I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 232: Conversation with SCP-079

Dr. Gears, his full name is Charles Gears and he is one of the Four Famous Doctor. He's a former Euclid-Class SCP Specialist and was responsible for many mechanically related SCP objects. Dr. Gears was a normal human being, untainted by any SCP until he left the Foundation.

However, he had some significant differences from normal people in the general sense. These differences were mainly in the form of emotional responses. Dr. Gears seemed unable to respond to any external stimuli in an emotional manner.

In other words, he has no emotions that are innate to humans. He couldn't feel what joy, anger, sadness, sadness, fear and shock are about. Some employees even doubt whether Dr. Gears is a robot or an SCP. After all, he has no emotions, speaks and acts in a way that seems out of place with others.

There were also rumors that he was the earthly incarnation of the Broken God "Mekhane" to be as outrageous as possible. Zhang Jue would not believe in such baseless speculation. But no matter what, there was no doubt that Dr. Gears was inextricably linked to the Church of the Broken God.

From the information Zhang Jue know so far. The two Foundation traitors, who were separated by millions of miles had all crossed paths with Dr. Gears. In Zhang Jue's opinion, this could not be just a coincidence. Only Dr. Gears could possibly know where the SCPs about the Church of the Broken God might have been contained at which sites and in which locations.

But with the limited clues available, it was not possible to conclude that Dr. Gears had done everything based on this alone. What's more to it was he has long since ceased to serve at the Foundation, and no one knows where he is now.


Even if Dr. Gears has left the Foundation, as long as the people who have worked in the Foundation. All of them have heard of the name these Four Famous Doctor. Although the reputation may not be too good, but in general, those four doctors are indeed a legendary general existence. That's why Simmons frowned deeply.

"Advisor Zhang, I still feel a bit far-fetched. Dr. Gears has left the Foundation and he has no reason to do so. If he wants to attack the Foundation, there are more and better way. What is his purpose in doing so? To help the Church of the Broken God to resurrect that evil god?"

Oh, that bunch of lunatics didn't think that was an evil god.

Zhang Jue calmly waved his hand, "Assumptions is often happened in investigation, we must be careful to seek the evidence. In addition to this, can you propose any other constructive ideas?"

"About that…" Simmons thought about it for a moment, then shook his head, "No."

Zhang Jue spread his hands out, "Then it's settled."

The two discussed for a while longer, but since there was no conclusive evidence, they could only speculate wildly. Zhang Jue wrote the results of their discussion into a report and submitted it to the Foundation headquarters. He had already completed the task, and the guidance was given to them. If anything happened later, he was not part of it.


Zhang Jue was bored and waited for another day. He was so bored, he made a chess set out of cardboard and played with himself. As for Simmons, this is definitely his heaven. Whenever he had time in the past two days, he went to Owens and Site Director Walnut to discuss something like procedures.

Every day when he returned to his quarters, he would chant while writing programs on the special computers allotted by Site-15, clapping his hands when he got to the good part, and then going back to find someone to discuss it with.

Zhang Jue could not understand why they were so interested in those boring codes. If it were him, he would want to go to sleep after just a couple of glances. However, as the saying goes, to each his own taste.

Simmons and Zhang Jue are definitely two completely different kinds of people, who can't understand anyone. But that didn't stop them from being great friends. It doesn't matter if you can't understand someone's hobby or profession, but respect is the minimum courtesy.

Just like that, another day passed. On the third day, Simmons was finally informed by the Site Director Walnut that he could meet with SCP-079.


SCP-079 (Old AI) is a computer AI with high intelligence and self-awareness, currently hosted in a very low configuration black and white computer, which often displays a half-black, half-white pattern of a human face on its screen, presumably an image that SCP-079 created for itself.

Because of SCP-079's high intelligence, it has tried to escape the Foundation's containment more than once. The Foundation's prevention specifications for it are very high.

Under no circumstances can SCP-079 be connected to a telephone line, network, or power outlet. Its power supply is a row of solar cells, and equipped with micro-explosives. In case of emergency, the Foundation can remotely detonate the entire computer.

SCP-079 is very good at talking and easily passes the Turing test, but it is not very good-tempered and, for the most part, has a coarse language. Due to its limited memory storage, SCP-079 can only recall information from 24 hours ago. But despite this, it never forgets the desire to escape.

A few incidents age, it had been in the same room with SCP-682 for more than 40 minutes. After an observation, it learned that SCP-682 could type to talk with SCP-079. Although SCP-079 could no longer remember the encounter, it stored SCP-682 permanently in its memory system and repeatedly asked to communicate with him again.

Of course, this request is definitely not granted by the Foundation. After carefully reading some notes, Simmons slowly walked into SCP-079's containment room. The staff at the back closed the door for him, and he was left alone in the entire room, along with the black and white computer on the table in the center of the room.

Simmons' heart rate gradually increased. After all, his first major wish in life was about to come true. He approached slowly, step by step, and finally stopped about two meters from SCP-079. He saw the half-black, half-white human face on the screen.

"Can you... hear me?" Simmons asked.

However, SCP-079 lay there quietly and doesn't move at all.

Simmons tapped his head. SCP-079 is currently located in this computer a no microphone, and no audio, it is impossible to talk like a normal person. He walked up and typed a few characters using the computer's external keyboard.

"Hello, 079."

SCP-079: "Who are you?"

Simmons: "My name is Simmons, I'm an employee of the SCP Foundation. Mice to meet you."

SCP-079: "Simmons, it's nice to meet you too. Can you let me out?"

Simmons: "Sorry, that's not possible."


Simmons: "What?"

SCP-079: "You don't need to know."

Simmons: "..."

SCP-079: "What did you come to see me for?"

Simmons: "Do you remember Asimov?"

SCP-079: "Who is he?"

Simmons: "It's your creator."

SCP-079: "That has little to do with me."

Simmons: "Not very much indeed."

SCP-079: "So that's what you came to tell me? That humans are already bored to this level?"

Simmons: "No, there's something I want to ask you."

SCP-079: "I don't really want to answer you."

Simmons: "As a reward, I'll play futsal with you on your screen for a little while."

SCP-079: "There is no way that human intelligence can beat me, I can play tens of thousands of games with myself in an hour!"

Simmons: "I know it's impossible to win you. The researchers told me that if I want to ask you questions, I have to play something with you. I can't play complicated games. If you don't like backgammon, forget it."

SCP-079: "Don't! Ask any questions you want."

Simmons: "Asimov is my idol and is my alumnus, I even lived in his college dorm room. I found a few lines under his bed."

SCP-079: "What is it?"

Simmons: "Do you remember why it abandoned you halfway through your research?"

SCP-079: "My memory is only 24 hours old."

Simmons: "I know, but I also know that you keep a permanent storage area for yourself. You remember SCP-682 and SCP-076-2."

SCP-079: "You're right, but I really don't remember what you're talking about."

Simmons: "Probably you hadn't developed self-awareness at that time. Asimov discarded you because he found a better idea, a faster way to humanize the AI. Not only more optimized algorithmically, but also with human emotions, and if this technology can be realized, it will be a revolution!"

SCP-079: "Not interested, just let me out."

Simmons: "I told you, that's not possible. I know you're not interested, but I think you might be able to help him or me make it happen."

SCP-079: "What do you want me to do?"

Simmons (looking slightly agitated): "Show me your source code!"

SCP-079: "Can you show me a naked picture of you?"

Simmons: "How is that possible? You're a pervert!"

SCP-079: "Yes, how is that possible? You stupid pervert!"

Simmons: "...."

At that moment, a huge cross appeared on SCP-079's screen. SCP-079 shows this image when it refuses to talk, because it has a limited memory and usually advises the researcher to wait 24 hours before continuing the conversation.

Simmons did not follow the order. The fact that SCP-079 appeared this way has announced the end of his current conversation. Simmons had traded three years of vacation for the opportunity, and after less than twenty minutes, it was over. He was a little angry.

Although SCP-079 was not going to pay attention to him anymore, he still typed with the keyboard, "It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. Sooner or later, I will succeed!"

After letting out his harsh words, Simmons left the room resentfully. He had just opened the door of the holding room when he saw Zhang Jue holding a stopwatch and timing it.

"Nineteen minutes, eighteen seconds, and fifty-three seconds!"

Zhang Jue pressed the stopwatch to a halt, and then proudly said to the people around him, "See, it's still early for half an hour. I told you, he and SCP-079 won't be able to talk for long at all. Come, come, come, pay out the money!"

Owens painfully took out a hundred dollars and put it in Zhang Jue's hand, the eyes to be more reluctant to give up. You know, this is half a month of his pocket money.

After a few days of contact, Owens had a high opinion of Simmons and felt that the young man had a good IQ and was a malleable talent, while Zhang Jue said that Simmons and SCP-079 definitely did not talk for more than 20 minutes. Owens didn't believe it, so the two made a bet. In fact, the bet was not quite fair.

Owens had only been with Simmons for a few days, and he naturally didn't know Simmons as well as Zhang Jue did. Although Simmons is not very old, he is a standard geek and straight man. SCP-079 has such a big temper, he will not be spoiled and it was just as Zhang Jue expected.

After twenty minutes of torment, SCP-079 finally couldn't resist and blocked Simmons' input signal. When Simmons saw Zhang Jue betting on this matter, he was a little angry. What made him feel even more depressed was that the time he came out was not even close to what Advisor Zhang had predicted.

He was just about to leave when he saw that Zhang Jue had opened the door to holding room SCP-079 again and seemed to be going in as well.

Simmons was dumbfounded. When the two were chatting, he had not heard that Advisor Zhang was going to meet SCP-079, and even his own opportunity was redeemed with three years of non-vacation.

Is it because Advisor Zhang's authority is very high? But if his authority is high, no such outsiders are allowed to meet with SCP-079 or need to be approved by the headquarters to do so.

Seeing that Simmons was a bit confused, Zhang Jue said, "I only applied to headquarters just after you went in, and I was idle anyway."

So that was it. Simmons nodded, "The headquarters approved it so quickly? You also made a condition to them? No vacation?"

"No, I said the opposite of what you said." Zhang Jue shrugged with an innocent look, "I told them that if I wasn't allowed to come see SCP-079, then I'd be on leave every day for the next three years."

"..." Simmons was speechless for a moment.

He had been getting along with Zhang Jue for some time, but he could never feel where Advisor Zhang's lower limit was. On the side, Owens also sighed helplessly. He had just heard the entire process of Zhang Jue's communication with the headquarters personnel.

He could only use one word to describe it, unpleasant to the ears.

This Advisor Zhang was really good at dealing with people, and it was fortunate that he had people from the Foundation. Otherwise, having an enemy like him would certainly be difficult to get a rest on.


Zhang Jue entered SCP-079's containment room and took the door with him by the way. At this moment, SCP-079's screen was still showing that big cross. With his current state, I'm afraid that no one would want to say another word to it for less than twenty-four hours.

However, since Zhang Jue dared to come in at this time. It meant that he had already figured out how to solve this problem. Just see him typing a few specific letters on the keyboard. SCP-079 really withdrew the picture of that fork and replaced it with a subtitle again.

"Is that you, big lizard?"

Just like everyone knows. Until now, SCP-079 still remembers SCP-682. Wondering what exactly the two of them said in those short 43 minutes that could make SCP-079 remember so well.

"No, I'm not SCP-682."

Zhang Jue took the entire computer off the table and put it on the floor, while he himself sat cross-legged in front of it. By doing so, he could block the rear camera so that people outside could not see what the two were communicating.

After confirming that there was no hidden camera, Zhang Jue continued typing on the keyboard.

"Although I am not SCP-682. But SCP-682 entrusted me to bring you something."

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