I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 237: Demonstration of Abilities

Smith's MTF is called Black Pearl Squad, and the squad members are all people he worked with as a mercenary. Will Smith did not adhere to the approved procedure to join the Foundation, and the Black Pearl Squad was not created as a result of the old Smith returning from the future and altering the course of history.

He was tasked by Zhang Jue with bringing these people together. After more than two months of sprinting through South American rainforests, Smith kept his word and eventually returned back every single one of his brothers.

When the two Smiths brought Zhang Jue this wonderful gift, his only concern was the fact that he had no one under his control. Zhang Jue's first MTF team was this one. even though their tools weren't sophisticated enough. But everything was OK as long as there were people around.

A few dozen sets of the MTF squad's equipment were not an issue at all because Zhang Jue had even been successful in gaining access to the SCP objects at the headquarters. Zhang Jue cast a quick glance in front of him at the soldiers.

Years of conflict had been taking place in the rainforest, and they had each developed a vicious aura and ferocious, resolute gaze, just like those who had emerged from hell. If common people see them, they will be so terrified they won't know what to do. Zhang Jue would have a good chuckle when he woke up in the morning if they could use such a group of individuals for themselves.

"Without my orders, I'm sure Smith hasn't informed you my identity yet, and I think you should be inquisitive as to what I really am and why I have made your two employers' hearts happy," Zhang Jue remarked, staring at the faces covered in wounds and filth.

Zhang Jue came to a conclusion and took a minute to look around the Black Pearl team. These troops shouldn't be viewed as mudbloods because they were the ones who had actually faced life and death.

The President of the America might not necessarily be welcomed, given that Zhang Jue was only a young guy who appeared to be in his twenties.

These people were like a fierce beast. If it wasn't for Smith, the leader, they wouldn't even look at Zhang Jue. Zhang Jue was well aware of this, and he knew that it would not take one night to get these people to sincerely follow his orders.

"My name is Zhang Jue, and I serve as the SCP Foundation's special advisor. What the SCP Foundation is, Smith has previously told you about it, but I know that you are not truly interested in these things."

Zhang Jue was correct; these mercenaries fight valiantly and pillage for nothing more than to suck the blood from their blades. Some did it for the money, others for the ladies, but no one ever fought for global harmony and human reproduction.

They are excessively removed from those. Who has time to consider where humanity will go in the future when you can't even see the sun tomorrow? Fuck that.

"Let's get real; I don't like all that fluff." Zhang Jue said, "The most important thing is that I can allow you to live, and live better and better. I can promise you, follow me, money is naturally less."

"Some of you might laugh because you believe I'm using metaphor. I can only say that you are regrettably mistaken if you believe that you can survive just as well without me."

"I don't want you to sacrifice yourselves as if you were going to save the world, but at least for your own good. The world is not as simple as you may imagine. Devils and other monsters are proliferating in great numbers.

"There may be those who wonder how I can speak such things and why I dare, but today I shall temporarily satiate your curiosity."

Zhang Jue responded by removing a gun from his pocket. He extended his arms forward, pointed the revolver at himself, and pressed the trigger as the Black Pearl Squad watched him closely.

Without prior notice, a gunshot. The team members gasped in surprise. Despite hearing Captain Smith describe the young advisor Zhang as "extremely skilled," they were unprepared to witness such a dramatic event when they first met. Zhang Jue was unharmed and in his original position when the smoke cleared.

He made a loud, clear sound as he spat something into the ground, and when the audience turned to look, they saw that it was indeed a bullet. This time, everyone on the crew was in shock. They interact with firearms on a daily basis; in a sense, they live a double existence.

Humans are incapable of responding to such close range gunshots. This young man truly acted quite heroically in the film; his strength was demonstrated by his bite on the bullet.

"Okay, this is the conclusion of the demonstration, if any of you are not convinced, you can challenge me, I'm always waiting," Zhang Jue nodded after being quite pleased with their performance.

The strength that Zhang Jue just shown was totally unheard of in human history. How could anyone dare to oppose him when it was the first time the squad members had seen him. After taking a few steps back, Zhang Jue nodded to Smith.

Smith gave a small nod in agreement before directing the Black Pearl team in search of a position to find a place to settle.


Half an hour later. Smith, Old Smith, and Zhang Jue regrouped in the plant.

Smith chuckled and said, "Advisor Zhang, you're still fantastic, these brothers of mine are all pricks, you showed them something, they should now know that there are more stronger people than you."

This was the exact result Zhang Jue was going for as he nodded his head. "Advisor Zhang, if I'm not mistaken, the ammunition in your pistol should be blanks at this point." said old Smith, who had been silent the entire time.

Smith surprised turned to gaze at Zhang Jue. On the other hand, Zhang Jue grinned and nodded.

Nonsense, even if he could now become bulletproof, but who would act so foolishly as to shoot themselves?

Smith shook his head helplessly, thinking that because he was already a magician, it would be far too simple to meddle with something so insignificant. Really, this advisor Zhang has a way of surprising everyone. It was necessary to point out that the older Smith had more experience as an agent than the younger Smith.

Although he had only recently met Zhang Jue, he was able to see through his acts to the ulterior motives behind them because to both his keen observational abilities and his understanding of how people think. Zhang Jue, he knew, was not the type to act in such a way.

After a brief period of laughter, all three of their expressions progressively turned solemn. "Advisor Zhang, it seems that things have become more and more unsettling recently," Smith stated with a concerned expression on his face.

Zhang Jue nodded, acknowledging that there were numerous issues just on the surface, and it was impossible to know how many underlying issues existed in those concealed areas.

"Smith, you recently came from South America; while it would be reasonable to give you some time to recover, you might need to take action right away in the present circumstance."

Will Smith saluted and said, "Please direct!"

Zhang Jue motioned with his hand that he didn't have to be so formal. "You and your crew head to Europe first, then go to Russia and look into what's going on; I always have the creeps."

Will Smith made a fist to take commands.

"As for old Smith." Zhang Jue paused,"Please accompany me to the sea so that I can see what those adherents of the Church of the Broken God are up to."

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