I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 228: Going to Site-15

After leaving Site-188, Zhang Jue took the Foundation's special plane to Site-18 that was located in the middle of an ocean. It was said to be a special plane, but it was indeed a special plane. Not Zhang Jue's special plane, but a special plane to deliver supplies.

It was just that Zhang Jue happened to be going there to give a lift. Zhang Jue was disgusted by this hitchhike, but ultimately did not choose to go to the regular airport himself. After all, that would take a lot of time, and Zhang Jue did not want to spend too much energy on this matter.

With two years and a few months to go before the end of the human race, what he wants to do now is to find some powerful SCP to fulfill his young heart. But unfortunately, except for Site-14, the Foundation would not let him fool around.

The number of the site Zhang Jue came to this time was Site-15. Like the numbering of the SCP project, in order to prevent the enemy from judging any useful information based on the number, the Foundation named the site with a random number. It does not mean that Site-15 is built after Site-15.

In fact, in this world, site15. Located on the Atlantic coast and was one of the first few sites established by the Foundation. Like Site-237, it is also one of the Foundation's several special sites. Which specializes in containing and studying those electronic, electrical, and computer anomalies. The famous SCP-079 (Old AI) was contained here.

In order to prevent communication between the anomalous electronics object to the outside world, the main storage and containment part of Site-15 is unpowered. Not only has its own independent power supply system, but they were isolated from the network and the outside world.

It can be said that it becomes a small world alone. Which is necessary. Not to mention that SCP-079 has tried more than once to break through the containment through the network. If it succeeds, then I'm sure humanity being ruled by intelligent robots will become a reality.

For most of the researchers who are specialized in computer science, it would be worth dying to see the source code of SCP-079. There was more than one person in the Foundation who thought this way, and Simmons was one of them.

After Zhang Jue went to Siberia, he immediately applied to the Foundation's headquarters for a one-hour opportunity to communicate with SCP-079 in exchange for a three-year non-vacation. Simmons' was clean and his resume was simple. After a brief screening, the headquarters agreed to his request.

Zhang Jue learned the news over the phone, he sent him only two words as a response.

"Weird ass." As a geeky technician, Simmons' head was filled with experiments and code, so he didn't care about Zhang Jue's word.

After being scolded, he was proud of himself instead of being ashamed. Zhang Jue could not possibly understand him. Three years without vacation in exchange for a chance to realize his dream. In his opinion is a huge profit.

It was nothing but a nonstop working. Since he was so righteous, Zhang Jue didn't bother to teach him how to bargain with the Foundation. But Zhang Jue still warned Simmons not to come to him if he was left with his pants down by the Foundation.


After a bit of fussing, the two arrived at Site-15 simultaneously. The staff picked them up and brought them into the site, which was called the electronic prison. After entering the site's range, Zhang Jue took out his cell phone and found that even the signal was blocked.

The receptionist gave them both a walkie-talkie. "Advisor Zhang, Dr. Simmons. In this site, you can only use this to talk. The channel is 3315, every morning and evening at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, the channel will automatically change and displayed on the intercom screen. You two should pay attention to it. In addition, since both of you carry electronic devices, they are not allowed to be used here."

Simmons handed the phone to the receptionist while asking, "Can't you use your electronic watch either?"

"No." The receptionist shook his head, "No electronic devices are allowed, there was an incident caused by an SCP using an employee's chess game machine to build a small robot and break through the containment."

Simmons nodded. He was like a sponge, every extra second he stayed, the more knowledge he learnt. One day, it would be an honor for him to be in charge of the SCP here on his own as well.

Zhang Jue handed all the electronic equipment to that receptionist and looked around, "Where are the others at your site?"

Zhang Jue's question was very unleveled. But this receptionist's level is obviously not high and usually this type of hospitality served for people like Simmons. Zhang Jue is now the Foundation's big celebrity, this kind of hospitality is not enough.

Others like Site-118 Site Director Maxim went to a great extent to welcome him. This is not to say that everyone should treat Zhang Jue greatly, he just thought that situation like this is a bit different.

Site-15 was having a little bit of problem, and he was asked by the headquarters to help them. According to the reason, there shouldn't be any cold treatment.

"Strange, the Site Director said he was coming to give you a welcome for Advisor Zhang." That receptionist was also a bit surprised, he thought about it, and then tapped his head.

"I know, he must have run off to the lab again."

With the receptionist leading the way, Zhang Jue and Simmons both made their way outside a certain laboratory. Zhang Jue looked inside, while it may seem to be a laboratory, but he saw that the room had many computers neatly yarded on the tables. Like internet cafes in general.

In front of one of the computers furthest from the door, a man was staring at the screen. From the back, this person looks a bit old, his figure is a bit hunched, and the hair on his head has almost fallen out. A few people came closer and found that the open notepad on his desktop was densely packed with code.

But this makes Zhang Jue feel a little strange, the general public will not use notepads to write code. Using IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the way to go. Not only it can detect error prompts, but there are various tools that could be useful.

When Zhang Jue was learning to program on his own, he couldn't remember the full spelling of certain words and relied on hints. In his opinion, there are only three categories of people who use Notepad for programming.

The first category is the white guy who just started learning programming and doesn't know how to use the IDE yet.

The second category is to pretend to be a cerebral palsy, for proficient in CV method they, whether or not to use the IDE does not matter. They usually also open the black dos window, despite it only shows "hello world" to let some rookies think they are smart.

As for the third category, well, probably is the gods. In front of someone that is genius, their IDE is like floating clouds, and they code with their eyes. Let alone using Notepad, writing a code with hand is also not a problem.

The person who was here is no doubt falls into that category.

"He is our Site Director, Lord Walnut." The receptionist whispered.

Sure enough. Zhang Jue and Simmons nodded their heads at the same time. This Site Director was frowning at the moment, seemingly stuck on some problem. Completely unaffected to the arrival of the three of them, because he was already immersed in his own world.

Seeing him so engaged, the three were not good at interrupting. But curiosity drove them to come behind him. Zhang Jue took a look at it, the code on it didn't belong to any of the world's mainstream languages. It seemed to be a very niche development language, and naturally he couldn't understand it with his half-baked level.

Simmons was immediately attracted by the code on it, sighing at its subtlety. Under the watchful eyes of the three, the Site Director copied the code to a virtual machine in his computer and clicked to run it, but an error was reported.

The error message was a string of garbled codes. Zhang Jue reckoned that this was the Site Director own original language, and the error reporting mechanism was not quite perfect. He looked carefully, but he didn't know exactly where the error was.

The Site Director reopened the code again and examined it line by line. This time, even Simmons joined the work, and he simply squatted on one side. Although he did not know this language, but most of the development language is more or less the same. A line of code could be learned, mainly how its logic works.

Site Director Walnut looked at Simmons, but did not speak anything. They continued their observation. Two of them were looking what's wrong with the code.

An hour passed. The two still had no progress. At this time, Zhang Jue finally couldn't sit still. He also came behind the two. Although he was a half-assed level, but what if he really found the problem.

Things in the world were just so coincidental. Just as the Site Director Walnut's cursor rested on a certain line. Zhang Jue suddenly called out, "Stop!"

Site Director Walnut looked back at him. Simmons also looked at Zhang Jue in amazement. Programming is a very professional job, and compared to other professions, the threshold for entry is considered relatively high. Even if Advisor Zhang was good at everything else, this was not his field after all.

"Young man, what's wrong with this code?" Site Director walnut asked.

Zhang Jue coughed a few times. "Let me first declare that I don't know much about this stuff either. I only learn some basics of programming when I was a little, so don't laugh at me if I'm wrong. But here, yes, it's this line. Shouldn't there be a semicolon?"

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