCP-3125's invasion of the world.

SCP-3125 is everywhere. As long as someone shares part of its philosophy, it will soon come back again and cannot be prevented. After careful consideration, since it had taken its existence here, Zhang Jue decided to finish the job in one go. Because if he missed the opportunity, it would be an almost impossible task to locate its followers in a sea of people.

After careful deliberation, Zhang Jue chose to bring Loris to woke up. Ask her what had happened on this side of the main building. Loris' obsession wasn't as heavy as Gray's, and there was no risk to her subconscious mind. After two minutes, she slowly opened her eyes.

What caught her eye was a pair of strange men and women. The woman was holding a syringe and seemed to be trying to inject some kind of medicine into her.

"Who are you guys? What do you want?!" She instinctively shouted out.

But due to the long coma, her limbs were already uncoordinated, and she couldn't exert any strength at all. The man pressed her shoulder and showed a [DATA DELETED] expression.

"Sister, don't be afraid. You are now sick, and I'll give you a shot on your body. You will be well, don't worry about it."

The tone of voice was like a trafficker of women. Hearing him speak obscenely, the woman gave the man a blank look but did not open her mouth to stop and just focused on the action of the hands. The man laughed heartedly.

The woman placed the syringe in front of her eyes and precisely controlled the measurement as she said, "Loris, you just had amnesia. This is an X Class memory enhancer. It will make you remember us and what happened recently. Don't be afraid."

With that, she rolled up Loris' sleeve. Loris tried to struggle, but she couldn't break free from the man's grip at all. She could only watch as they injected a bottle of unknown medicine into her body.

Loris felt a coolness in half of her body, a sensation that followed the drug all the way to her brain. Next, she felt her body recovering its state as countless memories returned to her mind, and she remembered the identities of Zhang Jue and Yang Xue.

"Advisor Zhang, Dr. Yang," she called out softly.

Seeing that the drug had taken effect, Yang Xue gently breathed a sigh of relief. She asked, "Loris, how do you feel now?"

"I feel good, and my body is full of power," Loris said.

The X Class memory enhancer could bring back youth for a short period of time, and the better she felt now, the more obvious the backlash would come in a while. Yang Xue found some food and water from his backpack and handed them to her.

Loris had been in a coma and hadn't eaten for nearly a day and a night. She took the food from Yang Xue's hand and ate it while looking around.

"Dr. Yang Xue, what happened to them? Why are we here?" She asked.

"Sister, we should be the ones to ask you that question." Zhang Jue took over, "We went to explore the building on the left with your father, but then we received your distress signal. What happened?"

"I..." Loris covered her forehead and seemed to be in some pain as she began to recall the experience. "After you guys left, I followed my father's instructions and led the remaining people to wait in the hall. One of them went to the bathroom and never came back. We went to look for him together and found him collapsed in the hallway outside the bathroom. Before we could get to him, suddenly a white gas appeared in the hallway, and everyone fainted."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Zhang Jue waved his hand, interrupting her, "You mean to tell me that you walked outside the corridor and were dazed, and you didn't send out a distress signal?"

"No..." Loris struggled to remember, "That hypnotic gas took effect so quickly that everyone lost consciousness almost instantly. I'm sure I'm not the one."

Zhang Jue gave a heave. As he expected, someone had indeed deliberately done something to them. The purpose then was not to let them get close to that code pad. Suppose he and Gray had cracked that code together and gotten underground. Gray had the key, and they could easily get those memory aid potions and learn the truth of the matter.

Then the question came up again, why didn't he kill all of them?

Zhang Jue had some guesses in his mind, but there was insufficient evidence at the moment, so he wasn't going to say it yet. Speaking of which, Loris realized that something was wrong, and she looked around.

"Dr. Yang, where is my father? Where did he go?"

"He..." Yang Xue paused, unsure how to break the news to the girl, who was not yet twenty years old.

Zhang Jue was about to speak when Loris suddenly lowered her head.

"He's dead, isn't he?"

Zhang Jue said curiously, "How do you know?"

Yang Xue was about to scold Zhang Jue for not being more polite when Loris gently shook her head. To Yang Xue's surprise, she wasn't hysterical.

"Father once said." Loris said, "If it were possible, he would have sacrificed himself so that we could keep the hope of life."

Yang Xue sighed and patted her shoulder. Zhang Jue didn't think so.

"Sister, you have to live to survive. You can't waste food. Now I have a question. Can you tell which one of these people behind you are missing?

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